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Guest Tyler McClelland


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Guest Tyler McClelland

thoth2020: hey

YourOlympicHero9: Hey.

thoth2020: I think you have a nice BUTT

YourOlympicHero9: Nice.

thoth2020: will you have sexy with me now?

YourOlympicHero9: No, thank you.

thoth2020: I want to bare your children

YourOlympicHero9: By the way, be forewarned: Screwing with me isn't that much fun. I'm boring

YourOlympicHero9: And "bare" my children? Why do you want to look at my children nude?

thoth2020: because I'm a pediphile, alright

thoth2020: jesus christ, I thought it was obvious

thoth2020: I'm TED for god's sake

YourOlympicHero9: Good. This is nice.

YourOlympicHero9: Go give JD a blow-job, he'd enjoy it.

YourOlympicHero9: He likes getting that sort of thing from men.

thoth2020: I just did

YourOlympicHero9: Go give him another.

thoth2020: I'm waiting for him to be "ready" for another

YourOlympicHero9: So anyways, this is getting boring, was there any real reason why you IMed me?

thoth2020: other than to hopefully oogle over your unborn children?

thoth2020: no

YourOlympicHero9: I see.

YourOlympicHero9: Okay then.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

thoth2020: what's up friar funk?


Auto response from Friar Funk: Playing with stuff and things, doing my best to fight off the Boredom Monster. Rarr, he's chewing my leg. Rarr.


thoth2020: mmm, sounds sexy

thoth2020: rarr

thoth2020 signed off at 9:51:33 PM.




Methinks good ol' Ted either did a little too much of the PCP tonight, or someone kidnapped the computer. Bwa ha ha.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Auto response from Friar Funk: Playing with stuff and things







Edwin, that COULD be taken the wrong way. :P

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

TNT, I was clearing fighting off the boredom monster, not masturbating into a jar of pickles. Duh.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Sounds like good ol' Thoth had just a wee bit too much time on his hands this evening.


Da "would never bare Outcast's children, as it would result in his immediate expulsion from The Lawn" H

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Guest Thoth

If anyone gets any other messages, log and post them. Maybe I can figure this one out.

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Guest Thoth

A-ha. I found out who hacked me. A guy whose AIM is psxpaul. (No period) Feel free to harass him.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);



...suuuure Thoth. Someone hacked you.


Mothernature says, likely story..."

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"It had something to do with gay sex Dawg.


How could you not be involved?


Mothernature says..."

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Guest HVilleThugg

uhhhh...ok Jay?


I don't know about you, but everything I have sex, I'm extremely happy, but I guess that's because I tend to have sex with women. You should give them a try sometime...i bet they're a little bit better than the stray dogs and sheep you're used to.


Da "sex machine" H

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

I think I need to have sex first. :(



*nails HVT's mum*




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