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Guest Dangerous A

Another serious HHH thread

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Guest Dangerous A

With all the new posts popping up on the board on HHH's latest antics, I figured I'd post another serious discussion about HHH. (ecxept this time I am not going to PM all the high post count guys)



What I want to know from my fellow smartmark posters is why do you think HHH plays the politics?



I have some theories as to why would HHH do this. It seems with each day a new HHH story comes out. He's telling the boys in the back that they need to step it up. He's suggesting to Vince to not be apart of an angle. He makes some stupid comments about Bischoff, etc.


But the bottom line is HHH is playing backstage politics. My question is why.



Why would a man who claims to love the business do this?


Is it because he is accustomed to a certain way of living? You know that the way people get paid in WWE is they get their downside and whatever else they make is dependent on how high up on the card they are. They are only guranteed the downside money. A lot of guys who start making main event money may not want to take that step down in pay. The WWE's system of pay is like this to keep guys hungry and to make them want to keep working and what not. But it also allows for politics and "glass ceilings" because the top guys don't want to give up their money. It's a big reason why Taker and Austin have also come into question about politics. Maybe these guys have made purchases of things like cars and homes and they need the main event money to keep rolling in or else their "way of living" comes into jeopardy.



Or maybe HHH does it because he has a God complex? Maybe he enjoys manipulating people to do what he says? Maybe he never got to play with GI Joe's and this is his way of making up for it? There is something to be said about having power over people and to make them do things that you want, in particular something you have fun with. Maybe once he got with Steph and tasted the book a little he couldn't stop. Think about how much fun it would be. Think about how if you actually had the book or access to it and were a performer. I have and I ended up booking everything around me. Or if it didn't revolve around me, then it would be insignificant. Now I know some of you will say you would never do it, but seriously, put yourself in that position. How many of us have played arm chair booker? But now think that what you think of could actually happen. It would rule wouldn't it. I'm not trying to justify what HHH does. I'm trying to figure out a more important question.





I'll also state that while HHH doesn't help the current situation at all. But he isn't the sole reason for the decline. The product was in a downturn from the end of WM-X7. Bad booking and bad decision making have been the main contributors of the current situation. Not creating money players and injuries are also factors. But I want some responses to the original post.



Why does HHH do these things?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'll post a more detailed reply later. Right now I'm trying to get my mind to work.


Simply put..it's human nature.


Triple H's spot isn't as secure as say..Rocky's is. Trips' spot he has now was gained off his heel work, something I'd imagine he feels somebody back there could upstage. That's where all of this Jericho nonsense ties in.


*shrugs* Most people will find a way to keep their spot..or attempt to. The nWo had a stranglehold over the management in WCW. HHH is dating Stephanie. Austin ran home several times, and refused to work with people. Hogan and Flair's exploits are well-documented.


Nobody wants to give up their glory..much less see somebody else get it.

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Guest Anglesault

I think Hunter realizes that his time is almost up, and he really hasn't left the legacy that he wanted, so by screwing over younger guys, he can prolong his time at the top.

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Guest GenerationNever

He simply wants the power he didn't have when he was punished for the MSG incident. HHH from MSG back then is the EXACT opposite of HHH today.

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Guest mickberna

I think he just thinks that he knows what is best for the business, plain and simple. He does "love" this business... however, he's probably on the low-watt end of the creative spectrum, so his backstage power ends up being counter-productive.


He's got his spot no matter what... he nailing the boss's daughter, and he's worked like hell to be a top guy in the business. So, I don't think he's actively trying to hold anyone down, and I don't think he's paranoid about his spot, because quite frankly, he ain't goin' nowhere.


However, I don't think he should have creative control. He should focus on working good matches, damnit.

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Guest Downhome

While we can speculate all we want, none of us will be able to come up with an answer to such a question and be100% for sure of our answer. With that said, I have my oun thoughts on "why" he does it. For starters Pro. Wrestling is one hell of a competitiave business. It's a dog-eat-dog world and only the strong survive. You have to do what you have to do to be a main stay in this sport, and he's doing what he can to stick around.


Perhaps somewhere in that mind of his he actually thinks he is doing the right thing by sticking his face into problems where it doesn't belong. Perhaps he actually thinks that what he does HELPS the company, we'll never know. If you ask me, from what has came out in the past day, it's almost like he is TRYING to get fired though. I have no idea what has got a hold of him, except it's just him trying to stay on top. I think HHH has way too much power, and him dating Steph has given him a false sense of more power than he actually HAS. As a result he takes every shot that he can to give feedback where he otherwise would not/would not be able to.


Anyhow, while it isn't right by no means, he's just a guy trying to make a living. Yes, he's doing it underhandedly at others expense, but nonetheless, he's getting it done. If I can't agree with WHAT he's doing, I suppose I can give him credit for getting his sh*t done, and abusing the power that he has aquired to his own personal gain. I mean, really...


...if he isn't good at anything else right now, he sure as hell is good at manipulating the system, right? In a way, you could call him the smartest guy in Pro. Wrestling, next to Kevin Nash that is. :D :o :D

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Guest RetroRob215

I guess he plays politics because most of his friends used to and still do that themselves. I never really had a problem with HHH, besides him sucking, until last week when the thing with Cena came out.


After hearing about HHH's little speech last night, I want to know what gives him the right to talk like that? The guy hasn't had a worthwhile match in 1 and a half years!! Until he gets back to the level he used to be at I don't think he should be telling anyone else how to do their job. Why doesn't he take his own advice? Get the hell out of the road agent and booking meetings and reteach yourself how to wrestle a good match.

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Guest TheSmarkzone
I think Hunter realizes that his time is almost up


I wish. The reality is that he's only 30 or 31 and he'll probably marry Steph one day.

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Guest Anglesault

No, I mean he realizes that the Nu Blood (Get it? ::Sigh:: No respect for history) are right on his ass and they are ready to remove him from his spot.

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Guest dreamer420

The way I look at is: if I was in hhh's position i would be doing the exact same thing so that is why i have no problem with him pulling all of the so called politics that he does. Also I don't see that it is a big deal that he is dating Stephanie. She does have a lot of creative control but if they were in charge of the book then I'm sure he would book himself into some better feuds and storylines and not be boring since returning.


I would also like to mention that I think a lot of people have certain ideas about HHH stuck in their heads and are not commenting on the facts. Maybe they are trying to fit in with other posters, or be cool (yeah right) in their hhh hating but a lot of it is not justifed. when threads that start out as al snow needs a haircut and get turned into anti-hhh threads I hate this board. I don't give a fuck if you think al snow's hair, or jericho, or angle, or the cruiserweights have been held down by hhh stick to the topic at hand.


i just don't see the humor in saying that "my guy" is being held down all the time I guess. maybe i don't have to find someone to take the blame for everything in my life.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

It would be funny if he and Steph had a huge break-up and Vince had Angle shoot on his ass.

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Guest Flyboy

I think anyone would probably do the same thing, but we're not the other guys going through the shit that Hunter dishes out. Why do you think Jericho feels? Hmmm..


Sure, I wouldn't want to give up my position of where I was, but if I saw that my ring work was lacking I would seriously THINK about it.


But, topics dealing with NOTHING about HHH getting turned INTO anti-HHH posts IS annoying.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Well, this topic started out as a HHH thread, so I don't see the problem. What is annoying is that there are 12 separate HHHating threads instead of just one. Maybe the mods or admins should make one official HHHating thread and stick it to the top for all eternity. Hell, maybe there should be a HHHating folder.

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Guest dreamer420

who gives a fuck about jericho? he is the only one who should be concerned with his career and he obviously has things well in hand if he resigned a new deal.


he obviously wants to stay with the wwe and there certainly wasn't a gun put to his head to have him remain there either. with austin walking and vince letting him, i think that showed that pretty well anyone under wwe contract that the wwe is far bigger than them and it doesn't need them.


also i'm sure the wwe would have accepted jericho leaving the company because we know that they are looking to make cuts and he would be a huge salary to dump. with that said i am a jericho fan and want to see him in the wwe but he just had his chance to get out and he didn't take it. he sure as hell doesn't need people whining about his spot in the wwe for him if he is perfectly fine with it.

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Guest Downhome

I think this topic stands on it's own, as it isn't just a HHHate thread, if it was I wouldn't be in it. It's asking opinions on an actual question concerning him.

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Guest Cactus Clothesline

Right on. Here's a somewhat sensible thread about Hunter.


First of all - God bless Mick Foley. He's my favorite wrestler ever and he did things the way they SHOULD be done but he's the exception to the rule and that's not the way things ARE done. I used to be naive too but you gotta realize that Foley's one of a kind. Besides Rocky who's more of a movie star than a wrestler these days anyway and Foley, pretty much ALL the top guys play the political game. Yep, damn near ALL of them do / did it - Austin, Flair, Hart (#2 all-time), Hogan, Michaels, Taker, hell Bruno Sammartino probably had Vince Sr.'s ear. Protecting your spot is the true "time honored tradition". Don't hate Hunter because he's good at it.


"It's all about the game, and how you play it."


I'm a HHH mark and sure it upsets me that he doesn't seem to appreciate that Foley "made" his ass and therefore try to "make" other stars (Jericho is a shining example). In my opinion, he was doing a good job of this before his injury - it was like Foley passed him the torch and he was running with it. (Of course Angle has that torch now and could lap both Foley and Hunter2000 if Vince smartens up and builds around him but that's for a different post.)


Sure, he's been bland/disappointing for the most part since his return but I'm not giving up on the guy. I still have hope that he can have a Austin 2001 type resurgence.

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Guest dreamer420

that is what i am hoping for too. if steph returns as the GM on smackdown and then he turns heel and they begin to run the place again, it will be just like 2000 and you can all go back to liking triple H

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Guest Angle is Wrestling

I have no doubt that HHH loves the buisness.. it's just that that's one of the only 2 things he loves, the other is himself.


I have a theory as to why he does it..and it's simply hanging around with the wrong people (That would be Nash, Hall, HBK)..they were all backstage politicians and HHH learned it all from them, then I suppose he felt screwed in the MSG incident and thought, "Well, I got screwed over here so I'm going to get to the top of the company, and then never let any of the young guys take my spot". He has a lot of dedication and all that other shit, he just uses it the wrong way.

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Guest dreamer420

there is no way that hhh is following anyones footsteps. just for second let's say he is and look at his role models:


kevin nash - horrible track record from wcw. booked himself in the wcw title and was a major part of the companies initial failure.


scott hall - recovering alcoholic who has been fired and suspended numerous times. i don't think he ever had much stroke around wcw.


shawn michaels - why take after the biggest piece of shit in pro wrestling? look what it got michaels. he can't wrestle and he is reduced to a flunky role on tv now. and i'm glad to because he deserves every minute of it. shawn michaels is the exact definition of how not to act in the back.


my question is why did the booking work in 2000 when people were in love with the game? because triple h self-destructive like nash, hall and michaels.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely"


In another thread I read about how Austin had HHH removed from agent meetings...and now with Austin gone...HHH is back in on them.


So Austin's leaving has another side effect in that HHH has more power. (since one less person is not in his way)


Would anyone do the same thing HHH does?




But I would hope those people wouldn't go around saying how much they love the business at the same time they are just serving themselves.


Furthermore...I would certainly hope that they wouldn't have the nerve to lecture others about what they should be doing at house shows and events...and how hard work pays off...


...when a large part of what that person has was handed to them by being friends with the boys at the top...and then boning the bosses daughter.


How can HHH say hard work pays off before a show where Eddy and Benoit face the Dudleys?


Or where Booker and RVD job?


And an unover rookie to TV gets the Jesus push.


Play politics...fine...whatever...


Just don't be hypocritacal about it.


That is why I hate HHH.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

I've never heard an ex-WWE wrestler say anything nice about HHH in a shoot interview. In all of the RF shoot interviews I've seen, everybody seems to agree that HHH is a scumbag. It's just that all of the fans temporarily forgot about his ties with the Kliq when he was having his awesome run in 2000. When he came back from the quad tear and was still pulling clout despite his horrible performance in the ring, we remembered that he learned the game of politics from the original masters of manipulation.

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Guest dreamer420
In another thread I read about how Austin had HHH removed from agent meetings...and now with Austin gone...HHH is back in on them.

here's a good example of someone not having the facts and trying to make triple h look bad.


we'll call the above quote exhibit A

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Guest TheSmarkzone

I find it funny that you are a Hart Foundation mark, yet you are defending a scumbag who was heavily involved in the Montreal screwjob.

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Guest dreamer420

do you honestly believe that mid carder hunter hearst helmsley had some big role in montreal? he may have had knowledge that it was taking place but he wasn't a major part of it or anything.

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Guest the pinjockey
In another thread I read about how Austin had HHH removed from agent meetings...and now with Austin gone...HHH is back in on them.

here's a good example of someone not having the facts and trying to make triple h look bad.


we'll call the above quote exhibit A

Actually 1wrestling posted this earlier in the day so I would say this has more basis behind it than random HHHate reason #173

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Guest TheSmarkzone

I loved it when Julie Hart bitched him out. I guess what comes around does go around, because he tore his quad and was out for 8 months.

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Guest Dangerous A

If 1wrestling is the source of this latest HHH rumor bit, then fuck this shit. 1wrestling are a bunch of cock gobblers and I take all their newsbits with a boulder of salt.


Unless it's from the Torch or Observer, count DA out.

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