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Guest kurtangledoesnotsuck



110 members have voted


    • The Worm
    • People's Elbow
    • Hogan Leg Drop
    • Vulcan Nerve Grip
    • Heart Punch
    • Undertaker Choke Slam (God, that is soooo bad)
    • Fame asser
    • Breakdown
    • Oh I'm stuck.... OTHER

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Guest Human Fly

I went with the worm (for obvious reasons). I always had a problem with Shane Douglas's belly to belly suplex. He executed it well, but it just seemed a little anti-climactic. Especially in ECW, where someguy would get driven through a table by some top rope move, only to fall prey to a belly to belly suplex, without even an overhead bridge mind you.

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Guest The Winslow

What, no mention of Sgt. Slaughter's 'noogie of doom'?


How about Von Erich's  'Texas Tornado Punch'?


The Berzerker just full on chucking someone right the fuck out of the ring?


That Aussie somnabitch's boomerang clothesline?


Shit, compared to the above the Undertaker's choke slam looks like attempted goddamn murder.

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Guest RhynoesRUs

I don't see any problem with the Breakdown personally, except for the fact that Jericho doesn't use any move consistantly enough for me to even know what his finisher is anymore.  However, how can anybody even compare it to Double J's Stroke in a contest of ludicacy.  Jarrett didn't even block the arms, nor did he even bother to trip the guy half the time.  He'd just touch the back of thier head and stand next to them and thier legs magically couldn't go forward and thier free arms couldn't block thier fall.  On top of that Jarrett didn't even use any discretion as to who he'd do it to, you'll never see Jericho "breakdown" Big Show.  Kinda like when X-Pac would X-Factor Kane.

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Guest BernieLicious

Everyone seems to have a selective memory...What about the Bushwhacker battering ram?  Without a doubt, that is the most pathetic finisher ever, in tag team and singles.

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Guest frenziedme

Edge took the breakdown pretty well on RAW last week. But as for the worst finisher, what about theclothesline from Hell? He used to look like he was hittng them pretty hard, but now he just does a running clothesline. Also, Rock's sharpshooter SUCKS.

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Guest phoenixrising

Agreed on Rock's Sharpshooter.  His version has totally ruined the move for me...I don't think I would be able to believe the Sharpshooter is a painful move again unless I go back and watch Bret Hart tapes.


I voted for the Vulcan Nerve Grip.  Unless you are Vulcan, or a Trekkie, DO NOT USE THE MOVE AT ALL!!!!!  ESPECIALLY NOT AS A FINISHER!!!!

Problem with some of these moves (Worm, People's Elbow, etc.) is that they should be mid-match moves or set-ups to the finisher, but not the actual finisher himself.  Yeah, the Elbow LOOKS cool, but bouncing off the ropes twice still isn't going to convince me it's a finisher...especially since the momentum is cancelled when Rock stops to hit the elbow.

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Guest Deathnote

I always thought the Heartpunch was a great finishing move.

It's a real heel move and one that looks much more devastating than the peoples elbow or the worm. I think that it would be much cooler for the Undertaker to go back to using the Heartpunch as his finisher, like he did in WCW, than using that chokeslam or the last ride.

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Guest blackjack4x

I agree with the Bushwhacker Battering Ram. I didn't like IRS' Write-Off clothesline either.

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe
Jarrett's "Stroke" was a Front Russian Leg Sweep.


Third, Edge's old Downward Spiral was a Reverse Russian Leg Sweep.


Just to let people know.


That confuses me a bit. In that case, isn't the name "side russian legsweep" misleading? In the Stroke they were in the same position, they just went in the opposite direction (forward rather than back). And the Spiral/Flatliner looked completely different from both of those.

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Guest EdBootyManTheDiscipleLeslie

How many times has the superkick been countered by just grabbing

the leg and knocking Michaels over? I remember Diesel doing it


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Guest TheNewF'nShow

Why is Taker's Chokeslam up there?  Granted, it's not as good as Kane's but still.  The worm takes sooooo long to do and is just a crappy forearm.  At least the crowd can get behind it...

