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Guest steelbell97

Some people actually think Heenan sucked!!

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Guest steelbell97

These freaking marks really piss me off. This topic comes up about Jim Ross on this messageboard. Of course these posters love him and Jerry Lawler. Thats OK with me but 4 people bring up Heenan say he was unfunny and sucked. Some marks are idiots.

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Guest Tony149

Bobby was great during his WWF days, but he wasn't as good in WCW. I think he had a drinking problem, so that could be the reson.

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Guest Mark4steamboat

Bobby was just as funny in WcW IMO. His best comment in wcw was at the clash where ed leslie hit hogan in the leg with the pipe. Hogan was arriving in his white limo with police all around the limo. Bobby then says " Hey didnt i just see this on tv last week?" referring to the OJ case. Funny stuff.

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Guest Jericholic82

I know a lot say that, but it makes me mad.  Heenan was the greatest and funniest color man in history.  Even in WCW, while sometimes not as good, was still funny as hell.  I posted on the old board last week a fav WCW Heenan quote so I will repost it now:


During Bash At the Beach 1996, the announcers kept talking about the "hostile takeover" (nWo) and how Eric Bischoff was missing.  One time when Tony mentioned Eric, Heenan all of a sudden, calmly says and I quote:

"I hope he doesn't ask us for cash."


I don't know why I love that line so much, maybe cuz all the announcers seemed to be in worried mode and not thinking about the matches going on, but Heenan had to be himself.  I should point out that Tony and Dusty totally no-sold the line and paid no attention. The delivery was great

That was during the opener Rey Misterio Jr. vs Psychosis; at  another point Tenay (who was there to explain the luchadores) mentioned that Rey was only 23.  When Psychosis had Rey in a chinlock, he grabbed at his mouth

Heenan says "Look 23 year old kid and he has no teeth"

His calm delivery made me roll on the floor.  Heenan was also great on the best of nitro from December 1999.


Anyways keep the replies coming so we can prove to the world that Heenan is god.  so tell us your fav Heenan quotes (WWF and WCW)

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Guest Mark4steamboat

I just hope Heenan can beat cancer. It seems like cancer is affecting the best announcers (i.e Bobby and Gordon Solie who were also great together)

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Guest Army Eye
These freaking marks really piss me off. This topic comes up about Jim Ross on this messageboard. Of course these posters love him and Jerry Lawler. Thats OK with me but 4 people bring up Heenan say he was unfunny and sucked. Some marks are idiots.

Appalling.  Lawler could stand to learn a LOT from Heenan on how to be a great heel color man

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Guest Your God

Yeah, Lawler is too much of a "fan favorite" color commentator, while Heenan was content being simply a huge a--hole.   And that's why The Brain is so great.  I love his dry, deadpan wit that bordered on offensive.  Also, he didn't waste his time chanting "puppies" or drooling over the valets of the time.  In fact, during WM 8, he was more concerned with Flair retaining the title than the nudie pics of Miss Elizabeth being shown.  Imagine if Lawler was in his situation!

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Guest dreamer420
These freaking marks really piss me off. This topic comes up about Jim Ross on this messageboard. Of course these posters love him and Jerry Lawler. Thats OK with me but 4 people bring up Heenan say he was unfunny and sucked. Some marks are idiots.

Isn't that just someone else's opinion?  I don't think that poster is an idiot but it makes you look like one.

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Guest Drury37

Oh that's harsh!!!I think that Bobby Heenan was a great announcer and was hilarious in both the WWF and WCW.


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Guest Daredevil21

I have mainly seen Heenan's WWF stuff which is classic and if it's with the Gorilla, you must watch it no matter what is happening in the ring. Matter of fact, they were usually at their best when a bad match was happening because they would up the comedy, but when an intense match came on they would be focusing on the match. That's what the problem with Lawler is, he doesn't know when to shut the hell up about puppies. If Stacy had been out there after the Rock incident, I'm sure Lawler would have been going on and on about her, instead of acting like the Owen situation had happened again.


Anyway from the little bits and pieces that I've seen from Heenan's WCW days, I have to say he was still good but compared to his WWF stuff, it's not as good. Some may say his alcoholism got in the way, but I think the facts that his partners were asses, he was treated with no respect by the higher ups and the lackluster product most of the time, are what affected his work.


One of my favorite Heenan WCW lines comes from the opener of the GAB 95, I believe and it happens when they are brwaling on the outside. One of the guys in the front row has a football jersey on with the numbers 00 and Heenan calmly notes, "Hey look, that fan has his I.Q. on his shirt." Classic stuff and made the fact that I paid $5 for it, a little easier to accept.

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Heenan is by far my favourite colour commentator as well. I don't remember him ever breaking character as a commentator, even after the retirement match at WM VII when he made the comment "I'd rather have some money than a skirt". I must have watched some of the PPVs like RR 92 and WM VIII dozens of times just to hear Monsoon and Heenan's brilliant commentary. He did deteriorate in WCW but was still the best colour man they had. To be perfectly honest, seeing him do commentary for the WWF again at Wrestlemania X-Seven was probably my favourite part of the entire show.

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Guest goodhelmet

Heenan in the WWF was eons better in the WCW. That said, he is still miles ahead of anyone in announcing today. In the late 80's when him and Gorilla hosted the USA show, they were hilarious. The best announcing tandem was Ventura-Monsoon. They sold the in ring work and Jesse was the voice of reason. Heenan, as great as he was, was still a step behind Jesse

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Jesse Ventura was good, but I don't think he was quite as entertaining as Heenan. I really didn't like Ventura's constant overuse of the word "definitely". He must have said that about 50 times during Wrestlemania IV, and it always seems to be one of the first words out of his mouth during every show.

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Guest Jericholic82

Here's the Heenan quote of the day

Wrestlemania 9 talking to other announcers Macho Man and the debuting Jim Ross


Macho: Is she from Oklahoma? (Refering to Luna Vachon)

Heenan: No, she's pretty.


Anyways, my dad actually met Heenan once at a youth benefit show my dad was singing at.  This was back in 92 I belive.  My dad said he was real nice and told my dad he was a good singer.  My dad got his autograph for me.  Unfortunately I lost it damn.  I was so shocked as I was a makr back then and was surprised that Heenan was so nice.  I didn't even want his autograph cuz he was a "bad guy" lol


Heenan is the greatest


Get well soon Brain!

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Guest teke184

Heenan was good in the WWF, but wasn't consistant in WCW.  Given that the environment of WCW turned him into one of the "I'm here for my paycheck" zombies limited the amount of good work that he did.


As for Lawler, he was great as a heel announcer from about 93 to 97 or so.  The problem is that the WWF has let him act like a horny teenager on TV since the Attitude Era started.  It wasn't bad at first as he'd only be making boob jokes if Sable or Sunny was out, but the expansion of the women's division and the coining of the term "puppies" sealed his fate as an announcer.  


Right now, Lawler is dead weight on the announcing team and should be replaced in favor of Paul Heyman or Heenan (if he beats cancer and wants to work again).

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Guest Drury37

Heenan was great in the WWF,but like I said I kind of gave up on him when he was in WCW,but when I did watch WCW it was like hearing a familiar voice in unfamiliar world.


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Guest JHawk

For those who haven't watched the Bobby Heenan shoot interview that RF Video did, he said during that that he became one of the "Every two weeks, collect a paycheck" zombies.  He had been there maybe two months and suggested an angle for Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne, and Bischoff told him "Bobby, you're just an announcer.  We'll come up with those ideas."  Because listening to wrestling people would be bad for business or some crap.  Whatever.  There was also the Nitro with the Mexican minis where Bischoff told him not to make any short jokes because people would write in.  It's hard to be funny when you're more or less told not to be.  And if I'm thinking of the right match, he still got in a good line with "He's so excited, he said 'I feel like I'm four feet tall.' "  If Bobby Heenan was allowed to be Bobby Heenan, maybe we wouldn't have gotten stuck with two years of Mark Madden.  *sigh*  Damn 90s WCW

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Guest JHawk

For those who haven't watched the Bobby Heenan shoot interview that RF Video did, he said during that that he became one of the "Every two weeks, collect a paycheck" zombies.  He had been there maybe two months and suggested an angle for Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne, and Bischoff told him "Bobby, you're just an announcer.  We'll come up with those ideas."  Because listening to wrestling people would be bad for business or some crap.  Whatever.  There was also the Nitro with the Mexican minis where Bischoff told him not to make any short jokes because people would write in.  It's hard to be funny when you're more or less told not to be.  And if I'm thinking of the right match, he still got in a good line with "He's so excited, he said 'I feel like I'm four feet tall.' "  If Bobby Heenan was allowed to be Bobby Heenan, maybe we wouldn't have gotten stuck with two years of Mark Madden.  *sigh*  Damn 90s WCW

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Guest Drury37

In my mind the greatest announce team duo of all time was Gorrilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan.


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I think Bobby Heenan is better than Jerry Lawler. Jerry can't make funny jokes and only talks about the ugly WWF divas. Back before the crappy Attitude era, he was cool.

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My rankings of Heel announcers:





Lawler (for being so immature)

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I will just echo the opinion of everybody else and state that I think Bobby Heenan and Jesse Ventura are by FAR the best colour guys in the business. Now if I had to pick between those two, it would be rather impossible...

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Guest Crasper

I think Heenan and Ventura are different enough not to have to chose between them.  It was a shame they were somewhat in competition during their WCW run.  Not to taunt you guys in the States again, but we get Gorilla and the Brain every week on WWF Classics, which is old Wrestling Challenge (I think tomorrow's episode is the first one of 1988).  When you're a kid, I don't think you realise how funny Heenan is.  Watching him now- makes you realise how bad Lawler is (would be great to see Heyman send Brock after Lawler, just so he could do colour again one week).

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Guest Caliban

Lawler was OK around '94-97 when he first started cmmentating. These days he's really bad, but at least he's not Michael Cole.


I don't know how anyone can say Heenan was unfunny, especially when Lawler is the guy who spouted "If (a wrestler's) brains were chocolate, his wouldn't fill... an MnM)

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Well, Jesse Ventura was great as heel commentator, but he wasn't as funny as Heenan. Bobby would have me in tears sometimes, no joke. For a great example of Bobby at his best, watch the Harts match from Survivor Series 93. Bobby rips into the Hart family and Stu. Even when I first watched the show, I was about 7, I found myself laughing at some of the jokes. Now, it's even funnier. I really hope Bobby beats cancer and comes back to commentate.

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Guest dreamer420

Ventura wasn't as funny as Heenan but I did enjoy him more.  Gorilla and Ventura were the greatest announce team that I have ever seen.

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