Guest Kingpk Report post Posted July 19, 2002 This is my first time in doing one of these. Tell me what you think. WWF Confirmed Hits This tape pretty much covers late 1995 to early 1996, not one of the WWF’s best periods. “Handsome” Dok Hendrix is your host. Match #1 Diesel © vs. Yokozuna (WWF Title match) Commentators: Jim Ross & Dok Hendrix Date: Late 1995 This is one of those “Coliseum Exclusives” (i.e. a match taped at a house show) that the WWF doesn’t do anymore. Yoko is introduced at a spry 641 pounds (geez, it’s a miracle his heart didn’t just say “the hell with it” and quit right then). Staredown with some jawing to start. Yoko shoves Diesel, and he reciprocates. A few clotheslines bring Yoko down and Diesel goes for the Jackknife about a minute in (sheyeah, right). Yoko backdrops him and drops the leg. He drags Diesel to the corner as JR and Dok pretty much declare the match over. He goes up for the Banzai but misses and Diesel hooks the leg for the pin at 1:07. Yoko is apparently knocked unconscious from a fall of 2 feet onto his heavily padded ass, so Cornette fans him with his racket to try and revive him. Gee, I wonder why Diesel didn’t draw as champ. At least it was short. Score: 2/10 Match #2- Razor Ramon © vs. Goldust (w/Marlena) (Intercontinental title match) Commentators: Vince McMahon and Curt Henning Date: Royal Rumble 1996 This was, of course, Goldust first real feud as he displayed outright homosexual feelings towards Ramon, the first real “shades of gray” character Vince created in the 90s. The match is JIP (Joined in Progress) with Goldust feeling up Ramon after a go-behind. Razor beats on Goldust and adds some slaps, including one on the ass, which Goldust enjoys. Ramon dumps him to the outside where he hides behind his “director” Marlena (played by his then wife Terri). Back in, a few headlock takeovers reversed by Ramon into headscissors forces Goldust outside again, where he again hides behind Marlena. Back in, Goldust blows a kiss in Razor’s direction which earns him a clothesline to the outside, where he hides behind her AGAIN (come on already). This time, however, Razor lifts her out of the way (which Perfect equating it to assault), which allows Goldust to ambush and send Razor back into the ring. A double-axhandle and bulldog gets a two count. Slingshot suplex gets 2. Marlena blows some gold confetti at Razor, which works for, like, 2 seconds as Razor tries a comeback but is stopped with a Goldust faceslam for 2. Sleeper slows the match down even more as I resist fast forwarding. Razor backs the ref into the corner and delivers a low blow (out of the ref’s view) to break. Goldust cover gets 2. Razor mounts a comeback, delivering a choke slam and fall away slam for 2 counts. Goldust uses the old Greco Roman poke to the eye to slow Razor and goes to the top, where he is crotched and superplexed for a Double KO spot. Marlena comes in to distract the ref as the 1-2-3 Kid leaps the rail and hits a spinning wheel kick off the top for a Goldust victory. About 10 minutes shown. A slow, boring match. Score: 1/10 Match #3- British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith v. Bret Hart © (WWF Title match) Commentators: Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler Date/Show: In Your House V (Dec.1995) Hey, maybe this’ll perk me up. JIP again with Bret working the arm. Bret gets a cross body for 2. Inverted atomic drop and a boot to the crotch puts Bret in control. Hammerlock leads to a whip by Davey and a knee to the gut. Bret is tied to the Tree of Woe as Davey puts the boots to him. Hebner is accidentally knocked down and Bulldog helps him up (way to play a heel, Davey). Odd moment in the crowd as what looked like a production woman tries to get the crowd facing the camera to stop sitting on their hands and gets soundly booed with a small “ECW” chant (event must be in Philly). A Bret crucifix turns into a Bulldog Samoan drop that gets 2. Cornette bops Bret with the racket, (and then chastises the cameraman for bothering him) that gets 2. Sleeper by Bulldog. Bret elbows out but gets whipped chest first into the corner, Bulldog covers for 2. A back body drop gets 2 and its back to the sleeper for Bulldog. That lasts a while. Bret breaks and hits an inverted atomic drop and a headbutt to the groin. Bret bulldog gets 2 and a piledriver (which Lawler objects to) also gets 2. Russian leg sweep and middle elbow set up a superplex, which Bulldog counters, crotching Bret on the ropes. Outside, Davey whips Bret into the stairs, where he blades. Bret is shoved into the post and when he lifts his head, there’s a good sized blood streak on the mat. The astute ECW fans chant “he’s hardcore.” Back in, a Bulldog piledriver and delayed vertical suplex get 2. Vince pulls the old “WCW wide angle shot” to avoid the blood, but by now it’s stained the ring and Bulldog’s white tights (which are now pink). A press slam and top rope headbutt to back get 2. A bow-and-arrow submission is reversed by Bret into a Sharpshooter attempt. Bulldog throws him outside. Bret flips over a suplex and delivers a german suplex for 2. A double clothesline leads to a double KO. Bulldog is backdropped to the outside and Bret follows with a dive. Another dive attempt leads to a Bulldog powerslam on the floor. Davey removes the mat and tries a suplex on the concrete, but is crotched on the railing. Back in, Bulldog does a Flair Flip on a corner whip and lands on his head (ok, OUCH!). A Bret superplex gets 2, rollup reversal (a nod to the SummerSlam match), gets 2. Bulldog blind charge meets foot and Bret gets La Magistral for the duke. Well, that finish came out of nowhere. About 20 minutes shown. Nice match. Score: 8/10 Match #4- The Undertaker v. Isaac Yankem D.D.S. Commentators: Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler Date/Show: A RAW in January of 1996 Hey, it’s Kane vs. The Undertaker three years early! Yankem gets a pre-match pep talk from Lawler. Staredown to start. Taker dominates the early going, even channeling Kerry von Erich with a face claw. Yankem clothesline, Taker sit-up. Quick Tombstone attempt forces Yankem outside. Taker dominates again with some punches, a choke, and a few whips to the post. Lawler, like an idiot, tries to steal the “remnants of the urn” (a chain created when Mabel melted it down after stealing it in one of those angles that made Vince SO much money) from Paul Bearer. Taker chases him off and we’re forced to hear Vince alone for the rest of the match. Yankem pushes Taker into the post and sends him back in. Yankem tries a Tombstone, but since he can’t shoot pyro from the posts yet, it’s reversed and we inexplicably get a quick shot of Dox Hendrix pacing backstage (….ok). Tombstone City (© Gorilla Monsoon) gets the pin at about 6 minutes. Eh, wasn't too terrible. Score 4/10 Match #5- Savio Vega/Razor Ramon/Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna/Owen Hart/Hakushi Commentators: Jim Ross & Dok Hendrix Date/Event: A house show (date unknown) Another “Coliseum Exclusive”. JIP (gee, what a shock) with Savio and Razor working over Owen. Razor works the arm and Owen flips out of it, but crossbodies into a fall away slam for 2. Back to the arm and Owen pokes the eye and delivers a few European uppercuts to take control. Owen ducks a clothesline and hits a spinning wheel kick to Razor, neckbreaker hits, top rope elbow doesn’t. Razor tags Bret, Owen tags Hakushi. Bret hits a nice spike DDT and hits a backbreaker and the 2nd rope elbow for 2 counts. Hakushi reverses a whip and sends Bret chest-first into the corner. “USA” chants from the crowd, even though Savio and Razor are the only Americans in the ring. Yoko tags in and punches Bret down and chokes him with the ropes. Tag to Owen (well, that was pointless). Double headbutt delivered to Bret. Enziguri gets a one count and Owen HITS THE CHINLOCK. Bret breaks free but is belly-to-bellied for 2. Back to the chinlock. Yoko tagged in again. Double slam on Bret. Tag, Hakushi (is Yoko THAT out of shape?) Hakushi misses a swandive and Savio (?) gets the hot tag. Cradle gets 2, backslide for 2. Savio hooks in an octopus stretch which Yoko breaks. Double noggin knocker (© Gorilla Monsoon). Savio with a 10 punch on Yoko in the corner, he leaps off him onto Hakushi, that gets 2. Another Savio octopus, which Owen breaks. A Savio clothesline gets three. Odd finish, nice, energetic match (well, except for Yoko’s segments) Score: 6/10 The Verdict: Seems like a 50/50 for this tape. The first two matches are stinkers but the tape picks up with Bret-Bulldog. Slightly recommended. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites