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Guest Thoth

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Guest Thoth

The following is the unedited Silent vs Thoth match, from the second to last Mirage of the IGNML. I was Western US champ at the time having beaten Christian Fury and Ash Ketchum. I jobbed the TV belt to Ash. Ash never won the TV Title. Silent was champion, having beaten Vlad de Burrov (Chris Wilson) for the title. The match was two falls, first fall for the WUS, second for the world. This match was the climax on the inter-Clan feud. Spider was injured, and we were bickering over leadership.


I consider this one of the three best matches I have ever written. Perhaps the best one.


The camera pans around the crowd, before pointing up at the ceiling, focusing on the cell that will be the battleground for the final match of the night.


Axis: Welcome back to Mirage!

CC: It’s time for our main event: A double-title hell in the cell match, pitting Clan member against Clan member!

Axis: We’ve seen the tensions build between Silent and Thoth for a few weeks now, so let’s take you back and show you what as brought these two men together like this.


(Footage rolls from IGNML Retribution: Spider Nekura injured in his three-way TLC match for the world title. Then, a few nights later, a heated argument between Silent, Thoth, and John Doe, concerning the leadership of the Clan. Later, a 6-man tag, in which Silent and Thoth often refuse to tag each other in. At the end of that match, Thoth is pummeled by Vlad de Burrov and company. Silent refuses to help. Then, in a match between Silent and Vlad de Burrov, Thoth interferes and almost costs Silent the world title. Then, most recently, in the two-title ladder match, Silent costs Thoth the TV Title, but inadvertently helps him win the Western U.S. Title. End footage with a split screen effect, Silent on the left, Thoth on the right. In the center, pulsing electricity helps heighten the main event.)


CC: So it’s come to this. The remaining Clan members, Silent and Thoth, putting their respective titles on the line. First fall wins the Western U.S. Title, the second fall, the World Title.

Axis: And don’t at all forget what the X-Factor in this match is.

CC: Justin Credible?

Axis: You idiot! We could get sued! I mean THAT, hanging from the ceiling. The cell.

CC: One of the most diabolical and unforgiving structures that the wrestling world has ever devised.

Axis: What will the outcome of this match be?


And just on cue, “Sadistic Eyes” begins to play. Funyon raises the microphone to his lips.


Funyon: The following contest is a double-title hell in the cell match! (Crowd cheers.) The first fall is for the I-G-N-M-L Western United States Championship, and the second fall is for the I-G-N-M-L World Championship!


At that moment, Thoth appears from behind the curtain. The oft-heard boos he is used to are less this night; perhaps because both men are hated by the crowd, or perhaps the ominous nature of the match.


Funyon: Introducing first, weighing in at 227 pounds...he is a member of the Clan, and the I-G-N-M-L Western United States Champion...THOOOOOOOOTH!


Axis: You know, Thoth just came off that arduous ladder match four days ago on Crimson. It’s impossible that he could be one hundred percent.

CC: Not to mention Silent is fresh. The deck is stacked against the Western U.S. Champion tonight. We could see a double champion.


Thoth spreads his arms apart and focuses. He holds the pose for much longer than usual, letting his breathing carry the momentum he needs going into his first World Title match. Satisfied, he thrusts fist into palm, and walks with poise into the ring. He stands at the far side, and faces the entrance, waiting for his opponent.


Funyon: And, his opponent...


The arena goes pitch black. Tool’s “Forty-Six and Two” begins to play, a minute into the song. The IGNTron flashes “Pain,” “Acceptance,” “Vengeance,” and “Silent.” The song pauses before going into the chorus. Explosion of pyro! The music starts again, and Silent stands at the top of the ramp, cane in one hand, IGNML World Title belt in the other. He holds the crucifix pose, before coming down to ringside, and sliding under the bottom rope. He tosses cane and belt to the referee, and removes his trenchcoat. He eyes Thoth from across the ring, who is looking back.


Funyon: From Phoenix, Arizona, he weighs in at 251 pounds, he is a member of the Clan...and the I-G-N-M-L World...Heavyweight...Champion...SILENT!


Silent grabs his wrist, and moves his fist around in a circle, preparing it for the punishment it will inflict. Thoth crosses his arms over his chest and stands, vigilant. The music fades, and the lights come back on in the arena. Now for the last detail. A spotlight points up at the cell, which begins to drop. Both men hold their positions, not daring to move, or perhaps even breathe. The cell encloses the ring as it touches the arena floor.




CC: And we’re off! ...I guess.


Both men continue to hold their poses.


CC: What are they doing, Axis?

Axis: I’m not sure. Maybe...they’re trying to psych each other out?


Thoth lets his arms drop. Silent releases the grip on his wrist. They begin to circle around the ring, facing each other. No one man moves faster than the other, as if he was trying to get an advantage. Suddenly, they stop, and walk towards each other. Silent says some words to Thoth, who responds in kind. They back up a few paces, and charge at each other, locking up! The crowd cheers!


Axis: And here we go!


Silent with an arm drag, following it up with an armbar! Thoth gets quickly to his feet, and reverses the armbar, locking it in on Silent. Silent, though, skilled in submission holds of the arm, reaches around Thoth and locks the other arm. Thoth reflexively releases the armbar, and escapes whatever Silent was trying to do, which in reality, was nothing at all. He scoots back, looking at Silent’s face, as the world champ lets out a soft laugh. They circle each other before locking up again. Silent with a hammerlock. Thoth reaches underneath himself, and grabs Silent’s leg. Silent, thrown off balance by this, loosens the hold. Thoth spins around, and grabs the arm that had him in the hammerlock. Whip into the ropes...reversal by Silent. Thoth into the ropes, coming back now...shoulder block by Silent, and Thoth down to the mat.


Axis: You know, when you think about it, this is kind of an anticlimactic way to start a hell in the cell match.

CC: Well, I think it’s because nobody’s bleeding yet.


Silent flings himself into the ropes, and tries for an elbow drop, but Thoth rolls out of the way, still very fresh. Thoth to his feet now, and Silent as well. Silent tries a clothesline, but Thoth ducks it, and catches Silent with a boot to the back. Thoth tries to follow up, but Silent comes right back, spinning around with a right hook and catches Thoth in the temple! His equilibrium smashed, Thoth dizzy-stumbles into the corner, where Silent pounds away with boots and stomps to the chest and gut. Silent lifts Thoth up, and whips him into the far corner. Silent follows...clothesline across the neck! Another whip, and another clothesline! Silent lets Thoth stumble out of the corner. He falls on his face. Silent rolls him over and covers.






TH-No, Thoth with the shoulder. Silent lifts Thoth up off the mat by the hair, and tries to knock him back down with a straight right, but Thoth blocks it, and punches Silent as hard as he is able to. Silent snaps back from the impact, but Thoth is not able to take the World Champion down. Silent sneers, daring Thoth to hit him again. So he does. With a thrust to the throat. Silent reels from the sudden pressure to his windpipe, and takes refuge against the ropes. Not good enough for Thoth, who plants a dropkick as high as he can get, sending Silent over to the outside.


Axis: Ah, here we go.

CC: That steel is sharper than a lot of people realize, and Thoth is looking to show us just how much!


Thoth lifts up Silent, and puts him in a side headlock. Thoth delivers some blows to the crown, then sets up for his main objective: driving Silent’s head into the steel mesh. Thoth charges forward, gripping Silent’s head as hard as he can...Silent pushes Thoth ahead into the mesh! Thoth bounces back, stunned, and Silent pushes him in the other direction. Thoth crashes into the ring steps, and lands head-first. Silent stomps away on Thoth, before walking around to the other side of the ring.


CC: Where’s he going?


Silent reaches under for something. He has trouble finding it, and actually goes under the ring, looking for it. He comes out clutching the cane.


CC: Ah, I see. Silent’s got that cane.

Axis: Hey, everything’s legal. Perhaps Thoth should’ve had the foresight to bring a weapon as well.


Silent comes back around to the other side, where Thoth is just getting back to his feet. Silent raises the cane overhead...Thoth flings himself into the legs of Silent, knocking him down. Thoth grabs the cane, and tries to wrest it out of Silent’s hands. They struggle over it. It starts to slip out...Silent suddenly lets go, and Thoth’s force sends the cane flying into the steel mesh. Thoth gets up and begins to run over to the cane, looking to beat Silent with it, but Silent aims a kick at Thoth’s back, misdirecting the man’s momentum and sending him crashing headfirst into the floor. Silent steps on top of him as he walks to get his cane. Thoth to his feet; he prepares to stand against Silent. BAM! Cane shot to the gut! Thoth doubles over. Silent plants another one on the back of Thoth’s neck, who crashes to the ground in a heap. Silent smirks before tossing the cane aside and rolling Thoth back in for the pin.






THRE-! No! Thoth refuses to quit, lifting the shoulder up!


CC: I thought he had him!

Axis: Look like he didn’t, Cyke, but Silent definitely has the advantage. Being the more experienced of the two, it’s a safe bet to say he knows how to keep that advantage.


Silent gets to one knee, and hooks Thoth’s arm, twisting it under his own. The referee asks Thoth if he wants to tap, Thoth shakes his head no. He uses the traction of his boots to pull himself over to the ropes, and he grabs them!


Axis: That won’t work in a Hell in the Cell match! Anything goes, so Silent is not obligated to break the hold!

CC: Thoth has nowhere to go!


The referee asks again: “What do you say, Thoth?”


Thoth says no. Actually, he says NO-AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH, because Silent is doing a good job of removing Thoth’s shoulder from its socket. Silent lets go of the hold though, not satisfied with the level of pain he is inflicting. On his feet now, Silent places methodical, calculating stomps to Thoth’s right shoulder. Thoth yells through clenched teeth each time the foot comes down. Silent pulls Thoth up by the hair and puts him in a hammerlock, on the weak arm. Thoth is paralyzed with pain, unable to counter the hold. Silent hooks the neck...Hammerlock DDT! The cover...






THREE-No! Thoth gets the strong shoulder up!


CC: How did he kick out of that? Thoth must be in immense pain!

Axis: Whatever the case, don’t write the man off yet.


Silent gets up in frustration, and continues to lay the boots into Thoth’s right shoulder, aggravating the pain. Silent picks Thoth up, and shoves him into the corner. With one arm, he pushes Thoth’s face back. He takes his other arm, and bends it, exposing the point of the elbow. With a quick shot, he nearly stabs through Thoth’s shoulder. In any case, the dull, throbbing pain Thoth feels crescendos to a sharp, screaming agony. Silent rears back again, and drives the elbow into the soft, supple meat of the shoulder. Thoth grits his teeth again, but sound escapes his mouth. Silent, back and forth with the elbow, again and again, keeping Thoth on the threshold of pain. Thoth opens his eyes wide, while continuing to grit his teeth.


CC: Good God, Axis. Look at the look in Thoth’s eyes. Just like that same look we saw in the back earlier, when Silent goaded Thoth into hitting him, and when he did, did not flinch.

Axis: Every time Silent drives that elbow, it makes Thoth angrier and angrier.


Silent retracts the elbow for another shot. Thoth with a desperate kick to the gut! Silent stops for a second, his brain processing the information that he has just been kicked. Thoth with another kick! Thoth plants the boots to Silent’s gut in double time, trying to stun the world champion. Silent is doubled over now, and Thoth leaps, scissoring Silent’s head. Guillotine face driver! Silent crashes face-first, then clutches his face. Thoth rolls off, and squeezes his injured shoulder, trying to stem the pain.


Axis: Both men are down!

CC: Thoth, in a desperate attempt, takes the world champion down! But his shoulder is still aching, and Silent is still relatively fresh.


Silent is the first to get back to his feet, and walks over to meet Thoth. Thoth with a straight left to the gut! A left cross! Thoth hooks Silent, and a DDT! Thoth takes the opportunity, the lull of the battle, to try and recover whatever vitality has been sapped from his arm. Silent rises again, not one to be put away by a simple DDT, but this time, Thoth is up at the same time. Thoth tries to take Silent down with a standing clothesline, but Silent ducks it, and wrenches Thoth’s arm! Thoth yells in pain, before looking at his tormentor with hate in his eyes. Thoth spins and kicks Silent in the face with his left leg! Silent...is down! Thoth drops a leg, and makes the cover!






And a timely kickout. Thoth has a frustrated smirk on his face that says, “Long way to go.” Thoth lifts Silent up with his one good arm, but the weakness of Thoth’s grip gives Silent the opportunity to rock Thoth’s world with a Snapback. Thoth recoils back into the mat, and Silent covers without a moment’s hesitation.






THR-No, Thoth gets the good shoulder up. Silent throws Thoth to the outside.


Axis: This is going to the outside once more...

CC: Silent did a lot more damage to Thoth outside of the ring than inside, so it looks like he’s going to the well once again.


Thoth is on his hands and knees; his right arm shakes with instability, still weak from the submission holds Silent has used. Thoth hoists himself off of his arms, when Silent just about takes his head off from behind with a clothesline. Silent takes Thoth under his arm, and charges like a battering ram towards the steel mesh of the Cell. BAM! The wall of the Cell vibrates profusely, stretched tight as it is, and Thoth goes a bit limp in Silent’s arm. Silent backs up, halfway between the front wall and the back wall, and then charges again. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, the crowd is hard to hear inside the confines of the cell; or it could be just the warped psyches of the combatants coming into play. Thoth, with his good arm, pushes himself up off the mat, and stands tall, looking down at Silent’s crumpled form. Thoth seizes the initiative, and drags Silent into the corner of the cell. He whips him into the steel mesh, then flings him back into the ring post, which Silent connects with head first. Thoth drags Silent a little bit away from the ring, then snap-mares him over. He backs up a few steps.


CC: Thoth looking to set up that knee of his...


Thoth charges...and connects! He somersaults over Silent, who falls back into the ease of the protective covering on top of the concrete floor of the arena. Thoth shakes out his bad arm, and, fighting through the pain, lifts Silent back into the ring, and makes the cover.






THR-No, Silent gets the shoulder up. Thoth grabs a hold of Silent’s hair, pulling him up to a standing position. He grabs Silent...Downward Spiral! Silent falls perpendicular to the corner, and Thoth sees it. He goes out to the apron and climbs the ropes.


Axis: Thoth’s taking a risk here...

CC: It’s quite a dilemma. Does Thoth risk losing momentum in the match to try and hit some high-impact moves, or does he play it safe, and hope that Silent cannot make a comeback?

Axis: Looks as if he’s chosen the former.

CC: And I believe that is the proper course of action. In this caliber of a match, you have to take risks. Especially with Silent. He’s too technically sound to try and beat on the ground. You think you’d have the advantage, and then, BAM! He’s got you in the Awakener, and you’re tapping out.


Thoth leaps, and tucks his knees in. He connects! He rolls through, then turns around and hooks the leg!






THRE-No! Silent kicks out! Thoth hits the mat with his fist in frustration, before easing Silent outside with his boot.


Axis: Thoth’s going to try his luck on the outside now. Will it pay off?


Thoth follows on the outside, but stops, and follows a glint in his eye. He reaches under the ring...it’s Silent’s cane! Thoth is about to give Silent a taste of his own medicine...KA-THWACK! Cane shot to the back! Silent collapses. Thoth bends down, and thrusts the cane into the small of the back, once...twice...three times before tossing it aside, and picking Silent up off the mat. He sets up a pump-handle, and follows through, suplexing Silent on the outside!


Axis: Thoth’s getting the upper hand now!

CC: Keep in mind that not only is the World Title on the line, but Thoth’s Western U.S. Title, as well. Thoth obviously realizes that he has to defend it.


Thoth lifts and whips Silent into the steel mesh. Silent hits full force, and it looks at if the mesh is weakening; coming loose from the steel poles. Thoth drags Silent back, and whips him again. Silent reverses! Thoth goes into the mesh...through the mesh! Thoth is outside of the cell!


Axis: The cell’s open! The cell’s open!

CC: This match has just gotten a lot more dangerous. Who knows...they could climb to the top!

Axis: That’s kind of the point of having a top on the cell. So people can climb on it, and throw each other off!

CC: I thought the cell had a top on it so no one could get out.

Axis: Nonsense! Would the fans want to see that?!


