Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 12, 2002 OK, here's the scenario, and since I trust the opinion of many of you, maybe you can shed some light on it for me: My girlfriend of the last seven months still constantly gets pestering phone calls from a kid that she broke up with over a year and a half ago. The kid outright says things to her like "I know you'll wind up back with me" and invites her to his house, etc. Obviously, she says no, as she has done everytime this fucking imbecile has called her. I have nothing against maintaining friendships with exes, as some of my good friends are people I previously dated. I also have complete trust in my girlfriend, so I don't need to hear any "you should have faith in her", because I do. It's not her. But this kid just won't take a fucking hint, even though he's been told by her to back off. Even her parents, who I swear are the two nicest people in the world and have never badmouthed ANYONE, ever, tell her that this kid is nothing more than a piece of shit. Channeling the spirit of Razor Ramon and "oozing machismo", I've offered my take on the situation...I'll just kick the living shit out of the kid. He lives in the same town as us, I know where he works...hell, I can pretty much find out anything because of my standing in the community. But she asks that I not confront him because she thinks he'll just keep doing it to annoy she and I. So do I pull the "guy card" and confront this asshole, and stand up for myself and my girlfriend, yet risk losing the only girl I can honestly say I've ever loved? Or do I suck it up, not put the relationship at risk, and let her continuously tell the asshole off, hoping he finally goes away. I'm looking for any and all opinions, as I'm about to pull a Pillman and go full out Loose Cannon on this dick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jerome Drake Report post Posted July 12, 2002 Just tell him to back off. Violance is useless, it only gets you charged. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted July 12, 2002 Beating him up won't solve anything. She's the one he's obsessed with, so nothing you do will stop it (unless you kill him, but we won't go there). Just what does she say to him, exactly? She needs to say something like, "I am never going to see you again. Please stop calling me, as you cause me nothing but grief when you do..." etc. Unless she says to him in no uncertain terms that she will NEVER see him again, he won't stop. Sometimes simply saying "no" isn't enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted July 12, 2002 you need to politely tell him to fuck off without upsetting your girlfriend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 12, 2002 Beating him up won't solve anything. She's the one he's obsessed with, so nothing you do will stop it (unless you kill him, but we won't go there). Just what does she say to him, exactly? She needs to say something like, "I am never going to see you again. Please stop calling me, as you cause me nothing but grief when you do..." etc. Unless she says to him in no uncertain terms that she will NEVER see him again, he won't stop. Sometimes simply saying "no" isn't enough. She is up front with him, telling him "I have a boyfriend. I love my boyfriend. I'm not going back out with you. I'm not going to hang out with you." She's not sugarcoating anything. The kid can't take a fucking hint. Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to think that I'm an obsessive "look at my girl and I'll kick your ass" kind of guy. Shit, I haven't even been in a fight since middle school, and I'm approaching 22 now. But this kid is really getting on my last nerve. I don't feel threatened by him in the least, nor do I fear my girlfriend leaving me to reconcile with him or anything. It's way past that. Now he's just a dumb fuck who can't let go. And not for anything, but the only reason he wants my girlfriend for some ulterior motives. The guy has a girlfriend, still calls mine, but yet only wants mine to "go to his house" or "let him come over". Considering my girlfriend isn't that type of girl, it's pretty hilarious in that someone she knew that well would even ask her that kind of thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted July 12, 2002 At this point, the late Ann Landers would suggest changing one's phone number. Sounds like a lot of trouble to go to, I know, but if this guy's merely being a dick, he'll give up if he can no longer call her. If the harassing does manage to continue, anyway, then I'd say this creep's "ulterior motives" are borderline stalking. Then perhaps the police can get involved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted July 12, 2002 Changing the phone number is an option, but there's no reason for the girl to inconvenience herself to be rid of a creep. Whenever he calls (and I'm presuming it's fairly often), have her write down the date and time, and make sure she tells him to leave her alone each time. Once there are five calls recorded, report the problem to the police and say you want to press charges for telephone harrassment. A trip to the prescint, even if nothing more comes of it, should scare this twit into leaving her alone. Don't have her record the calls, though, because privacy laws in most states make that illegal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted July 12, 2002 Or she can do that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RetroRob215 Report post Posted July 12, 2002 Dr. Tom has a good idea, or you could just confront him and tell him to back off. You know, scare him a little. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GenerationNever Report post Posted July 13, 2002 Scare him off, act like you'll beat his ass if he doesn't. If he won't stop, DO beat his ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted July 13, 2002 ok try this, have your g/f file a report against this guy for stalking her, the cops stopping by his place should scare him good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 13, 2002 Dr. Tom is entirely right...I was going to suggest that, but well, he beat me too it. Sorry to hear about your rough situation man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sebastian_the_Bastard Report post Posted July 13, 2002 Confront the asshole and make it clear that if he doesn't stop, you'll beat his ass. Punk him out. Love, Sebastian the Bastard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted July 13, 2002 As always, Tom drops in to save our bacon. Thanks, Doctor. I think that's the best advice, BPP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted July 14, 2002 And please ignore all these kids who think violence is going to work on a potential stalker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted July 14, 2002 Cut a promo on him, and challenge him to a cage match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ripper Report post Posted July 15, 2002 You know, telling the cops usually makes things worse if he is smart enough to know that they can't really do anything. of course he could be a moron and not know then it would work. My theory, get really big friends with deep voices or put on a really good "Ima PSYCHO act". The Ripper never has to fight. Basically, I have a problem with someone, They give them the "Hey, you know William. He told me he was having some problems with you...I don't think he needs to be having any more problems." Funny thing is, I would probably stand a better chance beating the person up if it really came to it, but you just can't beat big deep voiced guy. As for fighting, avoid it at all cost(although it would be fun ) I've gotten to the age where I just really couldn't see myself just brawling highschool style with someone any more. I'm a grown ass man, dawg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites