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Guest massivHEDtrauma

To those who refuse to watch Smackdown

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Guest massivHEDtrauma

Okay, I'm seriously just curious about a few things. If you're really a fan of wrestling, how can you refuse to watch a wrestling show when it is on and it features some of the best wrestlers in the world today? I realize that the direction the overall product is going in hasn't been the best lately, and I realize that there are those at the top who we don't necessarily want to be there right now, but to me that doesn't seem to be enough of a reason to completely disregard those wrestlers that we DO like and DO want to go over and be on top. Those of you that say the people we generally want to go over never actually do go over and instead get buried, well, I say nonsense. Sure, it might not be as prevalent on some nights as on others, but that goes both ways: the average, everyday mark who doesn't choose to get into the business side of things probably gets upset on the days when seemingly every heel or otherwise someone who isn't supposed to be popular goes over as well.


I mean, honestly, looking at things from that perspective, is there any reason in the world why Kidman should be getting a push right now? He's been nothing but bitched out to whoever every single week, and then all of the sudden he gets a PPV title shot and a win over Tajiri? And what about Chavo? He hasn't been on a main show in a long while, much less won on said shows, and all of the sudden he gets to win over a recent champion in his division, cut a promo, and then challenge Rey Mysterio Jr. in his debut match (granted, we all know Rey Rey is going to annihilate him, but you see what I mean)? And Angle has been on a roll for over a month, ever since he made Hogan tap, and tonight, even if the match ended in a DQ, he was the one who was standing at the end with that oh-so-lovably-goofy smirk on his face. Most of you naysaying types I would actually expect to be really happy with how Smackdown went tonight; Stephanie may be back, yes, but at least she wasn't on too much and she wasn't anywhere near as annoying as her usual heel self (some of you agree with me on that anyways). Same thing for Trips, at least he was only on at the end.


And even if some of you are angry with the WWE right now, is that not part of the fun, at least some of the time? Criticizing and arguing about it? That's all we do around here. And I like it, personally. This makes me think of bandwagon jumping with "real" sports. Just because your team is down and out doesn't mean you should abandon them for the new Super Bowl champion. Of course, this is me talking, and I am a lontime Bengals fan, so maybe I'm just used to disappointment.


The bottom line is this: I know that the WWE has gone in the crapper recently, and I know some people are being held down unfairly, I'm not trying to deny that. But now that they are actually trying to shake things up and change things with new angles and new stars and everything, I just don't understand why some of you won't give them a chance. Aren't at least some of these changes what most of us have been asking for? Sure, not all of them, but think of the other perspective I was talking about and I think you'll see what I'm saying. Not agree, but at least understand what I'm getting at and not completely disregard it.


In closing, I encourage all of you to take the advice handed down by the immaculate Monty Python gang in the great movie Life of Brian: (cue happy music) Always look on the bright side of life, dee-doo, dee-doop dee-doop dee-doo! (end happy music)

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I used to like Smackdown..but when the better wrestlers job repeatedly..(Team Canada)..when they're still trying to get over..it's a little frustrating to watch.


Plus, I despise Steph. It's not Austin-level of hate, but it's up there close.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Fuck Smackdown.


I don't need to see DQ finishes and Hulk Hogan on my screen.

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Guest Kingpk

It just seems that Smackdown doesn't have much direction, they're just throwing a bunch of midcarders together and telling them "you got 5 minutes, have a good match". It seems like the cruisers and Team Canada are the only constants on the show. They really could be using Angle & Jericho much better. Hell, have Chris join TC and feud with Angle.

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Guest the pinjockey

I did not watch SD this week because the last few weeks have not been entertaining and the spoilers did not indicate this week would be much better. I had no real interest in watching my favorite wrestler continue one of the biggest free-falls in wrestling history by going from a main event at WM to curtain jerking with a green as grass rookie who is going to get people pissed off because he is getting shoved down everyone's throats like Brock. Trust me I was at SD last week and Cena was not over in the slightest. They like to use the arguement for someone like RVD that why blow the wad and have him win the title now while we can build it up and make it mean something yet they push people who obviously aren't ready to the top immediately and the fans realize that and begin to resent them. Casual fans may not be workrate freaks but they can realize when someone is way over their heads.


I also have no faith in the CW division push because as has already been established on this board they are wrestling the same main event WWF style just they are littler.


