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Guest Downhome

The bubble gum in a toothpaste thing...

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Guest Downhome

Do any of you remember the bubble gum from years ago that came in a toothpaste type thing? If so, do they still make it, what was it called, and damnit, wasn't that sh*t just wonderful? Please help me, I've been wondering this for years!




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Guest jtronx

I remember there was one like that from Bazooka but I don't know if there were others like that. This is early '80s mind you...

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Guest Razor Roman

I remember we had gum like that.. Bart Simpson was on the tube. My sister got like a whole tube of it in her hair... When we put ice on it it got all crublmy and powdery - nasty.

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Guest RetroRob215
I remember we had gum like that.. Bart Simpson was on the tube. My sister got like a whole tube of it in her hair... When we put ice on it it got all crublmy and powdery - nasty.

Thanks for sharing. :P

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Guest Nezbyte
I remember we had gum like that.. Bart Simpson was on the tube. My sister got like a whole tube of it in her hair... When we put ice on it it got all crublmy and powdery - nasty.


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