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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

A question for people who haven't ordered TNA

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I am curious...not so much about why you don't order...but what it would take to get you to.


Is there a particular wrestler that you would order for if he were wrestling?


Would you order if the card looked good?


Is it paying 10 bucks a week that bothers you?


I'm just curious to see what areas TNA needs to improve on.


Also...if TNA were to receive a TV deal...would you watch it? How often? and if you liked the TV show would you be more likely to order a TNA ppv ?(whether it be the 10 dollar weekly show...or if they changed to a monthy big show)



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Guest I Hate Radio Shack

10 bucks is a great price


i'm just concerned that it IS weekly and I'm paying for RAW



I mean the matches ARE longer so my fears are quieted

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Guest projectwonderboy

The only thing holding me back is the price, I just can't pay $10 for a wrestling show. I can't pay $10 a week for anything. If they got a tv show I would watch it all the time, I may even stop watching Smackdown.

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Guest goodhelmet

There are actually two things preventing me from ordering the show (not including the fact that i don't receive ppv's). First and foremost is the actual 'main event' talent. I simply do not care enough about jeff jarrett, brian lawler or scott hall to watch their exploits on a weekly basis. Also, ken shamrock entertains me but from the reports i've heard, he hasn't exactly been giving the alliance his full dedication or effort. i'm interested in seeing malice but the bad memories of seeing the wall really scare me away.


I love the notion of the x-division and right now that would be my main impetus for ordering the show.


another problem i have with the fed is no set card. the only complete card i can recall knowing about prior to the show was the debut show. if i am going to lay down money then i need to know what i'm paying for. this was one of the many reasons i stopped paying for wcw ppv's in 1998.


finally, the only three wrestlers i could see myself paying $10 a week to see wrestle, no questions asked, are benoit, eddy, and rvd. they are the only reason i even think about turning on wwf television.

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Guest MrRant

I will order when my discount becomes effective August 1st... but I will only order one PPV and see if they wow me. If not then it will be a month or two until the next.


I agree with GoodHelmets comments about the main event and X-Division.


I do want them to succeed but I am not willing to spend $40 bucks a month ($32 with the discount) to watch like 3-4 people I like.

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Guest gangsteruwa

I also agree with GoodHelmet in that I really don't care about their World Title Contenders. Jeff Jarrett's persona bores me, although his wrestling can be quite good. Scott Hall isn't as good as he used to be. I never like Brian Lawler. If Shamrock fought more of a shoot/strong style (ie Low Ki or Misawa) then I'd probably like him. I might actually like Malice if I saw a little more of him.


Other things that piss me off about it are the "Little People" and the women. I mean it might be different if the women could actually wrestle or if they were just Valets, but why put them in matches when they can't wrestle. Cat fights are completely lame now. And the midgets. Good God. Does anyone actually like these matches. I've seen a bunch of Midget Matches and I have hated most of them.


I'd also like to see an occasional, sick assed hardcore match (a barbed wire match between Malice and Sabu might be good). We all have a little bloodmark in us.


Here is what is needed to happen for me to order these PPVs:

2 hours of mostly X Division matches and good technical bouts between the likes of Steve Corino, Jeff Jarrett, etc...


Occasional blood baths.


No Midgets or Cat Fights. They are fuckin' lame.


I think psychologically paying 10 dollars a week, seems like it is more than paying 40 dollars a month. It is just weird.




If NWATNA got a free TV deal I would not miss one show and I would be willing to pay 15 to 20 dollars a month on a 2-3 hour PPV (I say 15 to 20 because that is generally how much I spend per Indy tape).

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Guest Invader3k

I would probably order if I had the time on a Wed night...do they ever have replays throughout the week? To spend 10 bucks, I need to know it is going to be a good show, and frankly the lineups announced never grab me *that* much to make me want to order.


That and Vince Russo scares me.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Replays depend on your cable provider.


Mine doesn't have it...so I have one chance.


As for announcing the card...they generally get 4 matches announced...and then 2 or 3 are added to the show.


For Example...there are 3 matches announced for week 6 already (I expect to see at least one more announced when the site does their preivew in a few days)


Vince Russo scares me too.

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