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Guest Snappy Nappy Dugout

New WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth Screenshots!

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Guest Snappy Nappy Dugout








Is it just me or does Triple H look odd?






Facial features look pretty darn good. And no BIG BOOBS!



Yellow and Red Hogan! And the JD SET!!!




Mulletman doing........something to RVD. And what set Is that?




ONE OF A KIND~! Blah, I like he's other attire better. Better have two attires.



For all you Brock fans, I present to you......the F5!




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Guest redbaron51

looks good...but like all Smackdown Series.


Realism is goning to hurt the game...again...

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Guest The Superstar

Damn, those look pretty damn good. Although that's one of the worst names for a wrestling game I've ever seen

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Guest AM The Kid

I wish they wouldn't call all the PS games "Smackdown". The sceenshots look good though.

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Guest jimmy no nose

In the current console generation everything is going to look good. I know I won't care how good it looks if it plays like the other Smackdown games. But the WWE and THQ know that no matter what crap they put out will sell millions, so why does it matter to them? These last 3 games have pissed me off so much.

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Guest J*ingus

I'm one of the few people who actually like the SD series, which generally draws great scorn and mockery from my peers here on the board (ya damned mindless sheep!).


But anyway, those pictures look REAL good. For a second, I actually thought the first one was a photograph of the real Jericho. The detail on the characters' faces is the best I've ever seen. They do still have a few problems, seems like they've still not mastered the art of digitally simulating long hair.

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Guest Kingpk

At least they actually made Trish look like the real thing. I don't know who the hell they were going for in JBI.

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Guest papacita

I think Trish looked ok in SD3...LITA didn't look anything like herself though.


As for SD, I love the gameplay unlike most people. It's a fun game. If they bring back season mode and allow you to defend titles anytime you want to (not to mention throw your opponent into things), it'll be the best game out of the series.

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Guest Shaved Bear
I think Trish looked ok in SD3...LITA didn't look anything like herself though.

that is not a bad thing...thats a good thing


the GFX look sick though

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Guest chirs3

Holy fuck.


I'm not usually one to drool over or criticize graphics.


But ho-ly fuck.


Please let them do season mode right, PLEASE let them do season mode right...

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! I thought the first picture was real for a second. Those pics look pretty damn impressive, but I thought the same thing about RAW for X-Box. I wonder how the graphics will look for the next generation of games. I'm surprised how much attention was paid to details, they even got Hogan's sagging breasts in. I wonder what Flair's man breasts will look like in the game. When does this game come out?

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Guest Renegade

I for one loathed the gameplay for SD and SD2, but when i played SD3 i thought the gameplay was changed for the better big time. As long as they keep the SD3 gameplay (and perhaps update it a little bit?) its all good

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Guest saturnmark4life

i'm a lifelong devotee to the smackdown series, pretty much the only games i play regularly. I have to go and get my heart fixed after seeing those shots. Bye.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Characters look awesome. I'm not happy though that all the sets look like WMX8 on GameCube. WM had a few good sets but many of them the crowd portion appeared to vanish into darkness like I'm watching a WCW show.


Also, WM had a habit of putting WAY TOO MANY LIGHTS on the trons and set, all of them having some big swirling light cone that made it look even worse. The Lesnar picture looks like they're keeping that in. Ugh.

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Guest the pinjockey

Do you think they are going to have a bald-nonbandana wearing Hogan? BTW the saggy Hogan boobs rule.


And if the game ends up looking like that first Jericho pic looks this is going to be my favorite game ever.

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Guest chirs3

If they rework the submission system and the grogginess system from SD2! (that's the only one I've played), and if they make Season mode even just a little bit better than SD2!, then I will be one happy man come November.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I still miss the No Mercy style of control though. Ticked me off when GameCube's WMX8 didn't have it either. If anything, I just want the grappling system (strong/weak grapples, the ability to go behind with ease, etc.).

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I saw a trailer which included:

Austin driving his pickup truck down the Smackdown Ramp


An interview session at WWE World like they used to do..


The graphics look cool in motion. But I'll wait patiently for the next Gamecube WWE game..

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Guest the 1inch punch
Austin driving his pickup truck down the Smackdown Ramp

Dont count on that staying

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Guest Just call me Dan

I wonder if he will even be in the game at all? I sure hope so.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Why not...they probably own his likeness...hell, Shamrock's been in all the recient games it seems.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I'm not nuts about the PS2 hardware (XBOX = LOVE), but damn... Here's more:

















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Guest chirs3





Are they instituting The Draft into this game? After a while you become a member of just one roster?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I specifically included that to see how long it would take to get that. :rolleyes:


I'm guessing you go after the belt that your show is on. Like tag team on SD or hardcore on Raw. However, Undisputed would probably taking on almost all your show's roster and probably something like 3 defenses on guys from the other program to "win."

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