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Guest BoboBrazil

Major Vengeance Spoiler On Who Wins The Title

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"First off, it is not debatable that Angle is more talented than Rock. Angle can carry anyone to a good match. When's the last time Rock had a good match where he wasn't carried? Exactly.


And RVD can work a match over 5 minutes. RVD is one of the best workers in the WWF today. The point about a heel champion right now being a bad idea couldn't be more true. The fans need someone to cheer for as their champ, and that man is RVD.


But, we all know that a Lesnar/HHH feud is on the horizon, don't we?


I mean, Rock is gone after Summerslam (to film Helldorado, or whatever horrible movie his dumbass is filming this time), so that means that Lesnar will win the belt. Is it RVD? No, but at least it's new and fresh. They just need to make Lesnar an actual heel, not a guy who just beats up everybody. Make him into a true sonofabitch heel!


Anyway, so with Lesnar the champ after SS, who's his next opponent going to be? Well if you guessed RVD, you're wrong. You know the WWF would never do the logical thing. Triple H will whine and complain like the bitch that he is, and Steph, being that she is getting plowed by the game, will book it as such.


Fuck Triple H and fuck Stephanie.




I'm going to bet that Triple H will be the first man to pin Brock Lesnar clean.


Because he is the game, and he is that damn selfish! "


Now that is what I call the generic dumb smart mark post.

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Guest Vern Gagne

RVD getting the title would seem like a great idea on the surface, but knowing the WWE you'd see another Jerichoesque reign.

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Guest Ripper

Um, lets see...the last singles match Rock had...Hogan right..now who had a better match with Hogan, Rock or Angle...Rock/Test...actually a pretty damn good match. Rock/Rhyno...incredible match...Rock Christian...damn good match...Angle/Chritian...blah. Rock/Jerhico...MOTYC... Angle/Jerhico...forgettable..


Angle is damn good, but you can put up just as much of a case for Rock. BTW, whats with all this Rock got carried crap... Rock does not need to be carried. The guy is a great wrestler...END OF STORY.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

It seemed like most everyone on this board called the SS match a few weeks ago.


When Austin left because he didn't want to job to Brock, and Rock was rushed back, everyone knew it was to take the Austin spot, since that's all he really has time to do anyway.


They just needed someone over to sacrafice to Brock, so we can have that exciting Brock-HHH feud.


and for christ sakes, we've had this RVD argument a thousand times. Don't like him? Fine, but the crowd does. End of story.

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Guest Brian

"First off, it is not debatable that Angle is more talented than Rock. Angle can carry anyone to a good match. When's the last time Rock had a good match where he wasn't carried?"


Considering how much you dislike the Rock I won't shot you down to much, but early Angle, pre-summer of 2001, was not the great wrestler he was now. Good matches Rock has been in without being carried: Rock/Booker was what you guys would call good, any of the Rock/HHH, Angle/Rock from back in early 2001 (seemed obvious Rock was supplying storyline). Jericho/Rock had hints of Rock despite being a Jericho-carry. Like I say, Rock is a good worker who brings a decent storyline and pacing and leaves hints of that in matches that he's had a hand in.


Well, Angle can't carry Hogan.

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Guest Anglesault
Um, lets see...the last singles match Rock had...Hogan right..now who had a better match with Hogan, Rock or Angle...Rock/Test...actually a pretty damn good match. Rock/Rhyno...incredible match...Rock Christian...damn good match...Angle/Chritian...blah. Rock/Jerhico...MOTYC... Angle/Jerhico...forgettable..

I'm not saying that Angle is better than Rock, but a few points.


-Rock/Test blew.

-All the Rock/Jericho's were on PPV. The last Angle/Jericho was a five minute Raw match, that both the referee and Kane fucked up.

-Rock/Rhyno was better than Rhyno/Angle, yes. But wasn't Rhyno injured for the second Angle match? (The first one was 9/13, though I doubt that had much of an impact)

-Rock/Christian was a WCW title match in Toronto that had "Christian" chants and awesome atmospere and some time. Angle/Christian was a US title match that no one cared about and got no time (I thought the KotR match was pretty good for what it was)

-Didn't see Rock/Hogan, can't comment.



And NO Rock is not carried.

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Guest Anglesault

And also,


Angle/Kane is better than Rock/Kane, Angle/Edge was better than Rock/Edge, and Angle/Storm was better than Rock/Storm. I'd say that while Rock is still better, he is not head and shoulders better like you said.

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Guest Ripper

With your blinding hate of Test, I'm pretty sure you couldn't like that match.


I'm not saying that Rock is head and Shoulders above angle. They are closer to equal...only Rock knows how to sell and work the crowd into a match better, while Angle can perform his moves cripser and has this explosiveness that is just impressive to watch. But everyone acts like the ROck sucks and Angle is god. I am more on the they both are great performers end of it.

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Guest Anglesault

No way does Rock suck.


And I went into that Rock/Test match hopinh Rock could carry him. He couldn't. Honestly, IF the original plan WAS Rock/Jericho for Rumble (which I doubt) that time would have been better served building the match up instead of a number one contenders match with Booker T. (But that is a horse of a totally different color.)

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
1) Someone said they're giving it to the Rock without him even having a match back yet. He has a match on Smackdown. Just felt like pointing it out...

I said he didn't have a match back until after they announced he was in the main event.


You know what? All the events surrounding the Vengeance main are starting to remind me of Fingerpoke of DOOM(Rock leaves/Hogan retires, Taker/Nash challenges Angle/Goldturd, and Rock/Hogan wins the title again). Only this time, Goldturd WILL be involved in the match and will probably be doing the job, too.


Kinda freaky, ain't it?

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Guest GenerationNever

Rock ISN'T great, I would consider him average. I mean, he's better than Hogan(in movies and wrestling)but he's no Angle. Of course, who is?

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Guest TheSmarkzone
RVD can't work a match over 5 minutes


That's such bullshit. He's improved a ton since he came to the WWE. His matches with Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, William Regal, Goldust, and Chris Jericho were all solid-great and they were all well over 5 minutes.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I say Nash interferes in the match Sunday, hits Rocky with his crutch, and wins the title. No explanation is needed for why the 3 count was counted for Nash, who wasn't even in the match. Maybe Nick Patrick, the evil nWo referee can return.

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Guest NoCalMike

If Rock hotshots the title to Brock, does that mean WWE will start feuds for Brock, yet when Rock decides to waltz back into the company after 6 months, he will immediately put a halt to whatever current title feud is going on and take over as the #1 contender? I sure hope not

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Guest The Fett

I really think the main reason they're giving Rock the title is because he's the only person in the company that can get Brock over. I don't think Rock has asked to win the title. I don't think the company really thinks Rock with the title can help ratings. But because they think having their most over face job to Brock for the title will help get Brock over. So far Brock has been a dissapointment. They've tried everything to get him heat but nothing has been very effective. What better way to get him over then have Rock putting him over. I don't think Rock should be blamed for this. Blame the writers for screwing up Brock's push and making him a Goldberg rip off.

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Guest Anglesault

Maybe if Brock's title reign bombs, they will hotshot it to Angle for a long reign

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Guest cabbageboy

I can't really see a HHH/Brock feud. I dunno, but I just think that match would really suck ass. You can't have two power guys against each other, that sort of match never works.


I've never understood why Rock/Brock has to be for the title. I mean, Rock can still job big time to him and it would get him over as much (if not more) non title as it would title. If Brock kills the Rock for the title people get pissed off and everyone says "this is bullshit, Lesnar is getting pushed too hard and doesn't deserve it." If he kills Rock in a non title match people say "whoa, he crushed the Rock last night! It's a matter of time before he tracks down the champ and wins the title."

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

redbarron is a jerkass


I hate HHH. WE all know this. But I don't blatantly lie about his ability.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"I'm going to bet that Triple H will be the first man to pin Brock Lesnar clean"


I made this prediction the day Lesnar showed up.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I really think the main reason they're giving Rock the title is because he's the only person in the company that can get Brock over. I don't think Rock has asked to win the title. I don't think the company really thinks Rock with the title can help ratings. But because they think having their most over face job to Brock for the title will help get Brock over. So far Brock has been a dissapointment. They've tried everything to get him heat but nothing has been very effective. What better way to get him over then have Rock putting him over. I don't think Rock should be blamed for this. Blame the writers for screwing up Brock's push and making him a Goldberg rip off.

While that sounds like a good game plan, I really don't think Rock has that much rub to give. While, yes, he IS the most over face, I haven't seen one time where Rock jobbing did anything for anybody except for Foley and Jericho, but even then(and I know I may catch some heat for this) I kinda think Triple H(PRE-injury) to put them over than Rock ever really did.


Honestly, the only way the Brock/Rock program could succeed is if they kick the Brock push way into overdrive and have him actually affect Rock in a manner that makes him drop the wise-ass character and become a LOT more serious as to put importance on beating Brock.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

It works for me.


Brock destroys Rocky post-match, which will explain his absence. Brock dominates in Rocky's absence, Rocky comes back later in the year for revenge.

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Guest Diesel
"I'm going to bet that Triple H will be the first man to pin Brock Lesnar clean"


I made this prediction the day Lesnar showed up.

Yet again this as turned into another HHH haters forum.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Once again, why do you have a HHHating sig if you're not a HHHater?

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Guest TheSmarkzone

How is it not a HHHating sig when he's advertising the fact that HHH helps his Kliq buddies and holds everybody else down?

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Of course you do, he's defending you.


But I can read, and your sig is still anti-HHH.


Unless giving his buddies undeserving pushes and having Chris Benoit be squashed in the process is a good thing...

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I wasn't defending him, Smarkzone.


The guy's obviously a Nash fan judging by the avatar and posting name.

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Guest TheSmarkzone

I'm a Nash fan, too, but I know a HHHating sig when I see one.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Maybe he's mocking the HHHaters, then. Why else would choose obvious guys like Benoit to have HHH bury for a Nash push?

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