Thoth is bleeding from his back, thanks to the broken steel mesh carving into his skin as he was thrown out of the cell by Silent. Silent bends down, hands on knees, trying to catch his breath, before brushing the metal aside, and getting a hold of Thoth. Silent takes Thoth to the steel guardrail, and shoves Thoth’s forehead into it. Thoth recoils into Silent, who locks on a Dragon Sleeper, than drives Thoth into the mat for the Impacter!


CC: Silent has really turned this match around in such a short period of time.

Axis: Remember what Silent said: He feels no emotion, therefore, he feels no pain. If this is true, we will probably end tonight with a double champion!


Silent hoists Thoth up and hooks both arms. Double underhook suplex! Thoth seems to be favoring his torso now, more than his right arm. Silent pushes Thoth back through the broken steel, and into the ring. Silent covers!






THREE-No! Thoth, barely, barely gets t he shoulder up.


Axis: So close!

CC: If Silent didn’t have to roll Thoth back in for the pin, he might have had him right there!


Silent lifts Thoth up hurriedly, and hooks him for a suplex. He snaps him over, with wicked impact! Silent keeps holding on, and returns to a standing position, bringing Thoth with him...another snap suplex! Silent holds it for one more, this time a vertical suplex Silent holds for as long as possible! Thoth crashes to the mat. Silent gets up, turns around, and makes the cover, hooking the leg!














THREE-NO! NO! Thoth still gets the shoulder up! Silent slams the mat one, two, three, but the referee only holds up two fingers. Silent lifts Thoth up and hits some European uppercuts on the Western U. S. Champion’s chin. Thoth reels into the corner. Silent with a slap to the chest! SMACK!




Chest chop!




And another!




CC: You know, this isn’t the right federation to do that.

Axis: Puzzles me too, Cyclone. Puzzles me too. (Sips his Pepsi MAX)


Silent whips Thoth into the far buckle. Silent charges as soon as Thoth hits. Thoth...comes right back as soon as he hits, knocking Silent down with a clothesline! Thoth backs up, readying another clothesline...Silent is up, and Thoth charges! Silent grabs the arm, and flips over...the Awakener!


Axis: Silent has Thoth in the Awakener!

CC: The ropes don’t matter in this match! Thoth has to tap!


At first, Thoth grits his teeth, and tries to fight the Awakener, the submission hold that many before have tapped too. Silent tightens the hold; it seems like Silent could make it as tight as he wanted to. This dawns on Thoth, amazingly, as he screams in pain, a slave to the Awakener.








Thoth taps out.




Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your NEW Western United States Champion...Silent!


CC: And it’s official! Silent holds both the Western U.S. Title and the World Title at the same time!

Axis: Even if, somehow, some way, Thoth manages to beat Silent in the second fall, it will go down in the record books that Silent was a double champion!

CC: Don’t look now, but Silent is going for another cover!






THREE-No! Thoth still has the presence of mind to escape the pin!


Axis: Good strategy by Silent, trying to follow up the fall immediately with another.


Silent tries a Fujiwara Armbar on the right arm, which is still a bit injured. Thoth writhes in pain, then turns his body around, scissoring Silent’s head with his legs! Thoth maneuvers the strap running between his knees around Silent’s neck...and pulls!


Axis: Thoth’s using that strap to put a chokehold on Silent!


Silent releases the hold and tries to remove the strap . Thoth twists his legs around, twisting the strap and making it tighter. Thoth pulls himself to the corner, and one by one, climbs the ropes. Silent is still stuck in the chokehold, while Thoth stands on the top turnbuckle. Thoth leaps, dragging Silent with him! Silent falls into the mat, and so does Thoth!


Axis: Kind of a...well, I guess that was a bulldog of sorts.

CC: Highly unorthodox offense by Thoth, but is it really that much of a problem? Thoth will do whatever it takes to win, and whatever is handy can be used as a weapon, even clothes!


Thoth untwists Silent from the vise of his pants, and lies there, gathering strength. The cut on his back has bled copiously; it almost looks as if his pants extend halfway up his torso. The Awakener took a lot out of the now-former Western U.S. Champion, and he needs precious time, time that Silent doesn’t want to give him. Silent is already rising, and Thoth sees it. Thoth gets to his feet and tries to counter whatever Silent is about to bring to the table. Silent with a left hook! Thoth blocks it with his right arm, then reels in pain. Silent threw the left on purpose, to get Thoth to block it with that particular arm. Thoth takes more punishment from Silent before being clotheslined over the top rope. Silent steps through the ropes onto the apron, then hops down, looking confident. Looking very confident.


Axis: Every time Thoth gains the advantage in this match, Silent exploits some kind of weakness. Mostly, it’s been that right arm that he’s been working on all night.

CC: Silent is dangerous in any situation. He’s more than just well-rounded; he’s an expert in every field of wrestling, whether it be brawling, submission holds, high-risk moves, suplexes, or power-slams.

Axis: Are you suggesting Thoth is out of his league tonight?

CC: ...he might be.


Silent has Thoth by the hair when he sees the broken steel mesh of the cell. Out goes Thoth, whipped violently through. The sharp metal makes another unkind cut. Thoth rolls out of the way, crawling on hands and knees. Silent walks behind, bemused. He raises his foot and presses down on Thoth’s head. He barely has to exert any force to stop Thoth’s weak movement. Silent laughs loudly, for all the arena to hear, as he bends down to pick Thoth up. He is still laughing when he whips Thoth back to the cell. Thoth’s bloody back connects with a solid steel pole. Silent laughs as he charges towards Thoth. The straight mafia kick misses Thoth as he ducks. Thoth places a martial arts back kick to Silent’s laughing mouth, and then yells:




The crowd cheers at this sentiment; Silent laughs like a mad dictator. Thoth grabs Silent and prepares to sock him in the face, when he looks up. The arena lights, bright as they are, fade and flicker through Thoth’s failing vision. They obscure the steel mesh frame of the cell, which looks like a hazy solid silver to him. Thoth sees slats in the solidity, and places his hands in them. He is climbing. The crowd starts cheering.


Axis: Thoth is climbing the cell!

CC: We knew it would come to this, but I still can’t believe my eyes! This isn’t going to end well, Axis.


Thoth is halfway up now, but he stops and looks back. Silent has recovered from the shot to the face, and sees Thoth going up. Thoth climbs faster, his left arm brushing the top of the cage. Thoth rolls onto the top of the cage, looking through the mesh as Silent climbs. The camera pans back to get all of this, Silent climbing, Thoth at the top. Camera flashbulbs are going off like crazy. Thoth crawls to the other side, as Silent reaches the top.


Axis: Both of these men are at the top! What’s going to happen?

CC: I think a better way to phrase that question is who’s going to come down, and how is he going to come down?


Silent walks awkwardly after Thoth, the steel mesh bouncing and giving way under his feet. Silent knocks Thoth back with a punch, but Thoth comes right back with one of his own. They trade blows atop the structure, neither man getting the advantage. Suddenly, Thoth loses his balances and stumbles backwards, near the edge of the cell. Silent takes the opportunity and tries to kick him off, but Thoth drops to his belly, still on top of the cell, taking Silent with him in a drop toe hold. Silent’s top half falls over the edge of the cell, though his feet are dug into the slats tightly enough that he stays on top. Thoth grabs Silent’s legs, and pulls him back towards the center of the cell, drawing some boos from some fans who wanted to see blood. Thoth drops an elbow on Silent’s back, high atop the cell. The mesh they are on buckles, but does not break. Thoth sees this, and moves Silent closer to the sturdier iron bars. Scoop and a slam by Thoth.


CC: Where does Thoth go from here?

Axis: Down, Cyke. Down.

CC: I know, Axis, but it’s hard to process. One of these men is going to be hurt bad. In these trying times for the IGNML, it would be devastating to lose one of our top talents.


Thoth stomps on Silent’s head, when all of a sudden, Silent grabs Thoth’s leg and trips him. He follows it up with an ankle lock, and then moves quickly, like a spider, locking on a reverse armbar. Silent sits on Thoth’s back, the blood oozing from the wounds Thoth incurred being thrown through the steel cell, onto Silent’s pants.


