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Guest Black Tiger

Reccomendations Requested

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Guest Black Tiger

NJ: Four Heaven in Nagoya Dome

NJ: G-1 Climax 1997

NJ: SXW 10/2/00 (Tanaka/Kanemoto vs Lyger/Makabe

AJ: Excite Series 2000

M Pro: Farewell to Kaientai

M Pro: Crisis in Lucha Paradise

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Guest Jubuki

Looks like a bit of stuff that could be turned into a comp. The J*Crown and IWGP Title matches from Four Heaven look good. G1 '97 is summed up in five words "A winner is Kensuke Sasaki", and Excite Series 2K is worth it mostly for Misawa/Akiyama. Rest of the stuff doesn't look enticing enough.

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Guest wolverine

"AJ: Excite Series 2000"


If you don't mind seeing tons of Vader and Steve Williams footage, you'll like the tape. ;)


Seriously, it's a pretty good tape. Haven't watched it in a hell of a long time, but I do remember the Misawa-Akiyama match being pretty damn good. I either rated it **** or ****1/4, not sure which. Kawada-Vader is solid, but disappointing, and Kobashi-Vader is good despite Vader being the fattest I've seen him in a while. I'd probably give the tape a thumbs in the middle.

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Guest Dangerous A

I actually give Excite Series 2000 a slight thumbs up because Kawada and Vader had a pretty kick ass match for Vader being as fat as he was.

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Guest XdojimeX

"NJ: SXW 10/2/00 (Tanaka/Kanemoto vs Lyger/Makabe)"


Mentioned it in another thread, excellent match. Thought it was better then the Ohtani/Takaiwa match a couple months back that got more pub. Make sure to get the full version.

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