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Guest Austin3164life

Steve Austin vs. Goldberg

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Guest Austin3164life

I was thinking the other day about "dream matchups" and the Austin/Goldberg match would be the fanboy's ultimate dream (at least in the "Attitude" era). I don't know who I would book to win, and I was wondering to see who you guys would book to go over, just to get some ideas. That is all.

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Guest Redhawk

If that match were to happen today, given both guy's situations, then I'd have Goldberg win to re-establish himself as a force.


Back in 1998, when everyone wanted to see this match, then I still would have had Goldberg win. WCW was so far behind in the ratings that a Goldberg win wouldn't have given them the ratings lead, but it would have made it more competitive.

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Guest dreamer420

i would book austin to win. no way anyone would take goldberg beating austin seriously.

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Guest dreamer420

i can't speak for whoever wrote that but my guess is they want to job austin to goldberg so show him how business is done properly.

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Guest TheSmarkzone
To teach what lesson?


To teach him how to be humble, not walk out on your company...

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I doubt that there would be a clean finish if this match ever happened. Vince or Bischoff or someone would interfere and cost one guy the match, while turning the other heel in the process.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I would have never given Goldberg the win considering he has that I don't care about wrestling, I can come in and do whatever I want,. I'm only in it for the money type attitude.


Of course, Steve walked out on wrestling as well, but I'm still too hazy on th whole situation considering I've never heard his side to judge.


I'd still say Austin because the WWE truly did conquer WCW and as much as I'd have liked it to stay around, I don't think it would have ever caught back up to a far superior company.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Let's keep this in the realm of kayfabe for a minute. Goldberg would physically overwhelm a babyface Steve Austin, just like he physically overwhelmed everybody else. Steve Austin as a babyface was a gutsy brawler, but he was not a cerebral assassin (i.e. a Bret Hart or a HHH). At 6'2" and 252 pounds, Austin would need to be cerebral to out-wrestle Goldberg. I could maybe, maybe see the vicious, cheating, cold and calculating heel Austin having a chance against Goldberg...but the babyface Austin? No chance.


I mean, in the realm of kayfabe, what is Steve Austin going to do to stop Goldberg? I think it would take multiple Stunners -- which is nothing more than a glorified chin-breaker -- to drop him. One spear and Austin would be finished. He's got a rep for being tough, but being tough is being able to take the pain. That doesn't mean you are super-resilient, like an Undertaker or a Lesnar.

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Guest bob_barron

A lot of the fans think Goldberg is an Austin clone so Austin would be the face.


I'd have both finishers be kicked out of leading to an end sequence of Austin hitting the stunner for the win. Give the match 15-20

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Guest Nezbyte
Let's keep this in the realm of kayfabe for a minute. Goldberg would physically overwhelm a babyface Steve Austin, just like he physically overwhelmed everybody else. Steve Austin as a babyface was a gutsy brawler, but he was not a cerebral assassin (i.e. a Bret Hart or a HHH). At 6'2" and 252 pounds, Austin would need to be cerebral to out-wrestle Goldberg. I could maybe, maybe see the vicious, cheating, cold and calculating heel Austin having a chance against Goldberg...but the babyface Austin? No chance.


I mean, in the realm of kayfabe, what is Steve Austin going to do to stop Goldberg? I think it would take multiple Stunners -- which is nothing more than a glorified chin-breaker -- to drop him. One spear and Austin would be finished. He's got a rep for being tough, but being tough is being able to take the pain. That doesn't mean you are super-resilient, like an Undertaker or a Lesnar.

bingo. This is why i would've booked Bill to win. Then i would've had Austin win the big blowoff several PPVs down the road.

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Guest dreamer420

i wouldn't say that now dude. austin proved how much love he has for the wrestling business.

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Guest Austin3164life

After thinking about it, I'd book Austin to win. Austin is revered more as a legend to many fans, whereas Goldberg is a long lasting "flavor of the month" type guy. I would have Goldberg as a face (even though Austin would probably get cheered more) since he's the Superman type, and Austin as the clever, calculating, and psychotic heel who uses tons of chain moves and wrestles to beat a guy. Goldberg, while being a powerful and agile guy, isn't really known for his technique. Austin can brawl well and wrestle well and is known for being one of the most dangerous wrestlers around. Basically, it'd be a see-saw match, but I'd book Austin to eventually keep outsmarting Goldberg and in the end, to win with a well-timed Stunner.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

::Still in kayfabe mode::


Austin would have to hit about 3 Stunners and knock him out cold. We know that brawling has no effect on Goldberg (Halloween Havoc '98 vs. DDP) and that it's next to impossible to technically wrestle Goldberg because he's too resilient to stay down and too powerful to keep grounded or tied up (Bash at the Beach '98 vs. Hennig or any of the Bret Hart matches).


Think about Austin's moveset: Stun Gun, clothesline, inverted atomic drop, superplex, snap suplex, piledriver, swinging neckbreaker, Lou Thesz Press, spinebuster...yeah, it works on the average wrestler, but I can't see it having much of an effect on Goldberg. Austin would have to go for the K.O.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Even in kayfabe mode, Austin would win. Here's why:


Goldberg's main opposition was jobbers and over-the-hill legends (everybody from Mongo to Hogan). Austin's main opposition were unstoppable forces and top-notch talents that the fans could legitimately see defeat Austin one-on-one (Undertaker, Big Show, and Kane to Rock, Foley, and HHH).


Still in kayfabe mode, Austin would take a beating, then do something to cheat and win the match. He's been in the business longer, and knows how to take shortcuts more than Goldberg does. Plus, Austin's matches were always longer than Goldberg's, and it has been seen that when Goldberg worked longer matches, he came closer and closer to defeat the longer the match went, usually hitting a fluke Spear and then a quick Jackhammer (as quick as the move CAN be done) for the win. Austin not only has the toughness, years, and overall skills that Goldberg doesn't, but also the stamina to last in a long match.


KAYFABE: Austin would beat Goldberg, 24-minutes, after struggling out of the Jackhammer to hit a quick Stunner and get a pin.


How would I book it? Just as I said the kayfabe finish would be.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'm biased as hell..but..Goldberg.




..and I'd love to see him no-sell the Stunner.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Hmm...I'll buy that argument. BUT...


1. You're right, Goldberg usually follows up the spear with the Jackhammer very quickly. He's only stalled once, and that was when he beat Hogan for the title.


2. It's much easier to wriggle out of a Tombstone than a Jackhammer. He would have to block it like you would a vertical suplex. If Goldberg got him up in the air, he'd be done.


If Goldberg speared Austin and went right for the Jackhammer, Austin couldn't fight it off. No way. He's kicked out of the Rock Bottom before, but he also had several seconds to recover from it. If Goldberg stalled between the spear and the Jackhammer, Austin might be able to escape it and hit a Stunner.


But the first Stunner wouldn't keep Goldberg down, IMO. Austin would need to hit 2-3 in rapid succession, and they would need to be good Stunners, too. I remember Austin hit a Stunner on Taker at IYH: Judgment Day, and Taker popped right back up and shook it off, so Austin had to drop him with a chairshot to the skull.

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Guest bob_barron

Austin and Goldberg should both no-sell the other finishers first and maybe second.


Or to have Austin win you could do the X-7 ending. I'd love to see Goldberg get whooped with a steel chair 17 times

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Yeah...that 1,004 chairshot attack would get the job done against anybody, including Goldberg. Maybe I should have more faith in Steve-O.

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