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Guest BionicRedneck

Top 20 NWA/WCW Matches of all Time

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Guest BionicRedneck

I reckon:


1.Ric Flair Vs Ricky Steamboat-Clash Of The Champions 2/3 falls


2.Ric Flair Vs Ricky Steamboat-WrestleWar 89


3. Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero - Halloween Havoc 97


4. Chris Beniot vs. Bret Hart – Owen Tribute Match


5.Ric Flair Vs Ricky Steamboat-Chi-Town Rumble 89


6.Ric Flair Vs Terry Funk-Clash Of the Champions I quit match


7.Sting/Koloff/Rhodes/Steamboat/Windham vs. Anderson/Eaton/Austin/Zbysko/Rude - Wrestlewar 92


8.Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs. Raven/Perry Saturn – Spring Stampede 99


9.Steiner Brothers vs. Sting/Lex Luger - Superbrawl 91


10.Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan – Great American Bash 96


11.Jushin Liger vs. Brian Pillman - Superbrawl 92


12.Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko - Hog Wild 96


13.Ric Flair vs. Vader - Starrcade 93


14. Rey Misterio Jr. Vs Psicosis-Bash At The Beach 96


15.Flair/Windham/Vicious/Zbysko vs. Sting/Pillman/Steiners - Wrestlewar 91


16. Vader vs. Cactus Jack – Halloween Havoc 93


17. Ric Flair Vs Ricky Steamboat- Spring Stampede 94


18. Big Van Vader vs. Sting - Superbrawl 93


19. Juventud Guerrera vs. Blitzkreig – Spring Stampede 99


20) Nasty Boys vs. Cactus Jack/Maxx Payne - Spring Stampede 94

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Not enough time to list my own top 20, but yours kicks ass.

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Guest Downhome

Now if only someone would put all of these on tape for me in a single collection and then mail it to me!


20) Nasty Boys vs. Cactus Jack/Maxx Payne - Spring Stampede 94


Holy sh*t, I thought I was the only guy in the entire world who loved/respected that match! You have now moved up a few notches on my respect ladder. :)

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Guest Downhome

I'll post some of mine soon, but I just wanted to add also that I would have to put Flair Vs. Hogan on that list, either the first one they had or the retirement match, as both of them were "great" in their own right in terms of meaning, emotion, and just flat out damn solid story telling of two legends finally going one on one.

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Guest BionicRedneck

"they had or the




Hogan's WCW debut match against flair was actually quite good

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