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Guest king_frisbee

Was Kanyon using the "stroke" or the "breakdown" as his "Flatliner" finisher? I recall him using the move before I seen it anywhere else... or at least a variation of it. It was pretty rad when he did it, anyway...


As far as terrible finishers go that were excluded from the list, Lex Lugers "Torture Rack" was pretty bad.

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Guest TheNewF'nShow

The Flatliner is like the downward spiral.  Not really like the breakdown.

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Guest EdBootyManTheDiscipleLeslie

Lex Luger's "Torture Rack" was great! Well, the move sucked, but I loved how in every Nitro main event, it would be Luger vs some nWo guy, and

he would signal for the rack by moving his arms up and down, giving the

nWo the cue to interfere in the match. You'd think he would have learned his lesson after the hundredth time (or the writers would have learned

to be more creative). :)

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Guest kurtangledoesnotsuck

thank you for making this one of my most successful posts ever.

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Guest king_frisbee

Ha.. I see where youre coming from. I think more then anything, it was just Lex Luger using it more then anything else... I kinda feared for the other dudes life, and not in a good way.

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Guest WWF4Life

The Olympic/Angle Slam sucks. It's just an exaggerated fireman's carry takedown. =)


Take care.

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Guest cabbageboy

I voted for the heart punch....it ain't boxing, it's wrestling.  Anyone who uses it is a talentless piece of crap.  UT used it as a finish when he was Mean Mark on WCW, heh.  Then he got a GOOD finish in the WWF, the Tombstone.

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Guest The Winslow

Yeah, the Bushwacker's finisher was so goddamn awful I think I had blocked it out.


How about Lex Lugars bionic forearm? Back when he was a dumbass heel when he first showed up in the WWF? I can't recall the name.

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Guest muswp1

Worst finisher ever has to be the heart punch.  It just isn't a believeable move.  I actually think the Fameasser could be an effective move with a different name and a MUCH better wrestler doing it.

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Guest Odyssey Wing

a superkick does way more than a stunner... i dont see someone score a 3 count from a jawbreaker, so why should a stunner be THAT powerful?


i voted for the peoples elbow though, because how can a spinebuster knock a guy out for at least 15 seconds?

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Guest y2jailbait

Kevin Sullivan's double stomp was very bad. I dont think it ever put anyone away though. Thats the sign of a bad finisher, it never gets the job done!

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Guest EdBootyManTheDiscipleLeslie

The Worm is hands down the worst finisher ever. Period. Nothing else

comes close to sucking as much as the Worm. It's vile. Second worst

finisher is the Angle Slam. I mean, it's just a regular looking slam and

it's supposed to be a finisher?

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Guest raptor

You have to think about the mechanics of the move. IE target area, impact. So hating UT's Chokeslam and Billy's Fameasser just because you don't like the guys that do it is pointless.


UT's chokeslam is no worse than anybody else's. You get throttled by the throat and then driven down backwards with tremendous. The Fameasser slams the face into the mat with a good deal of force.


So, I voted for The People's Elbow. A little dance, then a weak elbow? Doesn't spell three-count doom to me.


Wha about Maven's dropkick? Also, Douglas' Franchiser wasn't too great (just because nobody sold it).

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Guest goodhelmet

Ron Garvin's eight point stomp was the other most contrived piece of bullshit this side of the worm. I couldn't believe I forgot about that although I've been trying to for over a decade.

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Guest BlackRainbow1025

The Olympic Slam sucks no worse than the Rock Bottom.  Both are just glorified slams of some sort.  Being slammed down on your back won't keep you down for 3, no matter if the wind is knocked out of you or not.  Taker's Heat Seeking Missle when he was Mean Mark was cool.  He did the rope walk and jumped off with an elbow smash.  A little added twist to a solid finisher.

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Guest kurtangledoesnotsuck

so the worm wins it. Thanks for the replies in this hugely successful poll

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Guest Dace59

I can't stand the Angle Slam.

The opp. is hardly any higher than a Soman Drop, who does it meant to a more affective back bump??

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I remember that there was a long period, really the whole time before he come back from his injury, where Scotty didn't use the Worm as a finisher.  He never even used to go for pins off it--but what did he use?  Brian Christopher had his big top-rope legdrop, but how often did Scotty ever nail the decisive blow?

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