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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Most over/under rated mic worker?

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Well if you did have the balls to click then you either wanna read what I have to say or you wanna bitch at me for posting a topic thats probably been done a thousand times before. No matter, heres my choices, enjoy and or choke on them...


Over Rated: Shawn Michaels. Okay, he certainly has charisma in the ring but Jesus, he is just death on the mic. His delivery is awful, his words usually come off pretty cheesy and lets face it him threatening someone just never worked, as he may very well be the least threatening member of the WWE ever. Well with the possible exception of Rick Martel


Under Rated: Obvious choice I'd say, Rob Van Dam. I never really got the whole weak mic work thing with him. I think he's good just because he comes off like an everyday guy not the typical "I'm gonna rape and pillage every one of you gutless assholes! " or whatever. Granted, his heel mic work is pretty shittacular, but thats neither here nor there or even there.


So what are your choices on the whole matter? If anyone says Billy Gunn i'll pat you on the back for being brave.

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Guest Flyboy

Actually, I think RVD's mic work came best as a heel... especially after his match with Storm at Barely Legal '97. It was in bps' sig.


But, I agree... RVD's mic work is underrated.

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Guest HoffmanHBK

Actually, I don't think RVD is underrated at all. While I dig his "cool" persona, and I think his promos fit that image, his inflection leaves something to be desired. Sometimes it feels like he's stressing the wrong words ina sentence, y'know? But maybe that's just me. Also, I wouldn't mind a *little* more enthusiasm when he's talking about upcoming matches.


As far as underrated guys go, I'd say Test without a doubt. Granted, some of his recent stuff has been "grunt grunt grunt AMERICA SUCKS", but he's shown he can be entertaining on the stick, especially in his programs with Stephanie McMahon and T&A.


By the way, Flyboy, that pic is awesome. :wub:

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Guest Kid Kablam

Lance Storm- I absolutely love his promos. Give me more Lance Storm damn it! I actually think Benoit is underrated. I like his no nonsense character, and did eat up that whole "Prove me worng!" stuff

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Guest NazMistry

Over rated: The Rock, Chris Jericho, Edge.


Under rated: Lance Storm, Undertaker, Raven.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Under rated: Storm, Taker, Benoit, Eddie (He needs to lose the accent and he could prove himself) AND Stephanie <~~Getting flamed for that one


Over Rated: Edge & Nash

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Under: Storm, Eddie (as noted, lose the accent)

Over: HBK, Rock ::ducks::

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Overrated: Steve Austin (even before the "What?" period), Farooq ("You out here talkin' bout mastabashun?"), The Hurricane (although it pains me to say it), Stacy Kiebler (girl, the idea is to make it sound like you're NOT reading from a script!)


Middling: Eddie (I love his mic one day, hate it the next), Chris Benoit (He was doing good when he first came in, but is it me or did the Canadian Accent come back stronger than ever since his return?)


Underrated: The Big Show ("But sometimes, I just want to DANCE!"), Booker T (although he proved more than "SUCKA" was over on Monday), Test

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Guest TheSmarkzone

Nobody can top the mic skills of Test when he's in Ladies' Man mode. I mean, once you hear Test, you'll forget about all the rest.

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Guest BigTim2002

OK. First off, the reason all you guys think RVD is underrated is because Vince doesn't really let him CUT a fuckin' promo.


Secondly, what's wrong with somebody being serious? Does it have to be Rocky-like all the time?


And thirdly...you let Rocky talk more than any other person on the roster, Vince...and beware...shit will hit the fan.

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Guest welshjerichomark

over-rated, vince mcmahon- i can't put my finger on it but ugh, i have to leave the room during his looooooonnnggg promos, i can't bear his voice


hulk hogan, when hogan gets on the mike its time for a piss-break


trish stratus- she has improved to the point where i enjoy watching her in the ring. but on the mike noooooo.


under-rated- rvd-'nuff said


chris benoit, bit boreing but not nearly as bad as people say


hhh, *hides in the corner* please don't hurt me.

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Guest Whatmaniac

Overrated: Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash


Underrated: Beniot, Big Show, Lance Storm, Triple H, and all the McMahons except Linda.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

So far Farooq, Edge, and Stacy have been named overrated.


Um, did anyone think these 3 were any good to begin with? Honestly?


Clearly, I'm the only one who likes Latino Heat promos though.

"Lateeeeenoeeeeeeeeezum". As fake as the accent is, I'll say underrated.


I think the reason people think Storm is bad on the mic is because he's playing a guy who's bad on the mic. Of course, he's very good at it, so maybe it makes him seem worse.



I will also say Hogan or Taker are overrated, only because they get so much promo time that someone in management must think they are good on the mic. Of course, everyone else in the world knows they are just brutal.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Underrated = Benoit, Storm, RVD, Raven (yes), and (eep) Steph....




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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
under-rated- rvd-'nuff said


chris benoit, bit boreing but not nearly as bad as people say


hhh, *hides in the corner* please don't hurt me.

HHH is underrated on the mic? HOW?




Do you think he deserves MORE time for promo's on Smackdown/Raw/wherever the fuck he is? MAYBE A EXTRA 30 MINS!




Yeah, that'll help the WWE. Giving HHH an hour on every show he is on. WHY NOT JUST GIVE HIM HEAT?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff



Steve Austin- After he had turned face, it seemed like "What?" was all he had. Before then though, his heel mic work was absolute gold.


RVD- I swear, in every single promo of his I've ever heard dating back to ECW, the guy has never impressed me at all.


The Rock- He's gotten progressively worse since 1999 and just seems to rely on the same tired schtick that everyone's heard a thousand times before.


Vince McMahon- Seriously, his 20 minute gabfests need to stop NOW.






Chris Benoit- The accent IS starting to creep back in for some reason, but I still like his no-nonsense promos.


Eddy Guerrero- Get rid of the stereotypical accent NOW, dammit. We already know you can speak without sounding like a moron.

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Guest AM The Kid

Underrated: Storm, Benoit, Vince, Undertaker, Christian, Steph *avoids lamp being tossed at head*


Overrated: Eddie, Rock, Edge

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Underrated: Storm, Test, Shane, Eddie, Benoit, Kane (I was actually digging his "Freaks Rule" and "Kanenites" lines)



Overrated: Vince, HHH, Rock, Bradshaw, Undertaker, Hogan

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Guest Anglesault
As far as underrated guys go, I'd say Test without a doubt. Granted, some of his recent stuff has been "grunt grunt grunt AMERICA SUCKS", but he's shown he can be entertaining on the stick, especially in his programs with Stephanie McMahon and T&A.

Test: Well, uhm, you're just a uhm...God dmanit, I forgot my line!


::Crowd laughs::


Test: SHA-ANE! Tell them to stop laughing at me!

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Guest AndrewTS




Nash/HBK/Hall/HHH. They...talk...really...slooooowly. And...sound...so...booooooooring.


Rock: He has such a sophisicated sounding voice. Too bad he uses it to shamelessly shill bad movies and talk about sodomizing other men.


Booker T: I know, I know...I find him entertaining and hilarious too, but Goldie's the better promo man. Book just plays off him well, but without him I'd fear he'd be lost.





Big Show: He's a funny SOB, like when he was ripping off the Richards ripping-off gimmick. And mumbling to himself in his sleep? "Mmmm..pancakes." Hilarious.


Lance Storm: He's not a comedy character, but from his website and commentaries, you can tell that he has the wit to do so if his voice wasn't so monotone. But as it is, it's perfect for his character. And at least he's getting mad heel heat now (only...dude...we didn't start WWI or WWII. We just finished it before Ze Germans kicked the collective asses of all the pussy Europeans. What did CANADA do about it?)

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Guest ryankeast

Overated - Vince McMahon, HHH and Shawn Michaels


Underated - Val Venis (Just before he joined the RTC his promos were very good) , Eddie Gueereo (If he drops the whole Latino Heat Crap), Stevie Richards, Lance Storm.


Jericho, Angle and the Rock are GREAT on the mic.

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Guest TheBlurricane


HBK (current, in DX HBK could do awesome work...remember the state of the union type address)


Vince (does the word over-acting mean anything to him?)


Rock (come on Dwayne you used to be verbal gold back in 98-99)


HHH (his promo work as a heel was good, but now all he does is "grrrrrrrr I'll show you how demented and sadistic I am grrrrrr time to play the game grrr")



Storm (He's good on the mic it's JR and King that keep trying to tell us he's not)


RVD (his heel promos in ECW where he would joke about jumping ship to WWF were great)


Rhyno (let the man speak)


Benoit (prove me wrong was cool)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Overrated: EDGE and GUERRERO


Underrated: RVD and Benoit


Once you get the "he can't talk" stigma...people never let it go.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins


Rhyno (let the man speak)

Oh man, how could I forget one of my favorite wrestlers? RhIno's ECW promo's were great.








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Guest Wild_Orchid



Kurt Angle. While some may get off on his cheesy school boy humour, I don't. Add to that the fact that his voice is fingernails on a chalkboard annoying. Yelling and screaming on the mic does not a good mic worker make. Never liked his mic work from day one.


HHH. His grunts and groans on the mic are channel-change worthy. I don't find his mic work even remotely interesting.





Kevin Nash. He has the kind of voice that makes you sit up and take notice. It carries well, and he sounds very believeable when he speaks.


Lance Storm. Some fault him for lacking charisma and tend to lump his mic work along with that, but when he's allowed to let loose on the mic cuts a good promo.


Chris Jericho. IMO, one of the very best, and a very close second only to the Rock. Period.


Christian. I find his mic work to be very impressive, especially considering the fact that three years ago many said he and Edge could never survive as singles wrestlers because they didn't cut promos. Over the past couple of years he has more than proven his worth on the mic.

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Guest massivHEDtrauma

Who the fuck cares if Benoit's accent is creeping back in? HE'S CANADIAN!!!


Am I the only one who likes the entire Latino Heat gimmick (even if it is better suited to face Eddie than heel Eddie?)?


Rhyno is just brutal on the mic in my opinion. I mean, I wanted to laugh at him every time he tried to be INTENSE~! And I did. Laugh.


Anyways, my picks:




The entire Kliq except for X-Pac: Whoever said they talk slooooow...and for excesssive.......periods............of........................time was 100% correct.


The Hurricane: I like the gimmick and I like Helms himself a lot, but it's like he doesn't know how to properly put together sentences. That's not to say his promos are bad, it's just that certain lines that would normally be funny and get a big crowd reaction are often botched because he stresses the wrong syllables or pauses at the wrong times or something.


Ric Flair (yes, I realize everyone is going to destroy me for this): I never understood why the man's promos are so hailed. Granted, they're okay and all, probably even revolutionary when he was in his prime, but in today's wrestling environment they're just marginal at best.




Everyone from ECW except for Rhyno: Dreamer, Justin Credible, Steven Richards, Lance Storm, the Dudleyz, Rob Van Dam, Tazz, and ESPECIALLY Raven. They all just totally rule on the mic.


Kidman: When he actually got to speak fairly regularly during his jealous boyfriend gimmick in WCW, he wasn't half-bad at all.


The Big Show: He's the most underrated in my opinion. Not only is he very humorous, but I think he's pretty decent even when he's just playing his standard fearsome big man gimmick. The promo he cut after joining the NWO was surprisingly good, to me at least.


And that's that. Ya dumb idiot (man was Tank Abbot funny in that horrific sort of way).

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