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Guest The Son of Sting

School Reunion

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Guest The Son of Sting

I have a school reunion this Saturday and was woundering if any of you guys have been to any? and what were they like?

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Guest swan

I skipped my 5 yr whenever the hell it was. I mean come on, 5 years. I'm still friends with the people I like. Maybe when 10 rolls around I might have lost track of somebody I give a damn about by then. I heard only 14 people showed for our 5 year. That includes some girlfriends/boyfriends too.

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Guest EQ

I'll probably go to my reunion, but there are definately a lot of people who I'd rather never see again

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Guest jtronx

The night of my 5 year reunion I was at a bar, decidedly avoiding my former classmates. I went to get a beer after a pinball game to discover that they had all showed up at the bar I was at! Boy, that sucked.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I agree that the five year is pretty pointless. I won't go for a few reasons:


1)Couldn't stand my class, as all my other friends were older, younger, or from other schools.


2)In my town, you still see EVERYBODY! Or at least hear about them. What's the point of paying to catch up with people that you don't like and that you hear about anyways?


I'll probably go to my 10 year, just for shits and giggles.

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Guest Ravenbomb

I'm not going. I hate everyone I go to school with, save a few select ppl, and wouldn't mind if they were all shot (not by me, and not neccisarily fatally shot, and maybe not with a gun).


So no, I'm not going, I hate everyone now, I'll hate everyone then, too. Bunch of idiots.

Aside from my Physical Systems, Health, and English/Writing 1 teacher, I hate the faculty and staff, too. They're idiots, the ones who try to be friendly with the kids end up looking like even bigger idiots (except for said Physical Systems teacher), and I just hate them in general. And don't even get me started on them banning top hats and canes from the prom...


I'll never go to a school reunion, never never never ever ever ever ever EVER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER!!!


:angry: :angry: :ph34r:

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Guest evenflowDDT

I don't see the point of a 5-year reunion, but I want my 10-year reunion to be just like Romy & Michelle's... because I really did invent Post-Its, I swear!

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus

I was underway for my five-year, and I haven't back to the city that I went to high school in in seven years. The only friends I had from there have all moved away as well. My ten-year is next year, and I probably won't go to that, either.


Ravenbomb, pardon my ignorance, but they didn't have "Physical Systems" where and when I went through high school; what the hell is that?

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Guest The Electrifyer

I'm still in high school, so no.


But, how do the schools find you? Like if you move to Mexico or something, how the hell will the school know where you are and track you down to invite you for the reunion?

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Guest EQ

I think they just try the address you used while you were going to school there. If you don't live there anymore, I guess they can ask your parents how to reach you. If they can't get in touch with your parents, I doubt that whoever is assigned with the task of tracking you down will put forth the additional effort required with trying to find you.

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Guest swan
I think they just try the address you used while you were going to school there. If you don't live there anymore, I guess they can ask your parents how to reach you. If they can't get in touch with your parents, I doubt that whoever is assigned with the task of tracking you down will put forth the additional effort required with trying to find you.

I know at my school whoever the last class president was is in charge of the reunion. I actually lived with the guy who was the last class pres but still didn't go. My school also has an alumni newsletter and department and somehow those fuckers always find me.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

I don't speak to anyone I went to school with, apart from if I see them about in town, I might say hello, but as far as having conversations, no way! I hated them all when I was at school, and I have no interest in catching up with them and finding out what they're up to now!

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Guest Ravenbomb

Physical Systems was stuff like Force and Mechanical Advantage and Newtons Laws and whatnot

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