Guest Ironman Report post Posted July 15, 2002 I've been looking through other peoples's stats and some matches and whatnot and am about finished. I use need some help as per moves, but anything from general comments to whatever is cool with me. -- The Ironman --------------------------------------------- STATS - “The Ironman” Tony Brogan Smarks Board Name: Ironman Wrestler’s Name: “The Ironman” Tony Brogan Height: 5’11’’ Weight: 257 lbs. Hometown: Detroit, Michigan Age: Unknown (Late 20s – Early 30s) Face/Heel: Badass Tweener (Pops for brutality, jeers for beating fan-favorites like a baby seal in a batting cage) Stable: None Ring Escort: None Weapon: Table Whore for pops (Can do without, but can also swing a chair with the rest of the jobbers) Quote: “When it comes down to it, you’ve got one of two choices: Tap out... or get KNOCKED out!” Looks: He’s has a very solid build but with a little two-litter (a gut) as opposed to a six-pack. He greases his long hair before matches turning it from dark brown to jet-black and giving it a few ragged curls and waves as it falls just past his neck. A short, black chin-beard adds a little character too. He wears a black singlet with ‘IRONMAN’ in a red design on the front and side with boots to match. He can be seen tapes his firsts during his pre-match prepping. Ring Entrance: “You are puke. You are the lowest form of life on earth. You are not even human-****ing-being...” The words ring out into the arena, the lights dim, and the quickening beat of Marilyn Manson’s “Beautiful People (Full Metal Jacket Version)” hits the speakers as the fans get ready to feast their eyes on another “big move fest” with glee. “You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian ****.” The beat takes over has footage of The Ironman throwing around jobbers, like a pitbull trying to rip the head off a rag doll, flashes over the Tron, lighting up the entranceway. A few different slams flash, ending with The Ironman whipping a large jobber into the ropes, ducking a weak Clothesline upon the jobber’s return, and catching him with a huge T-Bone Suplex through a table! The scene slows down as he breaks through the table, flashing ‘OH’ ‘MY’ ‘GOD’ between frames, and then his name, ‘IRONMAN’. <commentary> Clenching his fists, “The Ironman” Tony Brogan heads out from behind the curtains onto the stage with an intense demeanor. <introduction> <commentary> The Ironman hits the ring, looking focused as he steps over the second rope and stretches out. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 6 (Can throw people under his size around with ease.) Speed: 3 (Slow with the occasional burst of speed.) Vitality: 7 (Pay him well and he might sell your finisher.) Charisma: 4 (Fans get into his big moves without him touching the microphone.) Style: Brawling and Technical (Think: UFC + Pro Wrestling = stiff fighting, lots of suplexes, and submissions) Signature moves: Running Lariat (brutal clothesline, a favorite) T-Bone Suplex (his one trademark move) Belly-to-Belly Suplex Common moves: Random brawling (Anything from his signature harsh Right Hook to stiff stomps to even a Headbutt when necessary) Common slams and Suplexes (Powerslams, Northern Lights Suplex, Snap Suplex, etc) Various holds and Submissions (Armlocks, Leglocks, and the like) Finisher: Dragon Sleeper Notes: In the ring, one word comes to mind: Domination. He’ll beat the **** out of you until you, “Tap out or get knocked out,” to put it in his own words. Else where, he’s more of a silent tough man, never backing down but never running his mouth unless he knows he can back it up. Bio: After a fairly successful college wrestling career, Tony Brogan joined the military like his father before him. A few years in, his Tony Brogan, Senior passed away after a short bout with cancer. After that, Tony a look at his life and decided that life’s too short to do something you don’t love. His childhood dreams of being a professional wrestler awoke again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Edwin MacPhisto Report post Posted July 15, 2002 Stats look pretty good, but you need more moves. It'd probably be good to have a distribution of at least 20 maneuver over the Signature, Uncommon, and Rare Categories. If you want to stick with a fairly simple style, you may want to spread out where you're lumping all the suplexes together. For example, you could make your uncommon moves look like this: Snap Suplex Northern Lights Suplex Running powerslam Cross armbreaker Fujiwara arm bar Figure Four leg lock Single-leg crab Stiff right hook Brutal stomping You know, something like that. Just lay out a little more detail on exactly what moves your guy would use, as opposed to just "suplexes" and "submission" moves. Most people have at least 6-10 signature