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Guest razazteca

South Park

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Guest razazteca

OMG you guys, you guys, did you see this episode? I personally cannot wait for the Re Release of South Park Episode 1, lol. Also the running joke of Ewoks in every remake was funny.

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Guest BorneAgain

Indeed I did. The parody of Raiders of the Lost Ark was the shit. In fact I'll use the line I said in the best south park episode thread


Stan: but he killed 27 babies


Man in Crowd: it was in self defense!

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Guest Youth N Asia

Whle parts of it were amusing...the last two episodes were very unfunny. The show just doesn't do it for me anymore.

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Guest dreamer420

it doesn't do it for me anymore too. i like it up until the movie came out and then the show seemed to change for the worse.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

The first two shows were so-so, but last night's was great!


My fav. part was the end when ROTLA was put in a "safe" place...

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Guest razazteca

I thought South Park's quality is getting better, personally, with Trey Parker & Matt Stone doing parodies on every current event topic, from pop icons to political figures to the media being more tabloid news than factual news.


But Tweek is not one of my favorite characters, as Cartman has said "Tweek your days are numbered". Butters & Dougie causing trouble around town is just funny, plus who killed the teacher?

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Guest Vyce

I'm actually enjoying South Park more because, somewhere along the way, it's ceased to just be a cartoon and has evolved into a bizarre & twisted (but often brutally honest & accurate) satire of modern day society.


And Butters is way better than Tweek.

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Guest razazteca

yup Tweek has to go, Jimmy or Token or Clyde or anybody else would be better than Tweek.


And I have to agree with Vyce of how the show has become more than just a cartoon.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I can't wait for the re-release of South Park's first episode (is that really going to happen?) ... The first time I watched it I was thinking to myself during the bustop scene that it needed some big lizards and battle droids...

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Guest J*ingus

I'm actually watching it right now. My main impression: while the ideas they have are very good, it seems like they're stretching them pretty thin across the half hour. It would've made for a great ten-minute episode.

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Guest Shaved Bear

man that show does need to master the simpsons art of stretching thin plots

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Guest J*ingus

The thing is that South Park's animation style actually forces them to make the show run at a quicker pace. In The Simpsons or any other ordinary cartoon, they can easily kill a couple of minutes with shots of people just walking around, or sight gags, or any number of thing that South Park's papermation style doesn't allow. If you notice, the show has a lot more edits & cuts than most shows, just because they can't linger on any one image for too long. They have to be on the ball and keep things moving quickly.

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