Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted February 18, 2002 I'm so sick of seeing Angle taking the Multiple German Suplexes...just last night he used them and he uses them in most of his matches. It's one of Benoits trademark moves. Angle is being a damn move whore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WWF4Life Report post Posted February 18, 2002 Austin used three superplexes too...Barry Windham is gunna be pissed. Seriously, does it matter? Nobody has a completely unique move set, so they use other moves...Plagiarism is no big deal in wrestling, everybody does it. I doubt Benoit minds, so you shouldn't either. He'll just have to come up with something new when he returns. =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted February 18, 2002 It would be like Chris Jericho pulling off the RockBottom in every match though. I know guys use other wrestlers moves all the time but not trademark moves to that extent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted February 18, 2002 Ok, rant on Booker T then. C'mon, I'm waiting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JerryDrake Report post Posted February 18, 2002 Its not that bad, considering it isnt apart of Benoits gimmick. Crippler Crossface is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WWF4Life Report post Posted February 18, 2002 Yeah, you're right, but it's not exactly his trademark move. Now, if Kurt suddenly began locking on the 'Angle Crossface', then I'd be annoyed. The rolling Germans have been popular recently...Angle, Austin, even HHH many months back. I guess it depends on the opponent too. A recent trend in the WWF has been to use your opponents finisher on them. It's happened in nearly every main event for the last year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted February 18, 2002 [JR mode] DAMN BOOKER T! DAMN HIM TO HELL! [/JR mode] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted February 19, 2002 It's wrestling and this always happens. Benoit didn't invent the german suplex. He just started doing them in sets of 3 or 4. I don't like how HHH will take 2 germans and then block the third although it is the most effective of the three. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Justin T Report post Posted February 19, 2002 I don't like how HHH will take 2 germans and then block the third although it is the most effective of the three. Then again... maybe thats *why* he blocks that one. For just that reason. What *I* don't like in blocked Germans is when its like the 8th one. If you couldn't block 7 of them... where the hell did that sudden ingenious idea to stop them come from? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted February 19, 2002 And when someone is doing a submission, how come they walk with the person to the ropes? We may never know Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted February 19, 2002 I don't have a problem with other guys doing someone's move, it's just that Angle and especially Austin just don't do the rolling Germans as well as Benoit did. They never get the hand positioning right, and what's supposed to be a waistlock ends up them lamely pulling back on the guy's hips. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flair5000 Report post Posted February 19, 2002 Angle actually asked Benoit's permission to use them while he was out, I heard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted February 19, 2002 I read an interview with Benoit a while ago (by or Marvez or whatever) where he said that he didn't mind Angle using it. He was like, "hey, I didn't invent the german suplex." Anyway, I'm sure Benoit has more than enough moves in his arsenal to use as his next trademark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest packwingfn Report post Posted February 19, 2002 What about Angle's sloppy Ankle Lock? I dunno but it doesnt seem like the move has the same threat as Shamrock's Ankle Lock did, Angles lock seems sloppy, but i guess its just me.....also maybe its me since I was a huge Shamrock mark and It would be so cool if he came back, matches against Benoit and Angle would be great Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Shamrock's return? hmm no that wouldn't be good at all. Face it Shmrock sucked at pro wrestling. His matches consisted of "snapping" at random times and the "dreaded" ankle grab. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 20, 2002 I like the idea of Angle using a submission but I wish it was something better than the Anklelock. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EdBootyManTheDiscipleLeslie Report post Posted February 20, 2002 My main problem with the ankle lock is that nobody sells it! That move would break your ankle if it was applied for that long and yet all the wrestlers just shrug it off as if nothing happened. Either don't have submissions in the WWF or teach the wrestlers how to sell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JerryDrake Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Angle should use the figure four instead, or the crossface chicken wing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted February 20, 2002 The crossface chicken wing would be good to see, especially for a Bob Backlund mark like myself The figure four has been used by too many other guys, though. I'm a bit sick of it, unless he did the Bret Hart figure-four-around-the-ringpost thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Vanilla Midget Report post Posted February 20, 2002 its all in the selling. they sell it for about 30 seconds, then forget all about it the next time they go for a big power move. austin sold it the best iirc, and undertakers effort was absolutely atrocious. on the multiple suplexes, angle hasnt done 10 in a row like benoit, so really it doesnt bother me. and he would obviously gotten permission from somebody before he started using the move anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thebear Report post Posted February 20, 2002 What about Austin's Veritcal Suplex, or Triple H's Neckbreaker... Moves are stolen all the time, and what was once trendsetting slowly will fall into the moves that everybody knows and learns from... Remember when the piledriver was big, and the DDT finished... remember how only one person did it, then more and more people slowly started using them, until it becomes a normal spot... