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Guest ShooterJay

Harry Knowles/Scott Keith

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Guest ShooterJay

I was perusing through www.whatever-dude.com (an awesome site, btw, and they're all wrestling fans) and read this interesting article on Harry Knowles.




Anyway, reading it, I noticed a lot of parallels between Knowles and Scott Keith, and wrestling/movies in general. Just thought it would be interesting to think about, and it shows that maybe the WWE should pay at least a little more attention to internet fans (die-hards) and consider their opinions seriously.

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Guest RetroRob215

"He was a self-confessed comic book geek lacking direction and drifting through life - the idiot savant slacker."


That line could describe either of them.

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Guest dreamer420

wasn't there a thread about this in the site feedback folder. i know i seen a pic of him there and it was worth finding too.

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Guest J*ingus

They aren't quite the same. Keith is relentlessly negative towards a lot of wrestling, the scary part being that he actually goes easier on the WW(F)E than foreign or indy wrestling. Knowles on the other hand is a bonafide suckup a lot of the time, with about 80% of his movie reviews being glowing handjobs of the filmmakers.

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Guest dreamer420

i guess you are right. if there is one thing scott keith doesn't do it is suck up the the wwe. i haven't heard him say one nice thing in like 4 months.

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Guest Incandenza

SK has a gut, but he doesn't approach the levels of fatness that Knowles does (but then so few people do). However, they both have simularly awful--though completely different--hair.


And getting back to original point, Scott Keith appears to understand the basic rules of spelling and grammar, whereas Harry Knowles writes like a C-student 8th grader. As if his fawning write-ups of even the lamest of movies that Hollywood spews wasn't bad enough, the pieces themselves border on the incoherent.


EDIT: It's been a long time since I've seen a Keith picture, and I've forgotten just how chunky he is. Here's a picture, though a poor quality one:



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Guest Human Fly

Keith looks like he has a rug in that picture.


I don't know what people in the WWE or any other federation think of Keith, but it seems like every interview I read with someone and Knowles comes up they think that Knowles is a piece of garbage. He is such a pathetic shill.

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