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Guest Kibagami

I need a favor from everyone.

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Guest Kibagami

I'm no-showing Metal. I'm not happy about it, and I'd like to apologize to CC, and to Renegade, and to Thoth, who tries so very hard to motivate me into writing. I don't want anyone to think that I'm just being my usual no-showing-bastard self again -even though some of you will-, because I geniunely do want to be a part of this federation.


I got a phone call ten minutes ago from the mother of a very close friend. She was in tears, asking me to come to the hospital, because this friend who I have known for more than a decade has overdosed on heroin for the third time in eighteen months. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, so I'm going to go be with her and her mother. This is not an easy time for me, and I can't be booked on Wrath. I'll try and write for Crimson, if for no other reason than to get my mind off of this.


I don't know what else to say to any of you right now. Some of you will likely quietly think to yourselves that this is an excuse, that I'm lying, that I'm just no-showing for the hell of it, and I understand that. I don't hold it against you; God knows I've dicked people in this fed around enough to deserve that opinion of me. But whether or not you believe me or you care or whatever the hell you might think, I'd like you all to do me a favor.


Whether you're religious or not, whether you like me or not, say a prayer tonight for my friend. She's going to need it. I hope to God it helps.


Thank you.



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Guest Drew_K

You got a prayer from one sorry Canadian, Silent, as much as it will help. And I'm sure everyone will understand.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Damn bro...


I'll certainly say a prayer for your friend and her family. Just, come on back when you can...


You won't be booked until we hear from you.


Da "sad man....very sad" H

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

And you were doing so well, too. This seriously sucks for you and your friend. I pray that your friend is doing better, that she makes a full recovery, and that you can come back here real soon. Best of luck, man.

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