Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Right now, Jeff Hardy is not headed in the best direction, and the answer for him would probably be to remove him from TV. Ever since his run last year was halted by a major loss to HHH, he has lost fan credibility. Although he may still be popular with teenage girls, he is not popular with the core of the primarily male WWE audience. As a small tidbit, Confidential last week was based on the "Rock, This Is Your Life" Segment, and promoted it as receiving the highest ever rating for a RAW segment. That fact was false, as it received an 8.4 compared to a 9.5 rating for an Undertaker-Austin match which also occurred on an episode of RAW. Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let the HHHate begin. I really don't give a crap because I hate Jeff Hardy too. Did I miss something? I've NEVER heard of the WWF getting a 9.5 Rating? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest What?! Report post Posted July 7, 2002 I think Confidential said the Rock and Sock segment was the highest rated head to head segment against Nitro. The 9.5 for 'Taker vs Austin sounds too high that I'm guessing it wasn't against Nitro. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nezbyte Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Right now, Jeff Hardy is not headed in the best direction, and the answer for him would probably be to remove him from TV. Oh, so they know what's the best direction? Really, ugh. Let the WWE do what they planned on doing. That ladder match had me thinking (hoping) that Jeff was going to win. I'd say that's a pretty good direction. Idiots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Personally, I FREAKING LOVED that ladder match. It was kinda an old school vs new school match, and while the old school one, it atleast showed respect to the new school. And Jeffs refusal to stay down was beautiful. Im sorry I like how he cut the promo screaming and weezing, it made perfect sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Human Fly Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Speaking of Confidential and Jeff Hardy what is the deal with that Squirrel looking animal pawing on his face in the intro? Am I the only one disturbed by that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nezbyte Report post Posted July 7, 2002 It was one of the best ladder matches in a long time (save for RVD v. Eddy, but, that's to be expected). Jeff Hardy, in some aspects, reminds me alot of Shawn Micheals. He puts him body on the line. He should take some acting classes, it would really put a kick in his already blatent improvment on the mic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Good. I hate Jeff Hardy. Good bye. I think it meant the highest head-to-head rating (against Nitro), not the highest rating least I don't think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted July 7, 2002 The 9.5 was the overrun, not the rating for the entire match, which was lower than the Rock/Mick segment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jimmy no nose Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Confidentail specifically said that it was the highest OPPOSED rating in the history of Raw. Austin-Taker was a main event which went unopposed because Nitro ended an hour before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Exactly when was the "Rock, This is your life" segment? I know that the Austin/Undertaker match scored a 9.5 (and Nitro was still on) back in 1999, but I forget when that Rock segment aired....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Harry Hood Report post Posted July 7, 2002 It had to be in late 1999 before Rock threw out Foley's book. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DokDoyle Report post Posted July 7, 2002 It had to be in late 1999 before Rock threw out Foley's book. ahhh...but Rock Didn't throw out Mick's book, Remember. It was Al Snow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cabbageboy Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Yeah, I think that Austin/UT match got something over a 9 but that was after Nitro was over. This would be the night after KOTR 99 I think. To be honest I think Keith was wrong when he said the WWF stopped booking Austin/UT matches because people stopped caring about them. Mind you, the rivalry did suck when it was revived last year, but in mid 99 it was still drawing money and ratings. If I am not mistaken the match that was opposite the Rock/Foley "this is your life" skit was Bret/Benoit in the Owen Memorial match. Or maybe it was that same night, I can't recall precisely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted July 7, 2002 It was one of the best ladder matches in a long time (save for RVD v. Eddy, but, that's to be expected). Jeff Hardy, in some aspects, reminds me alot of Shawn Micheals. He puts him body on the line. He should take some acting classes, it would really put a kick in his already blatent improvment on the mic. Aside from putting their bodies on the line what do HBK and Jeff have in common. Jeff is no where near the performer that HBK was. HBK could wreslte, fly, and talk where as Jeff can fly and do none of the others well. I also fail to see his improvement on the stick. I think the reason his promo after the ladder match was the way it was is because he got the shit kicked out him and was really blown up and hurt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted July 7, 2002 It had to be in late 1999 before Rock threw out Foley's book. ahhh...but Rock Didn't throw out Mick's book, Remember. It was Al Snow i thought it was val venis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 7, 2002 No, Val Venis burned the book. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted July 7, 2002 Wow... how amazingly trivial. In all honesty, do people REALLY care about this kinda stuff? I'm hardly oozing with coolness (or Machismo), but actually giving a damn about the ratings of a specific statement seems beyond dorky to me... seriously. My apologies to anyone who does care with such trivial details that mean nothing to us anyway. As for Confidential lying... isn't this the same show where in the very first episode Shawn Michaels said he would never make a return? And the same show that rushed out an Austin episode just days after he walked out? Right... they've got credibility! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest One Bad Apple Report post Posted July 8, 2002 Right now, Jeff Hardy is not headed in the best direction, and the answer for him would probably be to remove him from TV. Because he lost to The Undertaker? Ever since his run last year was halted by a major loss to HHH, he has lost fan credibility. I don't know if most people even remember that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted July 8, 2002 They may not remember it now but when it happend Hardy lost a ton of the credibility he had built up thorugh the TLC matches. And after that "he lost his desire to wrestle" or whatever and his carreer has gone down hill since. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest What?! Report post Posted July 8, 2002 If I am not mistaken the match that was opposite the Rock/Foley "this is your life" skit was Bret/Benoit in the Owen Memorial match. Or maybe it was that same night, I can't recall precisely. Well, I just looked it up and Rock and Sock were up against: - David Flair and Torrie Wilson segment - Sid finds out Goldberg swiped the keys to his car - Konnan vs Perry Saturn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RetroRob215 Report post Posted July 8, 2002 September 99, IIRC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted July 8, 2002 Al Snow threw out the book. Val Venis stole Mr. Rocko. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zero_Cool Report post Posted July 8, 2002 Didn't Val later put the testicular claw on Mankind with Mr. Rocko? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RetroRob215 Report post Posted July 8, 2002 Yes he did. They fought for Mr. Rocko at No Mercy 99. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites