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Guest EQ

Do you come here and not talk about wrestling?

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Guest EQ

Nothing against wrestling... hell, I watch it... I just really hate talking about wrestling on message boards. I come here and post in the General Area, Porno folder, game and movie folders.

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Guest Flyboy

I talk about anything in general....


Wrestling, video games, movies, general chat, etc. etc.


That's why I'm praying that we get a 24/7 chat soon, damnit! ^_^


BTW... does the "call this motherfucker" come from the Slim Shady LP by Ken Kaniff? ^_^

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Guest EQ
BTW... does the "call this motherfucker" come from the Slim Shady LP by Ken Kaniff? ^_^

Yes it does... that skit is pretty funny

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Guest HBK16

Well two people use my name. Me and my bro. My bro only posted probably a total of 5 but that was in the WWF folder. I go in the rest that you see my name in.

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Guest RobJohnstone

I now come here to talk in this thread but I originally came to talk about wrestling. Unfourtunatly no one does that because of shitty post quality from a few bad apples (not to be confused with OneBadApple who is cool). I think this thread is the spot on this board. No other forums on this board are like it. I also like the DVD forum, the sports forum and the NHB forum. Every now and again I go into the puroresu forum but, I haven;t kept up in over a year so I wouldn't fell comfertable speaking about something I now know so little about.



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Guest Incandenza

In spite of it being only a secondary interest (wrestling ranks somewhere behind music, movies and books in the List of Things I Like), it's initially all I talked about on this board, due to the fact that practically no one I like in the "real world" is a fan. Now I find myself posting in the non-wrestling boards.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

lately i have been posting in the non-wwe boards almost exclusively.

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Guest Incandenza

The wrestling boards have gotten so dull. It's always "so-and-so sucks, so-and-so is holding everyone down, blah, blah, blah...." I need variety, man!

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Guest RobJohnstone

incadenza, you forgot the always popular "If you could fire 30 wrestlers whould they be" threads



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Guest ant_7000

I like wrestling and all, but im not THAT into it like some guys. It is what it is.

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Guest Kingpk

I try to stay the hell away from the WWE board, except for posting in the occasional RAW/SD thread (remember the JLH love-in during Smackdown a few weeks ago?)


I post mostly in Sports, TV/DVD/Movies, and I have this little contest going in the Porno folder, if you didn't know *points to sig*.

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Guest papacita

I mainly post in WWE, NHB and General wrestling. I check out other forums from every now and then. I agree with everybody saying the wrestling folders are boring as hell. Just about every topic has been covered over and over to the point where it's nothing to say.

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Guest areacode212

Yeah, most of my posting is done in the non-wrestling folders these days. Though that may change when I receive my NWA TNA tapes.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I'm around -- Current Events, Sports, Movies are my top 3 though.

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Guest J*ingus

I hardly ever go into the WW(F)E folder. Way too many people in there, mostly twelve year olds by the sound of them, not much good discussion, and a LOT of repetitive topics. The only real attraction for me is reading Dean's Workrate Reports.

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Guest Anorak

The movie/tv folder and the music folder can be really decent sometimes, I probably post in the music folder the most. I prefer the old school and general folders for wrestling, talking about older or more random wrestling topics is more interesting than talking about the WWE at the moment.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I've actually been posting a LOT in the general chat folders lately. Well, I guess the more accurate term is p05t wh0ring, but... it's like I get a convo going with BML and Flyboy and Nyland, and I don't want to go to any other folders in fear of missing something important. Sad, isn't it?

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Guest Flyboy
I've actually been posting a LOT in the general chat folders lately. Well, I guess the more accurate term is p05t wh0ring, but... it's like I get a convo going with BML and Flyboy and Nyland, and I don't want to go to any other folders in fear of missing something important. Sad, isn't it?

Yep.. same here.


Once evenflow, BML, EPD, Nyland, and myself get in the "Mission to 1000 thread" the other folders don't even exist to me.

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Guest M Nyland

Yes...I have found my niche!




...and I post anywhere I feel the need to post and enlighten or de-enlighten someone...


I am "Post In Every Thread" Guy!

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Guest phoenixrising

I just post wherever I feel like it. It's a good thing this forum has more categories than wrestling.

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