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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Tampa Bay Hires *Gruden*

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Guest cdstunner66

That's great. All the Bucs needed was a coach that's good with offense. Plus I've been a Gruden mark since he was the OC in Philly.

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Guest Sassquatch

I'm sad to see Jon leave, but he wasn't happy where he was and I will miss him.


It's too bad the Raiders couldn't get Sapp.  He would have been perfect with the Raiders.


Unlike some of the other Raiders fans I know, I have no bad feelings towards him and I wish Jon luck in the future and hope he'll be ready for a silver and black ass kicking next year.



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Guest jimmy no nose

I think that the Bucs gave up too much.  No coach, no matter how good is good enough to give up 2 first and 2 second round picks.  Think of the potential.

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Guest Army Eye

I think the real shame here, other than the Bucs securing a great coach despite their incompetence, was that the Raiders and Al Davis had a young, perfect coach for them, with the total respect of all the players and fans, and couldn't keep him happy enough to stay.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah but there isn't really much that the Bucs NEED for the next two years that they need the first round picks for. A offensive mind as head coach will help them more then whoever they would get in the first round for two years. And taking a guy in the second is just as much of a gamble as a third rounder.


Yes they could use some younger guys for depth and to take over when the cap finally hits them, but honestly they can still get guys like that in the late round. Besides the 2nd round down has produced just as many stars as the first round.

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Guest DrTom

This just goes to show that if you're stupid and incompetent for long enough, the solution to your problem will fall into your lap.  Fuck the Glazers; they don't deserve a high-profile coach after the joke they made of their franchise this offseason.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"No coach, no matter how good is good enough to give up 2 first and 2 second round picks.  Think of the potential."


Out of curiousity, didn't the Pats give up some picks for their current head coach?

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Guest Choken One

The one that really creates intrigue is Steve Mariucci, who pretty much said "I want out of S.F" and the F.O said "O.K, leave". Should he leave and take the vacant seat in Oakland or will that be Green?

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Guest Kingpk

<<Out of curiousity, didn't the Pats give up some picks for their current head coach? >>


1 first round pick.  And look how that turned out for the

Jets :).


The Bucs have screwed themselves.  4 draft picks and 18 million?  For John "F-Bomb" Gruden?  Guy has been coaching for 4 years, was 8-8 twice, 12-4, and 10-6 this year with the greatest WR of all time and a damn good QB.  I'd like to see how he works with this excuse for an offense.

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Guest arejay

Raider fan since I can remember.  I hate to see Jon go also, but I don't think the Raider's had a choice in the matter; they had to get something for him, because he was walking next year anyway. All those draft picks will help Oakland in the long run.  I'm just wondering who the new coach will be.  I have big time doubts about the two supposed front runners, Art Shell and Dennis Green.  Geeze, to be a Raider fan in this day and age.....

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Guest TheBucsFan

The Bucs gave up way too much for a coach who only had one year left on his contract. Still, next year's Super Bowl:


Bucs 6, Colts 5

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Guest Eraser2K2

Arejay is right - Gruden was gone next year anyway.  The picks are much better than an overrated talker like Warren Sapp anyway.  I've been a Raiders fan ever since Charles Woodson came on, which of course was the same year Gruden came on.  The Raiders were horrible before him, and were a very good 8-8 the first two years.  Gruden is an excellent coach, and if he can find a good defensive coordinator, the Bucs won't be chokers anymore.  Mariucci is staying with the 49ers too, at least for this year.  Great deal for both teams.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I felt the same way about the Jets hiring Bill Parcells. They traded picks to get him, even though they could have waited a year and gotten him for the price of his contract. The problem is, the Bucs had no head coach. You can't tell the fans "we'll just put anybody in the position until next year when we get Gruden so sit tight."

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