SD is the same as any other TV show. If it is not entertaining I am going to stop watching it. I have given it the grace period of the last few months of less than stellar television waiting for them to understand they need to turn it around but like always Vince's idea of turning things around is a desparation signing, more McMahon's on TV, and pushing the big guys and I am finally just getting tired of it.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I rarely watch a full Smackdown anymore. The show is just so boring to me. The announcing sucks. The show is taped. Angle and Jericho are always jobbing to everyone else. They don't let the cruiserweights wrestle the high spot style that made the division popular. I watched the first full episode of Smackdown tonight in a long time, just for all of the Bischoff segments. I've been a diehard fan too and before I wouldn't miss a show for anything. I still watch every episode of Raw though. Raw is more entertaining to me.

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Guest chirs3

I don't watch Smackdown much anymore, but it's not because I REFUSE~! to. It's mainly because it bores me. I love Jericho, Angle, Rock, Hurricane, and Co., but they aren't doing anything to interest me at the moment. Raw features more entertaining angles and wrestling, and Rob Van Dam.


If Smackdown! decides to get its ass in gear, I'll gladly start watching again.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

To be fair...I haven't cared about SD! since prior to the split when RVD was still on it.


He's the only thing left that I tune in for.


Thanks Vince.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

As sad as it is, I could care less about Jericho now. I didn't even care when he won the title, and I was a major Jericho fan since WCW.


If anything, the reasons I watch Raw would have to be RVD, Eddy, and to a lesser extent, Benoit. If I do tune into SD, it's for the cruisers, Jericho, Angle, and Team Canada. I'll happily avoid segments that I don't want to watch.

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Guest massivHEDtrauma

Most of you have made really valid points, ones that I understand; after all, you're just letting your viewing patterns reflect what you really want to see, and I respect that. But for those of you that say people get jobbed out all the time and at least some of the right things aren't getting any sort of a push, I just think you're totally wrong.


Like I said in my first post, look at the last month. The cruisers have actually, amazingly, been getting decent TV time for once. There are actually four viable contenders for the champion now (Kidman, Tajiri, The Hurricane, and Chavo), with another one due next week. I know that isn't incredible or anything, but it is a step in the right direction and it is pretty much better than the WWE has ever done with the division (even if their style is toned down for some inexplicable reason). As for Angle, well, look no further than tonight's Smackdown for my answer on that. He kicked everyone's ass, and not only that, he made The Rock, still pretty much the biggest draw in the company, tap out to his finisher. And, as I've already stated, the roll he has been on this month has been great. Lastly, I will agree that it sucks seeing Team Canada job, but I don't think it's a question of them needing to get over - they're obviously already pretty well over. They just need credibility. We'll see what happens at Vengeance I guess. If they win, I'll be pleased, even if it is at the hands of Jericho interference (Edge heel turn, Edge heel turn, PLEASE GOD!).


Speaking of Jericho, I agree that he has pretty much been screwed over repeatedly and he is the one person who I think really has been held down a significant deal. But at least he's getting his program with Edge back after the PPV.


I guess I'm just a "glass is half full" kind of guy.

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Guest the pinjockey

I tried to be a "glass half full" type of guy until HHH beat Jericho in the HIAC at JD after that I got into the screw this mode. I figured that that was the one point that showed me there was going to be no change in how things were being done so I gave it no more grace period when the product started to suck.

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Guest RickyChosyu

A good main event on paper will always get me to tune in, but I think above all people have a right to avoid shitty wrestling, and the WWE is one of the biggest sources for out-right shitty wrestling these days.

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Guest massivHEDtrauma
A good main event on paper will always get me to tune in, but I think above all people have a right to avoid shitty wrestling, and the WWE is one of the biggest sources for out-right shitty wrestling these days.

Well, yeah, I think that if you think the wrestling in the WWE is shitty, it's prolly best to avoid it. But do you really think that guys like Jericho and Angle are shitty wrestlers?

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Guest the pinjockey

There is a difference between shitty wrestlers and shitty wrestling. If Jericho and Angle were allowed to go out and wrestle for a good period of time every week this forum would be boring because everyone would be happy.

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Guest RickyChosyu
A good main event on paper will always get me to tune in, but I think above all people have a right to avoid shitty wrestling, and the WWE is one of the biggest sources for out-right shitty wrestling these days.

