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Guest Tod deKindes

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Guest Tod deKindes

Hey guys. Fill out the following template with your wrestler's stats and I'll create him to the best of my ability in No Mercy.





Short Name:

Nickname: (appears on chyron during entrances)






Body Type: (skinny, built, fat) (elaborate on this one)

body color: (tan, pale, black man, etc)

tatoos: (keep in mind, the selection is limited in NM)

equipment: (wrist bands, elbowpads, knee pads, boots, gloves, hand taping)


ring attire

Main color:

secondary motif color:

short or long tights:

pants? (jeans, cargos, etc. yes or no)


entrance attire:



finisher: (or one that comes closest to what you use)

back finisher:


main moves: (that includes everything, grapple, ground, turnbuckles. go nuts)




Anything else I seemed to have forgotten, make sure to mention it.




Oh, and Cutthroat's entry will be gladly ignored. I actually wanna have FUN with this.

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

I remembered when the "expert on the salivation of phalli" wanted to make a CAW site =P


(bah, I'll edit in the full stats later when I can update them. my TV isnt near my computer anymore, so i gotta write all this crap down)




Name : Flunkmasta Flexxx

Short Name : Flexxx

Nickname : "The X-Rated Badass" (only if you want)

Height : 6' 3"

Weight : 239

Music : Stone Cold

Video : Stone Cold


Body Type : Medium 1

body color : between tan and pale =P he's normal

tatoos : Saturn

equipment : two black kneepads (#2), black/blue motorcross gloves, 1 left black elbow supporter, road dogg's two green crossbone boots.


ring attire : the cut jeans with a hole in them, normal colors. t-shirt is the sleeveless Cactus Jack shirt, with red color in the picture of Foley.

entrance attire : undertaker's trenchcoat

weapon : kendo stick


Finishers : 1) stone cold stunner, and 2) 3/4 neckbreaker off turnbuckle

Back Finisher : Tazzmission (not a favorite, btw. considered a rare move now)


Main Moves : If i got this the wrong way, just tell me and I'll change it. I have my full movelist and details if you need them.


Low Blows (gotta have 'em first ;) )

Manhattan Drops/elbow crushes

Knife-edge chops

Russian Legsweep

Arm Wrench w/ Hook kick

DDT #3 in strong

Sambo Suplex (F)

Belly to Belly Suplex

Swinging Neckbreaker

Scoop Piledriver

Sleeper Holds

Sidewalk Slam (F)

Reverse DDT

Half-Nelson Suplex (F)

German Suplex Pin

Sidekick that looks like Sweet Chin Music =P (F)

Clutching Punch and Lou Thesz punches, duh (both are F)

Austin Elbow Drop(F)

Single Leg Crab(F)


Mudhole Stomping @ Turnbuckles (F)


Elbow Drop from T.B. (F)

Rolling Hangover as finisher (F)

Faarooq Spinebuster

180 Spinebuster, finisher strength (F)



Taunts :


Austin 01

Taunt 004

Taunt (Chris Benoit's arm-flinging one. dont have number, sorry)

Taunt with Austin down, flinging middle fingers

Taunt 015

Taunt 025

Taunt 033


Strengths : everything from stances to turnbuckle climbing is the normal setting for a standard wrestler (like Austin). jumping distance is long, and weapon is a kendo stick. most of his strength lies in his arms and legs, and he is on the upper side of normal defense numbers.


and no, it's not realistic if you make his settings real low so you can crush him =P besides, this guy DOES have a violent history, including retiring 2 uppercard veterans (in character).

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

I already had these stats saved to my comp, so here it is for anyone who wants to create Mafia (or in this case, Manson, which is who I'll come back with, if I do come back).




Name: Mafia/Manson

Short Name: Mafia/Manson

Alias: None

Picture: ABS

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 215

Music: Cactus, Stone Cold, Tazz, Corporate. Any of these.

Titantron: None




Body Type: Medium 1

Body Color: 1

Head: Male 1

Face: Male 92

Hair: Middle 2. Front Hair 07. Dark Brown/Black.

Facial Hair: 27

Masks/Etc: Matt

Hats/Caps: None

Ring Attire: Jeans 2 > Default/Default


Tatoos: Thrasher

Gloves: Taping L&R > Black/Darkest.

Elbow Pad: Supporter L&R > Black/Darkest.

Knee Pad: Knee Brace 2 > Default Color.

Feet: Pull-Ons 03

Entrance Attire: Biker Jacket

Weapons/Props: None


For An Alternate Costume:

Switch his hair to "Ponytail 2" and "Front Hair 32".

Switch the Jeans to the "Eddie 2" tights, with Light Purple and White colors.

And switch the Biker Jacket in Entrance Attire to a black Y2J shirt, also found in Entrance Attire.