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted February 20, 2002 I've seen Shamrock hit the mat in worked shoots and he could work that with Angle, but the WWF wouldn't want anyone working out of their style. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sadyv Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Angle's Germans are fine, equal to Benoits. Austin does do them poorly. Angle has the best overhead belly to belly I've seen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KTA Report post Posted February 20, 2002 If Chris gets to use his triple german suplex move exclusively when he returns, then there is no problem. Benoit probably doesn't mind the olympic Hero using his spot (the triple german suplex) since it keeps him and his moveset fresh in the minds of the fans. It works whenever I see the ankle lock, I think, "Shamrock used that move, it's a shootfighting move, blahblahblah." "Where's Shamrock?" It may not sound like much, but Chris Benoit didn't REALLY get his shot at being more than a JTTS until his last match with Y2J and Austin. Keeping his moves and spots alive ithrough Angle is a good move on the part of Chris Benoit while he's absent. If Angle stops using the spot when Benoit is back (after keeping it "warm" for Benoit and keeping it in the minds of the fans) then it's not a problem. I think it's more than a typical german suplex just like Austin's mudhole stomping is more than just your average stomping. People can't react to Benoit's spots if they aren't just his spots when he's back. I mean, who the fuck wants everybody to do a spinaroonie in their every match just because Booker T didn't invent a headspin? Leave his spot alone when he comes back - it's his as much as Rolloing Thunder is RVD's. And Edge's spear is kind of sorry now compared to Rhyno's charge, where he smashes his entire wieght headfirst into the canvas simutaneously bringing his opponent off their feet. While he has injured his neck, it looks better seeing Rhyno gore rather than skinny old Edge spear anyone other than Matt or Jeff Hardy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Vanilla Midget Report post Posted February 20, 2002 yeah, but edge no longer uses the spear as his finisher now. iirc when he did use it as a finisher he put more buildup into it, like rhyno, and he also seemed to go harder, etc. but now it is just a transition move for him, which i think is good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KTA Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Yeah, that's good, I didn't realize it but you're right. Edge doesn't finish people off with it anymore, making it transitional. Rhyno looks pretty slick doing the gore. He's not much else besides his mean gore though. GIVE CHRIS THE TRIPLE SUPLEX SPOT BACK WHEN HE COMES BACK, IT'S HIS MOVE YAAAAAAAAA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Vanilla Midget Report post Posted February 20, 2002 they can both use the move, though it is how it is sold by the announcers which give it the impact. angle uses it as a transitional move, and so does benoit, but if the announcers (and opponent) shill the devastation of the benoit suplex more, then it will be seen as more of a threat and on a different level. its sorta like how every wrestler has a ddt, but edge (for example) has a *more devastating* ddt, which is a finisher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Captian Linger Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Funny thing is that Benoit didn't even invent the rolling germans spot. I'll leave that one to your imagination. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest old_mort_wwfe Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Im so sick of Benoit using chops in his matches. He uses them in all of his matches. Chops are a trademark of Ric Flair matches. Benoit is being a damn chop whore. Im also sick of Rock using punches in his matches. He uses them in all of his matches. Punches are a trademark of just about every wrestler currently wrestling. Rock is a damn punch whore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jama Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Benoit using the chops is stupid, Flair is not wrestling. IT's a signature move, witch is associated with benoit. The move got him over, remeber the 10 german suplexes on austin. Did anyone use HHH big knee when he was out no, did anyone use the peoples elbow when the rock was out no, did anyone use anyone of austins SIGNATURE moves when he was out no. Why should benoit be treated different. This is not about using other peoples everday moves, Its about using a move that is ASSOCIATED with that specific wrestler, who got it over. If they both use the same SIGNATURE move it will weaken the reaction for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites