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Guest nWoScorpion


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Guest nWoScorpion

Welcome to Hollywood Scorpions first ever Raw Rant. Remember, this is my first so be gentle.


WWF Raw is War

February 18, 2001

Chicago, Illinois

Allstate Arena


Hosts: J.R. And Jerry Lawler


-Show opens to Stone Cold Steve austin walking to the ring securing a steel chair. We didnt even get the opening title. Austin is a little pissed off. Hes REALLY pissed off. He had Jericho where he wanted him. Wham Stunner! 1 2 3. Stone Cold!! Stone Cold!! Eh Eh!!! He told everyone. He wants HOGAN HALL NASH!! Them sorry bastards!!! Screen is twitching black and white! Halls hair is not fucked up! Nash got fat. He wants them to bring thier asses to the ring. They want Stone Cold? 3 stunners. Put some stink on it. Bring their asses to the ring. They want some Stone Cold? Hes the nastiest Son of a bitch! They walk away. Son of a bitches! Bring thier asses out, them little Chicken Sh*ts!!! Austins doing a sit in, much like everyone does once in a while. He wants some nWo. Steve-Wieser #2, Steel Chair.  


<commercial break>


-4 Weeks to Wrestlemania X-8, March 17, 2002.


-Austins STILL in the ring. Hes on strike. Its a whore behind king. He wants them son bitches. Angles music hits with some policemen. You suck what chants are deffining. Austin threw a beer at angle. Angle calls Austin a crybaby. Austin chucks another beer, landing right in front of Angle. Chucked Beer #3. Angle wants him to do whats right. I could kick these cops asses. He wants him to get out. Austin flicks him off in response. Hes gonna tell him, get oiut of the ring. Angles making his announcement anyway. All Austin wants is attention. Kurt Angle for the record, will go the wrestlemania to become the undisputed champion. Austin takes down angle. Austin nails a officer. Austins goin to jail. Stalling to getAustin out of the ring.


<commercial break again>


-Fear Factor with WWF superstars Matt & Jeff Hardy, Mighty Molly, Test & Jaqueline & Lita.


-Instant Replay of Austin beating on Angle and hitting a officer, followed by getting arrested. Austin is bein put in the Police Car as nWo guys look on getting in Austins face.


Hardy Boyz (w/ Lita) Vs. Lance Storm & Christian:

I can pretty much bet $10,000,000 on who wins here. and what Christian does in the match. Matt starts with Storm. Ambar by Storm, reversed, knee lift to Matt and a swinging neckbreaker by Matt. Tag to Jeff. Poetry in Motion to Stoprm, dropkick to Christian by Jeff. Legdrop to Crotch by Jeff. Christian hangs up Jeff as Both men lay in some shots. Kick to the midsecion  and a stomachbreaker for 2. Abdominal stretch and punches to the ribs by Christian. Elbows brak the hold but misses a dropkick. Inside cradle by Jeff gets 2. Storm in, knees to the midsection. Punches by Jeff, but walks into a drop toe hold. Tag to MAtt. Clothesline and forearm to Chrstian. Back body rop. Boot to Storm, guilotine clothesline to both men. Storm is tossed out by Jeff. Storm trips up Matt. Im-Prettier gets 2. Christian tweaks out!!! Everyone owes me 5 million dollars. Litacanrana to Storm on the floor. Twist of Fate to Christian and the Swanton Bomb for the 3 count at 5:00ish. **. Of course, couldnt be higher cause its Raw and was only a 5 + minute match.


-Backstage with Stephanie Mcmahon. Angle comes in smiling. Stephanie needs to take acting lessons please god. Angle kisses ass about her being the referee last night. Ric Flair walks in. flair sounds drunk. Triple H Vs. Kurt Angle for the #1 Contenders Match!!!


<commercial break>


-Stacker 2 Commercial with Tazz!


-Undertaker has arrived! Taker is looking for Ric Flair. Undertaker is screaming like a nut. See Criss Angel on that topic. undertaker gets in Flairs face. Undertaker wants to beat him down, but wont. Undertaker wants Flair at Wrestlemania!


<commercial break AGAIN!!!!>


-Wrestlemania Moment: Kane tombstoning Pete Rose at Wrestlemania XIV.


-nWo are shown outside ready to leave. Hogan wants to stay brhind though.


-MR. PERFECT(!!!!!!!!!) Vs. KANE!

He says its geat to be back in the WWF!! And to be in his own baackyard of Chicago, IL. He sees Brian Er Lacker. (sp on captions). Perfect disses Bears on losing in the playoffs and hes Perfect! Kane is now a jobber. Headlock by Perfect, Clothesine by Kane.BIG BOOT. Chop sends PErfect sailing to the floor. Kane eats post. Running forearm knocks Kane down(!). Elbow. Kanes up and gets nothing. Stiff clothesine. Corner clothesline and a side suplex. Kane gos up top, and nails a sold bad clothelsine to Perfect. Chokeslam!!!! 1........2....3! KANE WON?!?!?! *. Um.........I lost that bet. About 3:00ish.


-hogan heads toward the ring.


<commercial break>


-Hulk Hogan! Jim ross bad mouths him some more. Screen goes from B&W to color again.





It feels great to be back in the WWF. The WWF made Hulk Hogan a legend. It feels greater to be in front of the WWF Fans. Theyve been threw everything together. They faught the Russians, Andre The Giant, god bless his soul. We pressed him and slammed him. 700 Pounds?They turned on him. They took him for granted. He wanted to stay. Whatu gonna do? We didnt have respct for him. We Drove him out. Like Michael Jordan. They drove him to Washington. Hes had somethin to say, thatnks to Mr. Vince Mcmahon. "you can kiss my ass". Hes the reason we are here, why the WWF is around, why Wrestling is what it is. Nobodys biggr then him. Hes sold out more arenas. "im the biggest star past or present, in the wrestling bussiness.". The Rocks theme hits. Damn him. Rocks corner thing is retarded without a title. I need a pair of Hollywood's glasses. Check a old Raw magazine for this matchup.





Hogan take soff his glasses. As does the Rock. Fianlly the Rock has come back to Chicago! Hulk Hogan & The Rock in the same ring. Watsupwitdat!?! Did Hogan shrink? nevermind. The Rock denies the fans sending Hogan out obviously. Is that what you think? Thats ...

"It doesnt matter what you think!!"

We loved him, we believed in him, damn it the Rock believed in him!. Year after year after year of Hogan eating the vitamins saying his prayers tearing his t-shirts. Whatchu gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you? He is...a legend. A icon. The best ever. Rock talks about headlining, Wrestlemania, after Wrestlemania. How bout headlining a wrestlemania, with The Rock!?. Face to Face, eye to eye, nose to nose.









Whats goin on? They have a name for people like the Rock Flavor of the Month. What makes you......<speak to the hand> Yes or no?! Let him paint a picture., A fantasy matchup that will determine as the absolute best EVER!


Rocky! Rocky!



Maybe it aint up to Hogan or The Rock. Maybe its up to the people. The immortal Hulk Hogan going one on one with the Great one?!! HELL YEA! Rock doing the Hulk Hogan, he wants tyo hear the cheers. He wants them to grow loud. Yes or no?

"YES". Wrestlemania, Hogan vs. The Rock. They are right. It ill be a plessure for him to kick rocks ass! Handshake. Both men tug the other. Rocks gonna need luck........Not as much as you.........Rock Bottom!!!! Outsiders sneak attack Rock! WOOOOOO! Hogan whips him with his workout belt. He wants to hear the fans!  WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Outsiders/Razors Edge!!!!!! Up next for the nWo, Kevin Nash! JACK-KNIFE!!!!!! WOOOOO! Hogan has a hammer! he cracks Rock it against Rocks head! HOGAN CUFFS HIS EAR...........LEGDROP! LEGDROP! WHOOOOOO! 1......2.......3! Spray Job! n......W.......o! Hogan!


<commerciasl break>


-Man im worked up over nWo finally beating Rocks ass down. Rock is borded into the ambulance. WOO HOO!


-nWo are smashing n the ambulance with sledgehammers!

Lets lay the smackdown on his crippled ass". Hall chains up the ambulance. Hogan gets into a truck and crashes straight into it!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! The Rock has been smashed up and dented in. Hogan does it 3 more times for good messure! All 3 guys run off after seeing what they have done.


<commercial break>


-1-800-COLLECT commercial with Kurt Angle.

Will that be all Mr. austin? What?!


-More on The Rock. Lawler & JR look VERY DISTURBED.



Bookers theme and entrance so rocks. JR doesnt even mention the match yet. Chops by Booker. AHH!. Kicks. AHH! The women seem worried for the Rock. Slam by Father, misses his twisting elbow. Harlem Hangover by Booker. Slap. AHH. Misses it and Godfather witha  clothesline. Side Slam. Slam and the Dancing leg drop by GF. Ladies seem to be non worried for Father. Scissor Kick out of nowhere gets the win. DUD. 2:00 +.


-More on the Ambulance. Fireman & the Police are here now.


<commercial Break>


-Boot of the Week: Spinebuster by Faarooq on Gunn, and The Clothesline from Hell.


-Rob Van Dam & Edge Vs. Goldust & William Regal:

More post-No Way Out matches. The first match occured last night, these 4 men competed in 2 singles matches against each other, and HHH Vs. Angle. Big Pop for RVD! Edge should come out of the crowd again. All 4 men trade shots. Double Irish whip reversed and a double spinning heel kick by both men. Stiff Clothesline by Goldie. Regal witha boot to the midsection, NBody Press by RVD for 2. Running knee by Regal, and Goldust comes in with his BUTT BOP OF DOOM! 10 PUNCHES FROM HELL ONLY GETS 5. Snapmare and Eblow gets 2. RVD with a Dragon sceew heel kick. Edge tags in finally, clothesline to Regal, Missle dropkick gets 2. Goldust gets sent out. Spear to Regal, Reverse Sharp Shooter gets the submission win!! Spear to Goldust!!! Dropkick to Regal. 1/2*. 3:00-4:00.


-Rock , without being seen is stuffed into another Ambulance.


<commercial break>


-Instant Replay of The Rocks beating thanks to the nWo. JR sounds disgusted as usual.


-Michael Cole is with Kurt Angle. Hes worried more about his title shot then what  happened to the Rock. Chris Jericho comes to the ring to provide commentary for the main event.


<commrcial break>


#1 Contenders Match for Wrestlemania X-8 World Title Part 2:

Triple Haitch Vs. Kurt Angle.

HHH with some punches. Angle with his own and some chops.

HHH eats ring steps. Punchs by Angle in the corner. Suplex gets 2. Its too late to rant. Kicks to the midsection. Punches by HHH and runs right into a knee lift. BOOOORING. Side buster by Angle gets 2. Jericho is SO annoying. Abdominal Stretch.  Angle uses the ropes for leverage of course. Sure. Holding a rope maks the move nearly kill someone. Sheesh. Talk about overacting with it. HHH reverses it momentarily but is hip tossed. Belly to belly Suplex gets another 2 count. Another Belly to belly for 2. another 2 count. Shouldethrusts by Angle in the corner. Angles shoulder eats post. Hard rights by HHH. Neckbreaker!!! Running Knee shot gets 2. DDT!!! 2 count only. Kicks to the abdomin by HHH. Spinebuster gets 2. Knee Drop! PEDIGREEE! DOESNT WORK! Slingshot! Belly to Back Suplex by Angle. Angle goes up, but HHH comes up for him and drops him down for 2! Angle with a backdrop on HHH to the floor. Belly to Belly on the floor by Angle. Angle talks smack to Jericho and he replys. Title belt to HHH head! 1.......2.......kickout!! German Suplex and 2 more! Ankle Lock! HHH reaches the ropes! Angle eats buckle! EDIGREE misses, Anklr Lock again! Reverses and Angle goes down! PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!! 1.......2..........3!!! HHH WINS! Everyone coyulda called that one. **1/2 ish. 11:00. So now we know its Jericho/HHH, Hogan/Rock, maybe Flair/UT, and APA/Spike/Tazz.


Pretty Average show with only 25 minutes of asctual wrestling.

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