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Guest EQ

What Superhero do you want to see a movie for next

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Guest EQ

Well, we all know about Batman v. Superman, Spiderman 2, Hulk, Daredevil and X-Men 2... (maybe I missed some)


Which superhero do you think should get the hollywood treatment next?


I don't know about you guys... but I think a Green Lantern movie would be cool.

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Guest chirs3

I don't know many superheroes, so I'll just say I want Gambit to get screen time. Not in his own movie, but in the next X-Men, because he owns them all.


I really don't know many others who don't already have movies...

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Guest Jerome Drake
Batman, without Superman.

Already happen 4 times.


Anyway I would like to see a GOOD SPAWN movie.


Not that lame ass one, with Michael Jai White.

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Guest CED Ordonez
Batman, without Superman.

Already happen 4 times.

A new one without Shumacher gaying things up would be nice.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

If Green Lantern were to ever get a movie, it'd better be about Hal Jordan and not Kyle Raynor, AND, it HAS to have Guy Gardner in it, dammit!


On the Marvel side of things, maybe a Wolverine movie revealing his past or something or the Avengers.

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Guest Jerome Drake

Green Laturn would rule!


They should have the Hurricane do a cameo!


I would mark out to that.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I'd like to see The Mask get a comic that gives him justice. That Jim Carrey movie was too family-oriented, unlike the comic, which is extremely graphic (he once ripped off a bodyguard's head and tossed it through his partner's chest, killing them both). Excellent, excellent comic...

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Guest razazteca

Lobo from DC comics but it needs Ang Lee or John Woo as director. Its you basic badass biker bounty hunter story, Vin Diesel will play the lead role.


Death's Head II the Marvel mini series about a bounty hunter of super heroes. Kind of like the Cell Saga from DBZ.


The Tick.............SPOON!!!!!

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Guest J*ingus

Watchmen, definitely. I'd kill to see a proper treatment of that, though it'd be hard to do, I'd worry about it being another From Hell. Preacher would rock as well.

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Guest What?

The Sandman and.....shit.....what's his name....



shit......his writer/artist is the artist for X-Force now....



MADMAN! That's it!







Also, Black Widow, just so I can see some hot blonde in skin-tight leather

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Guest areacode212

I don't know if Watchmen would work as a two-hour feature film. They would end up cutting out a ton of the backstory, the Tales of the Black Freighter stuff, and all the neat little stuff that made the comic great. It would just end up being a story about a big blue dude, some psycho in a mask and Ozymandias. I'm happy to have Watchmen remain as a comic.

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Guest cdstunner66

According to www.darkhorizons.com there is a Green Lantern movie in the idea stage right now. Also, Gambit is in the new X-Men, but as a cameo, same as Collossus. There is a Hellboy movie in the works, starring Ron Pearlmen.


I'd love to see a movie of


1) Deadpool

2) Lobo

3) some kind of huge story involving everyone, a la the Infinity Gauntlet or the Secret Wars.

4) most of all though, Dr. Doom

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Guest areacode212

If they're going to do an Infinity Gauntlet/Secret Wars-type storyline, I'd rather see it in animated form. Like have a single season-long Secret Wars series, where they could even add new things to the existing comic book story.

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Guest pochorenella

I want to see an Iron Man movie, with a CGI armor and all those kinds of cool special effects. I heard it's also in development to it may be coming soon.

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Guest Mattdotcom

It's interesting that The Mask was mentioned above. When it was originally in production before Carrey signed on, it was going to be a horror film.


I wish there was someone in Hollywood that could do a live-action Batman movie without rubber, cheese, and neon. Too bad the WB will never lose the rights to it.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
If they're going to do an Infinity Gauntlet/Secret Wars-type storyline, I'd rather see it in animated form. Like have a single season-long Secret Wars series, where they could even add new things to the existing comic book story.

Holy shit, I was just thinking about that!

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I'm still waiting for Iron Man, so that's at the top of my list. Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and Man-Thing would also be cool.

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Guest Dangerous A

I think Iron man would be the next movie I'd want to see made based on superheroes.



A little off of the subject, what about a live action Starblazers movie?

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Guest razazteca

Ghost Rider is in production now with Nick Cage as the lead role!!!! is this a good idea?


Zero Hour or Crisis on Infinity Earth would be the perfect plot for the hero vs hero stories.

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Guest y2jailbait

Nightcralwer, and the rest of the excalibur characters of the X-men series. People like Cable, or Collosis(sp?) or Juggernaught, That would be my mark out moment of the year right there!


But yeah, Nightcrawler should have his own movie! He has like the best mutant power, he can teleport. I used to love him in the old X-men arcade game when he would teleport! Damn, i need to catch up on comics cause now im starting to remember why i liked that guy so much.

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Guest papacita

I haven't read a comic book in years, but I'd like to see a movie based on Cable that would cover his whole relation to Scott and Jean and other wild stuff like that.

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Guest J*ingus

Yeah, so we need a real one, starring Russel Crowe with his hair dyed black and directed by John Woo.

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Guest areacode212

Agh, I don't want to see a Punisher movie. He's such a boring, generic character, who would probably be better off as an anti-hero in Daredevil 2.

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