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Guest ShooterJay

How do I contact NWATNA?

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Guest ShooterJay

Someone mentioned that Jerry Jarrett reads suggestions and feedback from fans and sometimes acts on them? How does one go about doing that? I want to suggest another, real match for the Briscoes on the show, perhaps an extended feud between them and York and Matthews. Sort of a X division variation on a pretty boys/rougher wrestler program.

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Guest JHawk

Try [email protected]. That was the only e-mail address I was aware of, and now they're "Contact" link on their website is "under construction", so that's the best I can do for you.

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Guest Tony149

My friend e-mailed the NWA V.P. (When rumors were running wild about Russo being with TNA before their first show) and got a reply.


Bob Ryder (via e-mail or 1wrestlingtalk.com) is another way to go about throwing ideas around. He isn't well liked on the net, but he is a part of the group and has contacts with the Jarretts & Russo.

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