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Guest Intimacy Goblin

Best/Worst Dumbass Pranks

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Guest Intimacy Goblin

Maybe it's because I watched Jackass last night, but I have done some fairly stupid acts in my time and I think it's time to share. Who's with me?


1. Running through mall in quite possibly the world's scariest Halloween mask (god I wish we'd had a camera for that one).

2. Dancing through car's sunroof in said mask.

3. Being hit by friend's car upon request (good for me, bad for windshield).

4. Wanting to go through a car wash, chickening out , and having to run across a very large parking lot in someone else's very small t-shirt, my boxers,and a loose towel full of holes.


More to follow.

Any pranks helped out by drunkeness welcome!

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Guest kingkamala

Mooning a old lady when I was in my early teenage years :o , other then that ordering 7 or 8 large Anchovies and pumpkin seed pizzas to my friends house ;) , nothing to bad

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Guest Shaved Bear

I put whiteout on this kids lock on his locker, so he wouldnt be able to open it

thats about it

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