moves, 10-15 uncommon, and a couple rare. You may also want to do something to spice up the finisher a bit, just so it's a bit more exciting...maybe leave it a Dragon sleeper, but make a note of how Brogan will use it any way he has to: standing, grounded, with a body scissors, using the ring environment to get additional leverage, that sort of thing. That way you can add an extra dimension to your finisher; the way I described it, it wouldn't just be a regular Dragon Sleeper, but a strong hold that can come out of nowhere and be applied in half-a-dozen different fashions. Lots of room to play with this. Think about moves you'd want to use as a set-up to build to a Dragon Sleeper (probably a fair amount of neck-impact maneuvers; you might do well to put in a short powerbomb, or a folding powerbomb, something like that), and work a couple of those into your moveset. It's an excellent start, but if you fill it out a bit, it'll be easier for both you and your opponents to pick up on a fighting style and write good matches. Hope to see you around soon, Mssr. Ironman! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted July 15, 2002 At least NAME your finisher, and you're set. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffin Surfer Report post Posted July 15, 2002 O.K. this guy seems cool. In addition to what Edwin said, I would recommend: call the T-Bone Suplex "Exploder" because it's the real name and it sounds much cooler. I would also recommend using an Exploder 98(high angle T-Bone Suplex that drops victim on head) as a finisher or rare move. And some essential suplexes, that create great transition and match flow. Backdrop Snap Suplex German Suplex If everybody had those three moves, it would be so much easier to write a match. I would also throw in a modified powerbomb or something as a second finisher. Try one of these: Running Thunderfire Powerbomb(Hoist victim on one shoulder, run across the ring, drops to knees, and slam victimi on back.) Lyger Bomb(High angle sit out powerbomb) Running Lyger Bomb Throwing Powerbomb(Instead of shoulder mount, just toss victim across the ring. Very Brutal) Folding Powerbomb w/Slide Pin(Greatest Powerbomb ever) And like Edwin says, Spread them out and be more specific. You don't need a ton of moves, just good moves that fit the type of match you want to write. Armbars, Hammerlocks, and wristlocks are the basics, so you don't have to list them. But you need to list the more specific ones. I would also recommend some Irishwhip moves, since they are important to transition, stuff like: Powerslam Big Boot Running Knee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SupaTaft Report post Posted July 15, 2002 Off topic, but hey I'm easily distracted... TNT, you are officially my hero with your sig. The greatest comedy team ever! The Marx Brothers are the fucking shit! You and Ced (with his Mr. Satan sig) are my two favorite WF'ers... even though I don't follow the WF... Hell Yeah!! -Taft Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted July 15, 2002 Face/Heel: Badass Tweener (Pops for brutality, jeers for beating fan-favorites like a baby seal in a batting cage) I like him already. But yea, just flesh out the move lists a little bit - maybe "Vertical" and "German" suplex under signature, then different suplexes under common. Or something like that. And name the finisher, maybe get a second one (or maybe not). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ErekT2k Report post Posted July 15, 2002 And if you want Raynor to be your biggest fan, which could happen easily, just name a move: "Tribute to the Rayn" ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted July 15, 2002 I'm already Ash's biggest fan, I can't be this guy's too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ErekT2k Report post Posted July 15, 2002 That is, until he names his finisher to the name I suggested. Then you would be running heads over heels to be this guy's biggest fan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KingOfOldSchool Report post Posted July 15, 2002 IMO, a man of your strength and size should be throwing out powerbombs, or other moves that not many others could perform. I'd go with having a high-impact powerbomb as a secondary finisher; like Coffin Surfer/Deathwish said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ironman Report post Posted July 15, 2002 That Edwin said pretty much does it. I'm going for the kinda guy where it’s hard to find a suplex/throw or submission hold he doesn’t know. He just uses whatever’s appropriate. Also, I didn't know you guys knew the Exploder/Exploder '98. Heh. Now I just need to name my finisher and trademark. -- The Ironman --------------------------- Signature moves: Running Lariat (brutal clothesline, a