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Guest M Nyland

The One And Only Cartoon Thread

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Guest starvenger

>Didn't the earth blow up or somthing toward the end? It was a LONG time since I've seen the show...


Nope. I believe that Khyron's ship crashed into the SDF-2 at the end of the Macross saga. I can't remember what happened at the end of the Robotech Masters arc, but the New Generation arc had the happy ending and all that.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

The Robotech Masters arc ended with a huge ass explosion that pretty much killed off all the Invid.

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Guest razazteca

speaking of Robotech what exactly is Protoculture? and why were flowers so important to this science process?


Hong Kong Phooey, Inspector Gadget, Ducktails, Darkwing Duck, Gummi Bears and any Disney cartoon that was syndicated were my favorites during the late 80s early 90s

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
speaking of Robotech what exactly is Protoculture? and why were flowers so important to this science process?

You know what? I never saw the entire season of the Robotech Masters arc and I think they explained it there because it was hardly ever brought up during the Macross Saga except for when the Zentradi talked about the SDF-1 and about the humans possibly finding out the secret of protoculture.

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Guest evenflowDDT

OK, I'm going to do what the original topic said and pick two NOBODY has said yet:


Back when CN first started, there was no west coast office, only the east coast office, so whatever I was watching was actually on three hours ahead. This is important because on Friday nights, at around 10pm or 11pm here, which was 1am or 2am on the east coast where they were broadcasting from, they'd show all these obscure '70s cartoons, like Harlem Globetrotters and the one with the black angel kid. I liked watching those because it was like I was "in" on something with those insomniac hipsters in New York. Plus they were decent shows too...


And I've mentioned this before, but even though I can't stand Scooby Doo, I love the Scooby Doo rip-off Jabberjaw. Jabberjaw is damn funny and he sounds like Moe from the Three Stooges. Recently they made an "updated" Jabberjaw mini-cartoon on CN and it was pretty cool... they made Jabberjaw into a bad-ass, heh.


More obscure CN goodies, remember "Oh Canada"? I saw this one cartoon on there once that was such a philosophical mindfuck (if you'll pardon the expression) that I was hooked. Of course they just happened to show that cartoon on the last broadcast, so it didn't matter by then.


Probably some of the obscure '70s shows are on CN's spin-off Boomerang, which I wish I got. I won't go so far as to say CN sucks yet, but all they do now is pimp their own shows and Scooby Doo. If they didn't have Adult Swim I'd probably really hate it.

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Guest dreamer420

the oblongs - one of the dirtiest and funniest cartoons i have ever seen. it revolves around an unhealthy family living in the worst part of their town they can live in. The mom is a boozehound and the dad has no arms and legs. they make a terrific pair and their children are hilarious too.


mission hill - this is the story of 4 people sharing an apartment in mission hill. two are brothers who are constantly fighting, one is a hippy chick, and one is a stoner. the two brothers are exact opposites.


undergrads - a cartoon about 4 undergrad students. nitz is the leader of the group. rocko is the drunk. gimpy is the computer nerd. and cal is a poon magnet who is constantly getting laid. the four character all interact great with each other and the writing on this show is outstanding.


quads - reilly o'reilly is a reformed drunk who has been left paralized for life. he shares his mansion with a blind guy, a head, a guy with hooks, a drunk, and his girlfriend frannie. quads is easily the most offensive show i have ever seen on tv but it is also one of the funniest.


rugrats - this cartoon is great because it contains so many hilarious references that are meant for adults watching the show to get. the characters still make me laugh but it is a little too childish sometimes.


scooby doo - of course most of my time watching scooby is while baked out of my tree at 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. still this show never fails to make me bust out laughing. it is a timeless classic.


family guy - this show is the shit. while it is quite often offensive this show is funnier than most tv shows ever hope to be. the characters are perfect and not ripoffs from others show. the show is constantly funny and i haven't seen a bad episode yet. brian rules!!!!

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Guest Doomsault

I'll save the anime for my anime thread. (shameless plug if you didn't happen to notice)


I used to watch Thundercats when I was a kid and I still like it to this day. I was also a big of Ren & Stimpy, and I'm not sure if South Park counts but, well there you go.

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Guest kane3212321

Anyone remember a show called the Mysterious Cities of Gold? it was about these three kids and adults trying to find El Dorado, no one I've ever talked to has seen it.

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Guest J*ingus

I kinda sorta vaguely remember that one. Wasn't it on Nickelodean way back when?

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Guest M Nyland

Well...someone mentioned Hong Kong Phooey...and that is simply awesome...



I would also like to go OUT OF MY WAY to list Hulk Hogan's Rock N Wrestling... NOT!




...actually...does anyone remember Feivel:An American Tale? I know it was a movie and everything but I just love that little guy!

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Guest chirs3

I remember Feivel - don't remember if it was any good.


Ms. Frisbee and the Rats of Nimh - THAT was a good mouse movie.

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