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Guest vlad

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Guest vlad

What is the rarest wrestling tape that you own ?

Mine would be the WWF show from Shea Stadium (August 1980)

It includes the Sammartino/Zbyszko cage match as well as Hogan/Andre.

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Guest bob_barron

I guess Best of Starrcade 1983-1987 on one tape in the orignal box

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Guest The Son of Sting

War Games 92 boxed and a original Best of Kerry Von Eric tape.

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Guest HBK16

Mine would be a master of Crockett Cup 87. I have had it for quite a while now and I don't think I will be letting go of it any time soon.

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Guest kingkamala

I wonder how rare Crocket Cup 88 is I have it in it's original box and it's in good condition. <_<

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Guest The Voices In Your Head

I don't know how rare these would be considered, but I have a bunch of ECW tapes that they used to sell on their website. I have most of the tapes from '95, '96, &'98.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

I had the Coliseum Video of Mind Games, but sold it for $530.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I taped the first-ever WCW Thunder...well, except for the last 2 minutes, which I taped over accidentally...with the intro's to Sting/Hogan from SuperBrawl 8.

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Guest Grenouille

I suppose mine would be In Your House: It's Time non-PAL converted original. Or maybe the non-PAL converted In Your House: Cold Day In Hell.

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Guest dreamer420

i'm not too sure about mine so i'll list a couple:


wwf high flyers (original coliseum in perfect shape)


nwa starrcade 1983


ecw's final show ever from pine bluff, ark.

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Guest Singular

2nd Annual Survivor Series. The one with the awesome 12 man tag elimination match with the Bulldogs, Demolition (Face Turn), Young Stallions, Powers of Pain (Heel Turn), Rockers, Killer Bees, Los Conquistadors, Can't remember the rest.

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Guest dreamer420

I also have Inside The Steel Cage in VG quality which i've heard of as being rare too.

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Guest Frankie Williams

I have the closed circuit version of WrestleMania 1 and the ppv version of WM 2 & the Wrestling Classic tournement.

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Guest rvd43

i have crocket cup 87 in your house beware of dog, iyh good friends better enimes inside the steel cage, a saturday nights main event (mr. perfect wins 20 man battle royal) and tons others

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Guest HBK16
i have crocket cup 87 in your house beware of dog, iyh good friends better enimes inside the steel cage, a saturday nights main event (mr. perfect wins 20 man battle royal) and tons others

I have the Crockett Cup tape too. How rare is it and how much do you think I can get for it on Ebay?

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Guest dreamer420

does anyone know how rare the following events are. i own them and are just kind of curious:


starrcade 1983

clash of the champions 4

clash of the champions 6

great american bash 1990

superbrawl 1

wrestlewar 1991

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Guest bob_barron
does anyone know how rare the following events are. i own them and are just kind of curious:


starrcade 1983

clash of the champions 4

clash of the champions 6

great american bash 1990

superbrawl 1

wrestlewar 1991

They're all kinda rare- you could make good $.


If they're orignals with the box you could get super money

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Guest The Voices In Your Head

Besides the ECW ones, my rarest tape is probably Starrcade '84. The quality isn't too good, but it's pretty watchable at times.

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Guest dreamer420
does anyone know how rare the following events are.  i own them and are just kind of curious:


starrcade 1983

clash of the champions 4

clash of the champions 6

great american bash 1990

superbrawl 1

wrestlewar 1991

They're all kinda rare- you could make good $.


If they're orignals with the box you could get super money

they are all just copies but the video quality is excellant on all of them except starrcade 1983 which is a little grainy.

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Guest dreamer420

no fucking way. that's flair steamboat in excellent quality that I'd be selling. i don't want to sell any of my tapes, i only wanted to about how rare they were. thanks.

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