Fr. Weak Grapple-

Knee Lift (F)


Fireman Carry

Arm Drag

Falling Suplex

Neck Breaker 02

Gordbuster 02 (F)

Russian Leg Sweep


Fr. Strong Grapple-

Choke Takedown

T-Bone Suplex 02 (F)

Trapping Headbutts

Powerbomb Pin 04

Rolling Leg Lock (F)

Running Knee Strike

Belly to Belly Suplex 02 (F)

Northern Lights Suplex 01

TKO, Twist of Fate or 3/4 Tun Neck Breaker (F)


B. Weak Grapple-

Sleeper Hold

Spinning Back Drop

School Boy

Atomic Drop


B. Strong Grapple-

Neck Drop (F)

German Suplex Pin (F)

Jumping Armbar

Tiger Suplex




Counter Groin Kick

Counter Grapple



Weak Striking-

Straight Punch

Chop 01

Front Kick 01

Middle Kick 02


Strong Striking-

Austin Punch

Thrusting Knee Sidekick

Sidekick 03


Recovering Attack-

Low Blow (F)


Counter Attack-

Strong Attack (B)

Front Special Grapple

Low Blow Counter 03

Mandara Hineri

Counter Stunner


Walking Moves-

Generic 01



Running Attack-

Benoit Clothesline

Jumping Knee Attack

Jericho Flying Forearm

Kitchen Sink 01


Running Grapple-

Head Scissor Takedown 01







Upper Body Submission-

Choke Hold

Sitting Reverse Armbar

Dragon Sleeper Hold (F)

Rear Naked Choke

Ultimate Punching

Rings of Saturn


Lower Body Submission-

Side Leg Lock

Mexican Surfboard Stretch

Walls of Jericho (F)

Single Crab (F)


Ground Attack-

Elbow Drop 05

Stomp 02

Dropkick to Knee

Flipping Heel Kick



Turnbuckle Attack-

Body Hook Punch

Austin Punch

Kitchen Sink 02

Jumping Yakuza Kick


Corner Counter-

Sling Over Opponent


Tree of Woe Attack-

Haymaker Punch

Thrusting Knee Sidekick

Dropkick to Knee


Fr. Turnbuckle Grapple-

Big Chop

Eye Rake on Ropes

Hard Knee Strikes

Super Dragon Screw

Dragonsteiner (F)


B. Turnbuckle Grapple-

Forearm Smash

Super Back Drop

Forearm Smash

Super Back Drop

Reverse Frankensteiner


Counter Grapple-

Rack 'Em Up

Super Back Drop


Flying Attack-

Flying Body Press

Flying Body Press

Diving Moonsault

Guillotine Leg Drop (F)

Body Splash

Shooting Star Press (F)


Turnbuckle Inside Attack-

Diving Elbow


Turnbuckle Taunt-

Taunt 012

Taunt 007



Grapple to Apron-

Club to Chest

Suplex to Inside

Suplex to Inside

Suplex Reversal to Inside


Rope Inside Attack-

Moonsault From 2nd Rope (F)


Flying Attack to Outside-

Vaulting Body Press

Dropkick Through Ropes (F)

Rope Flip


Running Diving Taunt-



Rebound Flying Attack-

Springboard Lionsault



Apron Attack-

Middle Kick

Weak Kick


Grapple From Apron-

Sunset Flip Over Ropes

Suplex to Outside

Chokeslam to Outside

Suplex Reverse


Flying Attack From Apron-

Asai Moonsault

Diving Elbow


Flying Attack to Ring-

Missile Dropkick

Slingshot Leg Drop



Apron Taunt-

Taunt 007



Irish Whip Attack-

Thai Roundhouse Kick R


Irish Whip Grapple-

Back Toss 02

Lou Thesz Press Knuckle (F)

Hurracanrana (F)

Manhattan Drop

Front Special Grapple




Taunt 013

Taunt 013

Taunt 013


Special Taunt-

Kane 01


Ducking Taunt-

Taunt 006


Celebration Taunt-

Taunt 090


Entry Way Taunt-




Double Team Grapple-

Double Powerbomb Drop

Neckbreaker Back Drop

Double Powerbomb

Dudley Death Drop (3D)


Double Team Attack-

Doomsday Device

Doomsday Device

Missile Dropkick



Pinning Reversal




Stance: Normal

Ring Entry: Normal

Counter/Reversals: Light-Heavy

Speed: Normal

Submission Skills: Expert

Whip Evasion: Yes

Recovery Rate: Fast

Bleeding: Normal

Reaction: Normal

Endurance: Strong

Climbing: Jump

Distance: Long

Specific Weapon: Random





Head: 1

Body: 3

Arms: 3

Legs: 3

Flying: 3



Head: 1

Body: 3

Arms: 3

Legs: 2

Flying: 3

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);



...I thought it was going to be "in bed".


Mothernature says, what a let-down..."

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Guest Lightning Flik

Name: Wrath O'Storms

Short Name: O'Storms

Nickname: Lightning Flik

Height: 6'1

Weight: 221 lbs

Music: Mick Foley (Cactus Jack if it's under his persona)

Video: Mick Foley


Body Type: Moderately built. Has wide shoulders, eight pack, but very slim arms. His legs are quite massive, and look a little bit bigger than they should on a guy like him.


body color: Skin color is white as snow. Cause he stays indoors quite a lot. Thus aslo looks like lightning when it's white.


tatoos: Bah. Doesn't need a tatoo.


equipment: Pads on both his knees and elbows. Also wears a hat with the words "Slacker" on the top, but I doubt you could add that. And yes, as far as Lightning Flik is concerned, that's his equipment. Weird one he is.


ring attire

Main color: Stormy like.

secondary motif color: Lightning like.

short or long tights:

pants? Jeans that are stormy like.


entrance attire: Stormy looking jacket.



finisher: Inverted Death Valley Driver (if you find a spinning one, use that)


other finisher: Blitz (if you can find it, but if you can't, use split legged moonsault)


main moves: Since I haven't played No Mercy since like a year or so, just make a lot of his moves, speedy-tech like and very few of them for power.


taunts: Just basic taunts. Lightning Flik was more verbal with his taunting than gestural.



Head: 4

Body: 3

Arms: 2

Legs: 1

Flying: 3



Head: 2

Body: 3

Arms: 3

Legs: 2

Flying: 2

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