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Guest HBK16

9/11 movie

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Guest HBK16

I was watching the news a few days ago and they got into the subject if there would ever be a 9/11 movie. Would you be for it or against it? And if you were for it how long would you wait to make it? I would be against it because they can't possibly make a movie starting from the day of the hijacking and make it long enough. This is Hollywood and they would add stuff that might offend people. Like Pearl Harbor they added a love story but it was mainly suppose to be about Pearl Harbor and Saving Private Ryan and a lot of other war movies. I just wanted to hear your opinion on this.

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Guest evenflowDDT

There was? What was it called?


I'd be against the idea simply because it would be stupid. Forgive the lack of an intelligent argument, but the chances of the movie being allowed to say anything daring or even meaningful are next to nil, because if there was anything BUT blind jingoism as a focus it would be censored by the network/company producing it.


Also, take in to account what a 9/11 movie could possibly focus on anyway? Seeing as how the footage of the actual incident has been pimped on news footage enough already, there wouldn't even be any point to a recreation of the event. But even if there wasn't the vast amounts of news footage of the event, would it even be something people would want to see? Mass murder and disaster are usually accepted by mainstream film audiences because it's a way to gain excitement without causing any real harm, but the horror of 9/11 was not only real, but in some shape or form felt by everyone, even for just a few seconds. Why would anybody want to relive "real horror/terror"?

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Guest Ravenbomb

a movie about a really tall guy who goes around Chokeslamming jobbers? Who'd watch that?

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Guest Jerome Drake

Whats there to write about? A plane crashes into the building.


Not if there is gonna be an Osama Bin Ladon: The Movie.


I would be for it.

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Guest HBK16

The idea of one now would be stupid but what about like 20 years from now or more? People that weren't around to see what had happened. I'm sure everyone would be against it now or like in 5 years because we all know what happened.

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Guest J*ingus

I think Choken One meant the documentary.


The argument doesn't matter, because there WILL be one eventually. There's simply too much money to be made there. The real question is, how long until it happens?

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Guest areacode212

On 9/11, when the comparisons to the Pearl Harbor bombing started flying, I remember thinking "Oh, god, 50 years from now, Ben Affleck's grandson will be starring in a historically inaccurate movie about this".


Yeah, it'll most likely happen some day. Not anytime soon, but eventually...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

If they make a movie, it should be an intertwinimg collection of stories that all end up centering around 9/11. That would be the ONLY way to make it anything even remotely good...and it better not have the title 9/11 or September 11.

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Guest chirs3

If there is a movie made, I wonder how many critics will have the balls to say they think it's a truly awful film (if it is, in fact, truly awful).

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Critics are a ruthless bunch in the end. I doubt they'd have no problem saying "This movie is more tragic than the actual event itself" I wouldn't be surprised by that complaint at all sadly.

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Guest Rock Candy

Speaking of September 11th, you know what else I heard?


Last year, CBS was reportedly considering developing a sitcom where the two main characters were a man and a woman who lost their spouses when the World Trade Center was attacked. A freakin' SITCOM!!


Looks like they definitely reconsidered, and shame on them for even thinking that show should be developed.



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Guest Vern Gagne

Knowing Hollywood the terrorist in the movies would have to be Nazi's.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

And NONE of them would be smart...and they'd be played by people from England for some reason...


And don't forget, Arnold and Segal would have to fight them for SOME reason...

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Guest chirs3

Let's not forget one of them would have to make a five-minute goodbye speech when there's 10 seconds to impact.

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Guest Black Lushus

it would be a freaking love story with Ben Affleck and Gwyneth Paltrow or some shit and he'd be on one of the planes and she'd be in one of the Towers and they'd be talking to each other up to the point of impact or something retarded like that...or Leonardo DiCapprio or something...who cares which one as long as one of them dies on film...

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Guest Shaved Bear

dont do it, until at least our generation is all old and withered, and newer waves of people who werent alive recreate it

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Guest CanadianChris

If they made a movie like Tora! Tora! Tora!, it could be a good movie. But if they made a movie like Pearl Harbor, forget about it.

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Guest Choken One

Pearl Harbor was easy to make, so many great stories and they shitcanned it with the fucking love story...War isn't Romantic.


Who knows what will happen with 9/11.

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Guest saturnmark4life

fuck hollywood. Give me one good reason to make a film about 9/11 other than $$$

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