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Guest myburninghammer

powerslam, neckbreaker, rinse, repeat

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Guest saturnmark4life

It pisses me off. i'm sure the toning down had something to do with saturn not getting over. dvds, brainbusters all gone.


I'll say guys like the undertaker would probably have something to do with more capable workers only doing 3 or 4 moves but SURELY NOT??

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Guest Austin3164life

The WWE needs to let their great wrestlers wrestle in their own style that they are accustomed to and are capable of doing. It's rediculous to have one particular style for every shape of wrestler. They need to revisit some ideas from 1997 and perhaps even before that to show how most wrestlers wrestled the way they wanted to in their own style. Moves such as the Vertebreaker, Brainbuster, Tombstone, and others need to be reintroduced to get fans going. Pro-wrestlers know the risks of serious injury, so trying to keep them ultra-safe isn't the best method. Safety is good, but sometimes risks need to be taken to entertain the masses.......

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

RVD works more of a WWE style then before...you just have to take into account that his spinebuster is a rolling thunder and his suplex is a Split-legged moonsault (the prettiest move in the world IMO).


His spots are his moves...and I agree with the person who said he has benefitted from toning it down.


Hes still over and he has gotten far better at using his moves in a match to not only pop a crowd but in his own strange way...to tell a story.


RVD is best in feuds IMO.


because there is so many ways to use his spots or for his opponent to counter them or for him to use them to target a body part (See Judgment Day vs. Eddy) that it takes a few matches for his moves to make sense against each opponent.


We saw it with Eddy...and we even saw a little with Brock in their 2 matches...as Brock learned to counter everything into power moves in the rematch but RVD still perservered.


RVD is a lot more exciting than some give him credit for.


Not just for flippy-flopping either.


And I am the biggest fan of his bumping.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I was never a big RVD fan until he hit the WWF. I never saw much ecw, and my exposure with RVD was limited to the RVD/Lynn match off the ECW Extreme Evolution DVD. However..since the time he's entered in the WWF..I've become a major RVD mark, and much less of a Jericho one.


His bumping is just amazing..and while his upper strikes may suck..(his kicks still rule) he's just amazing to watch.

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Guest Dace59

Most people dont know how safe or soft some moves can be made.

A brainbuster is just a suplex with a faster lay out.

A DVD can be just a flat back bump.

An Emerald Fusion is just a flat bump for crying out loud.


It does'nt have to be some big move, just something that hasn't been seen in a while, or something a bit different.


There are thousands of mat holds yet could pull out with no problems.

Get the damn Armbar over.

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Guest Trivia247

Even the WWE's own Farm Feds HWA OVW has less restrictive styles than the WWE. And yet we probably won't see Brock's Shooting Star press that made him famous to the WWE staff. They were soooo impressed with it, but they never want to see it ever again!

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Guest Dace59

Yep, damn them.

If the crowd pops for near damn anything the "top talent" will do in the ring, then they'll fucking pop for a new damn move.

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Guest Vyce
1. Pacing. The WWE style is more methodical. It forces the wrestlers to slow it down and tell a story. It's the opposite of the lucha libre style, with one high spot every 30 seconds for 10-15 minutes. This is one aspect of the WWE style that I actually like.


So many of the others here have remarked upon these points, that it's tedious for me to dissect all of them.


But as for this one point of yours, I would argue that a slower, methodical pace only works if you have one thing to feed it - psychology. Psychology is largely devoid in the WWE style.


I was watching an old TV tape the other day....it was a WCW Nitro broadcast. Match was Eddy Guerrero vs......guess who? Disco Inferno. And the match had MORE psychology in its 5 or 6 minute length than just about anything I've seen from the WWE all year long.


I mean, c'mon. You want to work a slower pace, fine. But throw in the psychology. When Disco Inferno uses more psychology in a match than your top guys, you're in trouble.

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Guest Kid Kablam
Actually would you call what RVD does influence by Japanese stuff?


I have no clue.  He certainly doesn't remind me of a Dungeon Grad, which is what I consider to be great North American wrestling.  


But I have NOOO experiance with Japanese/Mexican stuff.


And there are other places for Great North American wrestling. The Flair's, Steamboats, Windhaims, and Austin's of the world never trained in the dungeon. I mean, Shamrock trained in the dungeon, and he was never great.

Shamrock isn't a good wrestler mainly cause he did all the reality fighting which really doesn't translate all that well into wrestling. But I will agree SHamrock was never a very good wrestler.

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Guest netslob
Yeah, just un-retire Fit Finlay and have Regal and him go out every night.

ewwww! maybe they can double-date with Patterson and the Brawler!

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