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Guest TheDames7

How was your July 4th weekend?

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Guest TheDames7

On Wednesday, I packed my bag and went to work and left early to catch a train to go to Connecticut. Upon arrival, my friend picked me up and this weekend, this is what we ended up doing. Saw Men In Black II & Minority Report, went to the beach with him in Rhode Island, his girl & some other people, went to the pool, 2 barbeques & a baseball game. We also rented Office Space & Memento, some good ass movies. Overall, for a guy who hasn't done these things in years, it was a pretty good weekend, except for the heat.


Two side notes. 1. At the beach, there was this BANGIN girl laying down a few feet next to us, I'm talking porno body, and I made a comment to my friends girl about it. All of a sudden, she gets up, goes over to the bangin' girl....and I become the world's biggest chickenshit. I literally ran away and hid behind my 6'5 friend. Supposedly, the convo went like this...


"Hey, my friend over there is interested in you"


"I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend. Which one is it?"


"The one hiding".


A while after that, while all of my friends were in the water, I walked up to her and I said "Hey...I didn't ask my friend to do that, just so you know. I'm not from around here, so I really wouldn't have stepped to you, however....I think you're damn fine." I walked away right there...


Tidbit number two.


My friend treats his girl like SHIT. I dated a girl for about a year and a half and I know I made some fucked up mistakes, but Jesus, my friend treats his girl like he could give a damn about her. It was her birthday this weekend and he still made her pay for a majority of things that day. He yells at her all the time and when he gave her the gift he bought, he did it all nonchalantly in the car. "Here, this is for you" and kept driving. Trust me, i'm putting this all lightly.


All weekend, all I could think of when I was around the both of them is that I feel bad for her because this is her first real relationship & she's in love with him. I realize how fucked up the things I've done are now, although they weren't nearly as bad. I mean, the guy is still my friend and all that, but damn, I'd NEVER set him up with a female friend of mine. I almost want to tell her to leave him, but that would be fucking my friend over. Oh well.


How was your July 4th weekend?



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Guest Incandenza

My weekend was mindblowing in its insignificance. Thanks for asking, though.

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Guest Flyboy



Short and sweet....


Sorta like Dames... without the sweet part. *rimshot*


:P j/k

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Guest RobJohnstone

saturday I worked, came home, slept. Today I slept and lounged around the house all day. Good weekend.



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Guest Incandenza

I had a pretty good Memorial Day weekend. This 4th of July weekend, however, was extraordinary in its banality.


Seriously. I can't stress that enough.

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Guest EQ

I had a pretty good weekend... grew some balls on Friday as far as girls go... saw MIB2... nothing much else.

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Guest goodhelmet

i celebrated my first wedding anniversary and also maintained my drunkeness for two days so this weekend was rock solid!

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Guest MrRant

I had a scare that my fiancee was going into labor almost 2 months early.

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Guest Razor Roman

The governor in my transmission went, so I have to drive my Automatic like it's a Stick. And The Dodge dealership won't look at my car until NEXT TUESDAY.




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Guest Zack Malibu
On Wednesday, I packed my bag and went to work and left early to catch a train to go to Connecticut.  Upon arrival, my friend picked me up and this weekend, this is what we ended up doing.  Saw Men In Black II & Minority Report, went to the beach with him in Rhode Island, his girl & some other people, went to the pool, 2 barbeques & a baseball game.  We also rented Office Space & Memento, some good ass movies.  Overall, for a guy who hasn't done these things in years, it was a pretty good weekend, except for the heat.  

Dames came to Rhode Island and didn't visit me? I feel so cheap...;)


My weekend was pretty cool. I've got my younger cousin in from Kansas, and the rest of his family in from Australia (he goes to school in Kansas, while his family had to relocate to Sydney a few years back for a job promotion). Me and my girlfriend went up to their beach house and hung out with my family for a while, then headed off to grab some Ben and Jerry's, sit at the beach, and watch a fireworks display. Then we fought the hellacious traffic on the way back from the beach and passed out rather early at her house.


Saw MIB 2. Good flick IMO, but not as good as the first one.


The rest of the weekend was pretty low key, just relaxing, hitting a few stores (not like I needed more clothes, but whatever...) and went to Grandma's on Sunday for our weekly "Italian family dinner".


BTW, Dames? Whereabouts in RI did you go?

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Guest DrTom

Pretty good overall. I did the usual things on the 4th (cookout, drinking, fireworks), and still found time for Smackdown. I did some more drinking and generally bummed around on the 5th. Saturday, I went to a party I didn't know was a birthday party, so I felt bad about not having a gift for the hostess. We got in three games of volleyball, though, so that made up for it. I was looking forward to doing a lot of nothing Sunday...


Until Dames emailed me, saying he was stuck in CT, and could I cover the weekend news slot? So I donned my shining armor and ground out a weekend news piece. But it made my Sunday more hectic than I wanted it to be.


So everyone give Dames a big Bronx cheer for complicating my weekend. :P

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Guest TheDames7
BTW, Dames? Whereabouts in RI did you go?

I didn't know I was going there until that morning, it was a surprise. It was Misquitsomething in RI, where the beaches are I guess. Man, there are some BANGIN chicks there.


Tom, you're a life saver, really.



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Guest evenflowDDT

I didn't do much, on Saturday my friend came over and brought his X-BOX, and I still suck at Project Gotham so I lost a lot, but I found out that one of the "pre-set" stations for San Francisco was Live 105, and they used a real Live 105 DJ, which I thought was really cool.


Also, I hung out a lot on the board, and even though I lost p05t wh0ring to my "arch nemesis" Flyboy, it was cool chatting with Kinetic, TC, Flyboy, Shaved Bear, Rob, and anyone else into the new "official chill out thread", created by our loving brotherly prophet DARRYLXWF.


Other than that, my weekend sucked, because none of my other "real friends" are home and I saw a crappy movie on UPN called Motorama.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Oh, speaking of crappy movies, I went to Hollywood Video on Sunday and saw that there's an Octopus 2. Unreal... oh, and I rented The Man Who Wasn't There, Carnivore, and Cryptz, the latter (and maybe former if I want to change my "gimmick") I'll write about later on in the week.

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Guest Sebastian_the_Bastard

Mine was AMAZING!!!


July 2 - Girl of my dreams who I almost went out with a month before told me she wanted a second chance.


July 3 - Me, my cousin, and my friend John went to our friend Chris's house. We lit off various fireworks and had fun with M-80's. We blew up mayonese jars filled with dog food, milk jugs, and a watermelon.


July 4 - Ehh.


July 5 - Asked the girl out... she said yes.



Can you dig it?




Sebastian the Bastard

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Guest J*ingus

Horrible. I was stuck on "vacation" in Savannah GA, with my parents, without a car. We didn't even see any fireworks, because my stepdad didn't bother to mention that the beach's fireworks were on the 3rd instead of the usual, and my mom was too chicken to go downtown to watch the city fireworks. I ended up in a room containing nothing but a mattress, staring at the walls and reading books until sunrise every day.

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