favorite) <name> (Stiff, elevated T-Bone Suplex - his one trademark move and possible finisher) Belly-to-Belly Suplex German Suplex (little elevation, no bridge) Mounted Mauling (AKA he sits on your chest and beats the **** out of you) Common moves: Stiff Right Hook Northern Lights Suplex Running Powerslam Gutwrench Suplex Cross Armbreaker Fujiwara Armbar Figure Four Leglock Single-leg Crab Triangle Lock Hiptoss (the actual Hiptoss, as in the throw) Brutal Stomping (Guide: It’s hard to find a suplex, throw or submission hold the Ironman doesn’t know. He just uses whatever’s appropriate.) Finisher: <name> (Dragon Sleeper - where ever it comes from int he match, it'll always end in a body scissors for more leverage and control) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ash Ketchum Report post Posted July 15, 2002 You from Detroit, too? Sweet. BTW, I'll be willing to throw out a few suggestions... just give me a minute or two. ~Ash~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ironman Report post Posted July 15, 2002 Ehh.. not really Detroit but close enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HVilleThugg Report post Posted July 15, 2002 As long as it's not Allen Park, I'm straight. Da "SWF enforcer" H Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted July 15, 2002 Mounted Mauling (AKA he sits on your chest and beats the **** out of you) This n00b rules! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ash Ketchum Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Same here. But I'm farther out. BTW, I came up with the idea of calling that dragon sleeper the Iron Maiden, and the T-Bone Suplex The Iron Curtain, whcih sounds better for a sleeper drop, IMO. Oh well. More fun names coming soon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ironman Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Cool. I was thinking of Iron Maiden but thought someone else would probably be using a name like that. Guess not so.. shaaaweet. And does anybody give a crap if I call my T-Bone the 'Dominator'? It goes with the style and Farrooq never uses that move any more anyways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Edwin MacPhisto Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Dominate away! Man, if you're this enthused about getting your stats perfect, I can't wait to see you write a match. Welcome to the party! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kelloggs Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Loving the n00b stats Ironman. They're hot. And Edwin's right I can't wait for your first match. M. "Is your newest mark" Francis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Edwin MacPhisto Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Heh...this is the equivalent of a Rey Misterio video package for us. PRE-WRASSLER HYPE~! Now, go win the world title or something. Heh heh heh... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ironman Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Heh. I've started my match but can't make myself sit and write it through for any period of time. I'm just in a lazy mood. *puts pizza in oven* I'll finish it tomorrow or something.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted July 16, 2002 I lost all respect out of this n00b calling his finisher Iron Maiden, unless you use an Iron Maiden song by the for your enterance . Actually damn you can really kick the shit out of someboby with those moves. Still 5 signature moves...have a bit more like leglock chokehold or really sickning look of a DDT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest -Cutthroat- Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Xero now has the bigest sig on this board. Great...just great... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Everyone loves the n00b more than me *sniff sniff* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ScorpionDanceofDeath Report post Posted July 16, 2002 At least that means I lost my n00b title before I got it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted July 16, 2002 You're still a n00b to me, Kamikaze. You're still a n00b to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ScorpionDanceofDeath Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Balls. Does that mean you'd help me out if I asked? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted July 16, 2002 hey not everyone knows about me and i've been here the longest next to Stubby Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted July 16, 2002 Sure, Kamikaze. But I need to warn you: I'm dangerously incompetent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ScorpionDanceofDeath Report post Posted July 16, 2002 But you're in the SWF.. you must be competent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites