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Guest TheDames7

I got my unemployment check!

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Guest TheDames7

Ahh..I'm livin' the life. 150 a week for sleeping and checkin on the site all day....why work!?


Oh yeah...more money.



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Guest M Nyland

Sorry about the chat man...I didn't get the message till just now....

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Guest J*ingus

$150 a week?! Dammit, I gotta stop quitting every job I've had and find a way to get laid off sometime.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I could live off of that right now. I only have to pay between $200-$300 per month for rent, phone, gas/electric and water.

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Guest TheDames7
Wow, someone else leaching off the system. Get a job Dames. :)

I will....it DOES run out you know. :)



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Guest Some Guy

In Ma it depends on how long you worked at the job, I don't know about NY, but I assume it's the same.


But the point stands, GET A JOB! :)

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Guest Frankie Williams

Ive just been informed that i will be getting 319 dollars a week plus the rest of the summer off!!!

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Guest Shaved Bear

hey dont knock being unemployed

my uncle is...

and he's 47

and lives with his parents...


ok jobs are good

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Guest ant_7000

thats cool but I would be bored like yesterday on my day off, I didn't have shit to do, I don't knock unemployed checks since its your money anyway.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
Ive just been informed that i will be getting 319 dollars a week plus the rest of the summer off!!!


Summer of George!


BTW, Good luck finding a job and getting back into school Dames.

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Guest CanadianChris

Hell, I don't care...you're not leeching off MY system.



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Guest TheDames7
Hell, I don't care...you're not leeching off MY system.



Man, there's so many things wrong with me physically that you're lucky I'm not Canadian. I'd mooch off of your free health care so much, they'll raise the taxes from 15% total to 20%!



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Guest Shaved Bear
Hell, I don't care...you're not leeching off MY system.



Man, there's so many things wrong with me physically that you're lucky I'm not Canadian. I'd mooch off of your free health care so much, they'll raise the taxes from 15% total to 20%!



Candians really get that!


wow thats pretty sweet

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Guest TheDames7

Yeah, but their taxes are sick. In Ontario anyway, its a total of 15% tax. I think its 8% PST (Province Tax) & 7% GST (Government?) Tax



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