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Guest Vern Gagne

Where do you get your political believes from

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Guest Vern Gagne

This is not meant to be a thread bashing Liberals or Conservatives. I was just wondering how you got your views. Was it family, friends, school.


For me it was my family. My mom and Grandpa where the one's most responsible, which is either good or bad depending on what you think of my views.Everyone on my mom's side is at least Independent leaning to the right.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well, my dad gave me vague ideas when I was still a teenager. He would always watch the news networks, so naturally I would ask him questions. My mom isn't really into politics at all. She is not against them or anything, just doesn't know a huge amount in the political spectrum. Through highschool I considered myself a democrat because I thought they had better opinions on social issues than republicans. As I had more time for news and researching there was just too much evidence that they were equally as bad when it came to certain aspects of the political arena so I figured I would go independent and just vote based on candidate-to-candidate. That is kind of where I am right now.

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Guest bob_barron

My parents are both Democrats and I'm a Republican so yea I didn't get it from my parents.


I just became a Republican on my own.

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Guest the 1inch punch

I got a free pen from Ogra Fianna Fail at Fresher Day in College, worked for me

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Guest Some Guy

My father and I have very similar views but I don' think mine came directly from him. I always thought the way I do since high scholl. My senior year I had a history teacher who was way to the left and I would routinely debate with him in class. A 17 year old HS senoir vs. a 50 year old with a masters and I would sometimes win. Then I went top college and had another marxist teacher and i would debate him, now i'm in Poly Sci with all Socialist teachers, so I have a lot of practice deaing with irrational people. Most won't even stop to think about what I said and just go right on with the same old tired anti-capitalism stuff.

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Guest EricMM

My parents, my teachers, and my friends.


If you get up in arms about the teachers comment, it was learning about the environment that turned me liberal for the most part. I couldn't care less about Democratic tendancies towards large govt. I think it's a bad thing. But I don't see the GOP doing as much to help the environment although I KNOW there are conservative economic methods of regulating pollution like taxing pollution etc. If a republican said he'd do this, and did it, I might support him.


But for my money it sounded like Nader would have done the most for the environment so he got my vote.


That help?

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Guest Some Guy

if you think that the evironment is the only important thing in running a country then more power to you, but I think sound policies regarding other issues are more important. In other words i don't place the evironment #1 on my list, if you do that's fine.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I wasn't pressured to conform to any beliefs. I'm not quite sure what I fall under, really, because I can see the upsides and downsides of any form of government...


I guess I was just given the basic information of politics and I am, basically, a "hired gun."

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
Then I went top college and had another marxist teacher and i would debate him, now i'm in Poly Sci with all Socialist teachers, so I have a lot of practice deaing with irrational people. Most won't even stop to think about what I said and just go right on with the same old tired anti-capitalism stuff.

How do you pass?

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Guest Some Guy

I passed at my first college because I did Criminal Justice. At my new school I do Poly Sci, but they can't give me a bad grade based on my political views vs. their's. I'd get them fired if I could prove it. I write too well to be failed and most of the classes are writing intensive.

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Guest SupaTaft

I have no idea. My momma don't vote and my dad always goes third party. I'm an anarchist so if thats even a political view... I just think it would be better without any rules or laws constricitng us and inhibiting our potential as people. But most people aren't ready for a total anarchy.

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Guest Frank Zappa Mask

"But most people aren't ready for a total anarchy."


I sure am.......

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Well, I guess my moment of truth came in college when Al Gore visited the University of Pittsburgh to talk about college aid and the crowd resembled a welfare office during the first of the month. Everyone had their hands out going "gimmie gimmie gimmie." Of course I asked these same people with Bill Clinton/Gore stickers and buttons why don't they just get a job while in school (I had 2 at the time that totaled 50 hours a week) and they just looked at me like I was an Uncle Tom. For the record, I wasn't a student there but I attended the event.


That's when I knew I wasn't a Liberal.


Then again, my Republican friends look down upon me when I say I'm anti-Capital Punishment, although I get some sighs of relief after saying it's be much fun to send killers and rapists to either Alaska or the Deep South to work 16-hour days filled with back-breaking labor. At least that way Mumia won't be able to write his crap...

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Guest EricMM

I think that many candidates could handle things like the economy well but only a few will make the proper choices about the environment. Plus today's stance on medicare won't matter when we all have to wear SPF 30 or get cancer @ age 30.

In other words i don't place the evironment #1 on my list, if you do that's fine.

Thanks for your approval about my own political theory. Why do you do this, except for some passive aggressive method of making me look bad? Jeez.


Then I went top college and had another marxist teacher and i would debate him, now i'm in Poly Sci with all Socialist teachers, so I have a lot of practice deaing with irrational people. Most won't even stop to think about what I said and just go right on with the same old tired anti-capitalism stuff.

Yeah no, I heard this guy talking to this other guy? He said that he was part of the "Marxists" and the other guy was from the "Socialists" and they both told me that THEY'RE ALL OUT TO GET YOU! Really! You were right all along. Oh and i think the socialist guy's name is dave so watchout for daves!!!


I think maybe you think that anything which isn't UBER SUPER profit driven is socialist? Some people like to temper a free market with decency and respect for mankind. They're not all socialists. Or are you just taking classes in Cuba?

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Guest Powerplay

I tend to be a centerist unless someone who is ultra-serious about their beliefs and refuses to even acknowledge any merit in some else's beliefs because they are "inferior", then I turn toward the opposite side. Being in the most Conservative county in Michigan (Saint Clair), I tend to run into a lot of vehement Republican, whichs makes me a liberal most of the time. Not that I hate conservatives, my best friend and his whole family are the most conservative family I know, but they are the incredibly cool about it (They say tell me "Your not liberal, your conservative but you just don't know it yet). My parents are both liberal, which gives me a slight liberal tinge. Plus the Republican party (especially John Engler) has really messed with my mom's job and her union's ability to negotiate contracts (She is a teacher) so I really dislike the state party. Nationally I tend to split my views on the issues: I'm Conservative on Gun Control, National Defense (besides the failing Star-Wars System: Terrorist aren't going to use missiles), most Foreign Policy, Israel, and Fiscal Responsability. I'm Liberal on Patient's Rights, Business Regulation, Social Problems, Education, Vouchers, and Health Care. I'm Centerist on Abortion Issues and Criminal Justice.

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Guest TJH

"I'm Conservative on Gun Control, National Defense (besides the failing Star-Wars System: Terrorist aren't going to use missiles), most Foreign Policy, Israel, and Fiscal Responsability. I'm Liberal on Patient's Rights, Business Regulation, Social Problems, Education, Vouchers, and Health Care. I'm Centerist on Abortion Issues and Criminal Justice."


How can you possibly be both conservatively fiscal and education/welfare liberal.

It sums up the majority of the voting public who want all government services: healthcare, education, welfare etc. but when the bill comes round aren't willing to pay for it, and that really shits me.


In my opinion, government should interfere with people's lives as little as possible, only being there to enforce law and order, defence, etc.

Governments strip power from the people. If I have a terminally ill grandparent who wishes to die, why should the government stop them?

In Australia a rampant Catholic MP introduced the anti-euthenasia legislation, simply imposing his morals onto others.

They have absolutely no business doing so.

Same as for abortion.

Same as for censorship. A movie called Baise-Moi was banned in Australia after the government forced the film classifiers to change it's ruling.

If people want to see it, don't go to it. I personally wouldn't, but if people find such stuff entertaining, then enjoy.

Governments should stop making moral judgments and people decide for themselves.

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Guest LooseCannon

I'm basically a libertarian with some liberal leanings and the odd fascist thought now and then. I usually vote Democratic, because, to paraphrase someone whose name I can't remember, it's easier to teach a Democrat economics than it is to teach a Republican the concepts of due process, bodily integrity, and tolerance.


I can honestly say that I developed my politics on my own. The people who should have influenced me are all pretty right wing.

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Guest Some Guy
In other words i don't place the evironment #1 on my list, if you do that's fine.

Thanks for your approval about my own political theory. Why do you do this, except for some passive aggressive method of making me look bad? Jeez.


Then I went top college and had another marxist teacher and i would debate him, now i'm in Poly Sci with all Socialist teachers, so I have a lot of practice deaing with irrational people. Most won't even stop to think about what I said and just go right on with the same old tired anti-capitalism stuff.

Yeah no, I heard this guy talking to this other guy? He said that he was part of the "Marxists" and the other guy was from the "Socialists" and they both told me that THEY'RE ALL OUT TO GET YOU! Really! You were right all along. Oh and i think the socialist guy's name is dave so watchout for daves!!!


I think maybe you think that anything which isn't UBER SUPER profit driven is socialist? Some people like to temper a free market with decency and respect for mankind. They're not all socialists. Or are you just taking classes in Cuba?

I wasn't trying to make you bad, i was trying to find out why you place teh environmant before everything else. I don't understand that.



And my teachers are admitted Socialists. So it's not me placing a label on them, it's them placing it on themselves.

I go to a state school in Mass, so yes you could say it is similar to Cuba, in politics, not weather. :)

Mass is quite leftist, and the teachers at a state college are generally even further than your average Joe.

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Guest dreamer420

i don't know how much political stuff you guys know from canada but i live in bc which is probably the worst province in the country right now and all everyone does around here is bitch about the government. i chose to tune that shit out a long time ago and not even get involved in discussions.

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Guest Invader3k

My political beliefs are kinda weird and don't necessarily fit into one category, though I tend to lean towards the Democrats. This is mostly because my father worked for the AFL-CIO for a long time, and I agree with supporting labor and the unions (at least within reason).


However, my religious beliefs also factor into it. I'm a Lutheran. While most Lutherans tend to be conservative, I'm not. Although I am about as anti-abortion as it gets. I do support the death penalty however.

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Guest EricMM
I wasn't trying to make you bad, i was trying to find out why you place teh environmant before everything else. I don't understand that.


Well like I said, fuck medicare. Fuck social security. It seems all the debates focus on these issues because it will bring in the elderly and baby boomer voters. But even if social security were not a joke, which it may be, if we ruin our environment BY KEEPING THE SAME PRACTICES WE HAVE TODAY we will be in a very painful place. And it doesn't seem like they really try to address it when the got into office. IMO Bush made it worse. See why I don't like him?


If you all thought of the globe as your YOUR room, imagine whats being done to it. It is becoming more poisoned every day for profits. We don't let people use lead paint because it's cheaper, but we fuck our environment up for the same reason.

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Guest DrTom

I believe in a sound economic policy, a strong national defense, and I am very positive on personal liberty. I am thus a mix of fiscal conservative and philosophical and social libertarian (small L). The beliefs I adopt are the ones I feel make the most sense. Who said them or who advocated them originally isn't really important.

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Guest KoR Fungus

<<<Well like I said, fuck medicare. Fuck social security. It seems all the debates focus on these issues because it will bring in the elderly and baby boomer voters. But even if social security were not a joke, which it may be, if we ruin our environment BY KEEPING THE SAME PRACTICES WE HAVE TODAY we will be in a very painful place. And it doesn't seem like they really try to address it when the got into office. IMO Bush made it worse. See why I don't like him?>>>


I think you're going a little too far with the doomsday prophecies here. Environment is a priority to me, because I think it's important for us to be aware of our surroundings and not just go around destroying everything if it's convenient (ie drilling in Alaska wildlife refuges just to temporarily lower oil prices two cents). However, Bush not focusing on the environment isn't going to make us all die of skin cancer. In a couple hundred years, if we don't do something, there's going to start to be big problems, but nothing big is going to happen in our lifetimes.


Focusing on the environment has it's problems, though. It's okay in moderation, like fuel emmisions standards, but it often gets stretched too far. The whole idiotic endangered species act is an example of that. Natural selection happens for a reason. When development projects are stopped to save a couple fatass squirrels that can't climb trees, there's a problem. If I ever see a Delmarva Fat Squirrel, I'm going to beat it to death with a hammer... :)

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Guest KoR Fungus

I'm pretty liberal in general, in that I want government programs and am willing to pay for them, that I'm pro-abortion, that I don't want any religious morality imposed on me, that I'm against huge military spending (especially pointless but extremely expensive abominations like missile defense) and that I'm pro environment (in moderation). The place where I really stray from the party line is race issues. I'm ashamed to have similar political ideals as the people that constantly play the race card and continue to blame everything negative that happens in their lives on racism. I'm absolutely anti-affirmative action and think that minorites should shut the fuck up and earn their way into college/earn a living just like everyone else. The reverse racism that I see all over the place now really disgusts me.

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Guest J*ingus

I swing all over the place in my political views, and am damn near impossible to classify.


Gun control, affirmative action, environment, economic policies: conservative.


Foreign policy, civil liberties, drug legalization, gender relations, morality, religion: liberal.


Abortion, death penalty, education: centerist with highly mixed feelings.


So what the hell would I be classified as?

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Guest MrRant

Well.. by a conservative you would be a : Asshole.


By a liberal you would be a: Asshole


By me you would be a: Asshole with a mind of your own ;)

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Guest chirs3

I got my Democraticnessness from my Dad, who is the most anti-Republican guy you will ever meet. You would not believe how many jokes per day he cracks about Republicans.

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