Axis: The only good thing about being on top of the cell is that Silent cannot win a fall. Same goes for Thoth. It has to be in the ring.


Silent lets go of the armbar, and paces, looking down through the cell at the ring. He’s nodding...and smiling. The crowd begins to buzz. Silent walks over to Thoth, and puts his head between his legs.


Axis: Silent...setting up for the...Pyramid Driver!

CC: He can’t do this! Thoth will go through the cell! It’s a 15 foot drop!


Silent lifts Thoth up, and begins to powerbomb him...


Thoth hooks his strap around Silent’s neck! Hurricanrana!


The cell starts to give way...


It holds! Silent remains tentatively cushioned from a painful fall!


Axis: (Whistles) Now THAT was close!

CC: Thoth is pulling it out of his ass now, he’s really got to want that World Title, especially after losing his Western U.S. Title to Silent!

Axis: Good God, Cyclone, I’ve never heard you use language like that before.

CC: I can’t help it! This is exciting!


Silent back up to his feet...Thoth with a dropkick to Silent’s back! Silent eats steel, but doesn’t seem too fazed. He gets back up, and swipes at Thoth’s feet, tripping him. Thoth hits with violent impact...


The cell holds tight. Silent and Thoth continue to battle dramatically on top of the cell. With each slam, each time a body hits the roof, the cell looks a little weaker, looks like that the next time will be the last time. Each time, the crowd pops louder, then settles back with an “Aww...” each time the cell does not give.


Thoth has the advantage now, and thrusts under Silent’s throat with his extended fingers. Thoth with a DDT...


The cell gives way!









Silent holds on to the iron bar! Thoth comes and tries to stomp on Silent’s hands, to send him straight to hell...But Silent grabs Thoth’s leg! Silent holding on to Thoth’s leg now, trying to drag them both to hell! Silent...Silent is laughing!


Axis: I don’t believe this!

CC: Silent is actually enjoying this!


Silent yells to Thoth. The camera picks it up...


Silent: So Thoth, do you like this? You, the angel, and I, the devil! I can drag you down with me, take you to a place you’ve never been, Thoth!




Silent: But I won’t. Thoth, you’ll never be as powerful as me!


Silent lets go of Thoth’s leg, and he falls










































The crowd pops louder than an arena full of girls at a nude *NSync concert.









Silent is still breathing, but that’s it. He probably has been knocked unconscious from the impact. Thoth climbs down the broken mesh, before he hangs above the ring, his feet maybe a good meter and a half from the floor. He drops onto Silent, making sure he cushions his fall. He covers. The crowd counts along with the referee.










Here is your winner...and the NEW!...I-G-N-M-L World Heavyweight Champion...THOOOOOOOOTH!


“Sadistic Eyes” plays over the PA, signaling the end of the match, the end of the night’s card, and the end of the ordeal. Thoth is handed the championship belt by the referee, and holds it overhead, before fainting from a combination of blood loss and shutdown of adrenalin. The broken cell raises, and paramedics rush out, holding two stretchers for the fallen warriors. They gingerly place each Clan member on one, and cart them out of the ring. A bloodstain from where Thoth fainted shines prominently in the arena lights.


CC: Good God, Axis. What have we seen?

Axis: We’ve seen a war, Cyclone. I think that these two men genuinely wanted to kill each other tonight. For what reason, I don’t know. We’ll probably never know. But what we do know is that we have two new champions. Silent is our new Western U.S. Champion, and Thoth is the World Champion.

CC: What condition will Silent and Thoth be in come Crimson? Will they even be there? What about the Clan?

Axis: And what about the news that Grimedogg, former commissioner of the IGNJL, has purchased the IGNML? What does this mean for us? Is a collision imminent between the JL and the ML?

CC: All good questions, and the answers will come on Crimson, this weekend! We’ll see you there!


A replay is shown of Silent falling through the cell, and Thoth making the cover and holding the World Title belt high above his head before the “Copyright 2001” appears at the lower left of the television screen.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

By popular demand, or one or two requests?





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Guest Kibagami

Popular request, you cross-dressing cocksmoker.


Bong, indeed.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

::BONGs JD::


Axis and Comet on commentary! Oh, the memories!

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