Well, yeah, I think that if you think the wrestling in the WWE is shitty, it's prolly best to avoid it. But do you really think that guys like Jericho and Angle are shitty wrestlers?

Jericho seems like he's still, after all this time, trying to get his character over, and his matches are suffering because of it. He's always been hit and miss, but these days he's mostly miss. But no, shitty isn't the word I would use for him.


Angle is doing pretty well. Like I said, it looks like a promising main on paper. Still, Rock/Angle have had just as many totally life-less matches as they have had remarkably good ones.

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Guest Nezbyte
I dont watch wrestling anymore.

So you're here why?


I use SD as background noise for surfing.

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Guest RickyChosyu
There is a difference between shitty wrestlers and shitty wrestling. If Jericho and Angle were allowed to go out and wrestle for a good period of time every week this forum would be boring because everyone would be happy.

I highly doubt that. Discussing and debating about good wrestling is the only thing I really enjoy doing on these boards. Who the fuck wants to talk about shitty wrestling all the time?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

There is a difference between having great wrestlers and letting great wrestlers wrestle great matches.

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Guest RickyChosyu
I dont watch wrestling anymore.

So you're here why?


I use SD as background noise for surfing.

Hmm...that's interesting. And here I thought "cure for insomnia" was the only alternate use it currently has.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

A question, why does the Wwf deserve our optimism?

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Guest RickyChosyu
A question, why does the Wwf deserve our optimism?

You're joking, right?


Sorry, sarcasm doesn't always translate well in writing. You know how it is.

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Guest Dmann2000

Massive to you I say AMEN AMEN AMEN. Constructive criticism is always necessary for any product. Merciless and constant ripping into it doesn't produce any solution I say.

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Guest massivHEDtrauma

Well, yeah, former glory. But I don't even really look at it as optimism so much as having lack of any other alternative. I love wrestling, I can't always pay to watch NWA-TNA, therefore I have to watch WWE because it's the only constant left.

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Guest massivHEDtrauma
Massive to you I say AMEN AMEN AMEN. Constructive criticism is always necessary for any product. Merciless and constant ripping into it doesn't produce any solution I say.

(bows head) Thank you, ma brotha.

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Guest chirs3

I will say this - Rey's promo package has intrigued me enough to watch next week - plus we'll see what kind of interaction, if any, is had between Bischoff/Steph/HHH/Others on Raw. So there's potential...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Wwf does, in no way, deserve our optimism and loyalty. People said about the inVasion 'hey give it a chance', they said about the NWO 'hey, give it a chance' they said about the split 'hey, give it a chance'. We did, it failed miserably, every single time. How will this be any different?


How does the Wwf reward loyalty? BY FORGETTING ABOUT THEIR HISTORY! I mean for the love of god every time Mcmahon rewrites history it is a slap in the face of everyone who has watched it unfold differently. What makes NOW so important if they are just going to forget about it a year later? Hell, now its become months later.

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Guest RickyChosyu
The Wwf does, in no way, deserve our optimism and loyalty. People said about the inVasion 'hey give it a chance', they said about the NWO 'hey, give it a chance' they said about the split 'hey, give it a chance'. We did, it failed miserably, every single time. How will this be any different?


How does the Wwf reward loyalty? BY FORGETTING ABOUT THEIR HISTORY! I mean for the love of god every time Mcmahon rewrites history it is a slap in the face of everyone who has watched it unfold differently. What makes NOW so important if they are just going to forget about it a year later? Hell, now its become months later.

What's more insulting than their total lack of respect for history is their complete obliviance to the mistakes of history that they're repeating. They're trying to make an angle out of using Eric Bischoff as a "sign everyone to try and pop rating" character, while they themselves imitate that attitude by signing him to pop a rating! Golberg is next, and so on.


Not only do they refuse to simply admit that they can't save themselves by shock-filled angles and take it back to square one, they seem to want to shove that fact down our throats by taking a new direction every week.


And to trauma, I say this: There is always an alternative, be it in the indies, Japan, Mexico, or simply turning to the old stuff. Hell, if the WWE would take the time to actually watch their classic shows or those in WCW's library, they might actually learn something that could be of use to them intead of alternating between signing ever potential ratings-grabber and re-hashing the usual "Those darn MachMahon's" crap.

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