Guest Ironman Report post Posted July 22, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - Fugue. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? - I AM IRONMAN!!! But if you knew who I was facing, well.. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen - Cougar. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis - New Champ... something it telling me (probably the wad of cash in my pocket) with it's the Franchise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Chuck Woolery Report post Posted July 22, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - sWo for life. Fugue to win with the ARROGANT COVER!!! and get a rematch with Thor on Wrath. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? - I suspect we see an ARROGANT COVER!!! here. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen - I'd be lying if I said I didn't think I could win, but against Cougar and IL it'll be tough. I'm not sure if Rickmen's writing, but if he is he'll probably win with an ARROGANT COVER!!! Otherwise... it's a crap shoot. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis - sWo for life. Mak takes it, of course with the ARROGANT COVER!!!, and hopefully completes a sweep of alll the belts. - Mike Van Siclen. ARROGANT COVER!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kibagami Report post Posted July 22, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - Fugue. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? -Heh. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen - MVS. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis -C.I.A. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Clown Dan Report post Posted July 23, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - As far as I know, Metal isn't on Friday the 13th, nor is there a full moon, a solar eclipse, or a full alignment of all the planets. Therefore, Fugue wins. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? - Haaahahahahaaa! I know who ??? is... and don't worry, it's not me returning to hold the JL down in my no-showing ways =P the mystery man wins. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen - Heh. Plague, newbie, stoner, arrogant re-re with no fairy. According to the great Renee, IL is no-showing, so I gotta go with Mike Van Dyke here. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis - Bah... Mak wins the belt, and continues his great, graaaaand feud with the canuck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Renegade Report post Posted July 24, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - there was any doubt right? Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? ??? wins. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen I dont think IL is back yet, so he might no show this. Spike just aint up to MVS's level and Cougar impressed with his dark match. Il say it goes down to Cougar and MVS's matches with Cougar getting the win. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis New champ either way. Considering the last match was so killer this match should be one of the greatest JL title matches in a long time. I really dont know who to call for this as both CIA and Mak are truly great writers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ironman Report post Posted July 24, 2002 Fuck you, ???-Man! You know who you are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest midnight_burn Report post Posted July 24, 2002 Predictions are fun. TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue -> Methinks Fugue will probably win this. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? -> Mystery man goodness. ANything could happen here, and not knowing who ?? is i'll go with Ironman to get the win. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen -> Alot of talent here, this should be good. Anybody's game, and it should be close, but i think i'll go with Mike Van Siclen to come out with the victory here. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis -> Yummerific. This should be a fantastic match, and with Renegade bumped to the SWF we'll have a new JL champ in town. Both Mak and CIA are very good, and in a CAGE~! we should see an awesome match by the winner. It'll be very very very close, and it's hadr to choose, but i think "The Franchise" will come out on top by the slimmest of margins, Francis becoming the new World Champ. And that's a wrap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KingOfOldSchool Report post Posted July 24, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - Fugue. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? - Ironman. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen - MVS. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis - The Franchise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Drew_K Report post Posted July 25, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - Fugue. I've always said he was good, and I mean.... consider the competition. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? - I'm gonna have to go with question mark man on this one, for reasons which shall remain my own. And question mark men rule. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen - Ooooh. Tough call. I don't know cougar, and I like Spike, but I don't know if he's got what it takes to get past a fired up MVS and IL. As is, I'm leaning towards IL, but either man is a distinct possibility. IL. MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis - Hurray! I have a cage match! Again! Shame I don't get to write it WITH Mak this time, we work well together. I've sent my match, adn I gave it my all. That's all that needs be said. Oh, and... CIA pick! Rah! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted July 26, 2002 Bored....SO HERE ARE MY PREDICTIONS TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue - Come on...The only way Cutthroat could win is if Fugue fell off a cliff onto sharp jagged rocks and no showed, even still, I DOUBT Cutthroat can win. ------- Fugue ------- Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? - Don't know who ??? is. So, just for sakes, I am gonna take THE MAN WHO STOLE MY QUOTE! ------- Ironman ------- European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen - Dear God. This has to be one of the toughest matches I ever had in the JL. And I was worried. So what did I do? I CALLED ON THE POWERS OF LO KI VS. CHRIS DANIELS VS. AMERICAN DRAGON FROM RING OF HONOR 1. And I actually had fun writing this. Even though I wrote it the morning it was due, and didn't get any sleep. Oh yeah, I WROTE and SENT IN ON TIME. SO BOOOOOYA. Side note: Did anyone notice that whoever wins this will face Thor for the Euro title *cough*? ------- No Clue Whatsoever ------- MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis - Cage Cage Cage Cage Cage. Mak and CIA meet in the cage ONCE MORE. And since Renegade got bumped, we will have a new champ. Both CIA and Mak can win it, but I am gonna have to go with Mak. Even though CIA IS PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF WINNING. ------- Da Franchise ------- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rabbi_wilson13 Report post Posted July 26, 2002 TV Title #1 Contendership Match Cutthroat vs. Fugue * Fugue by far. I love the whole music thing. It's absolutely great, and I say he's on his way up the card. Open Challenge Tony “The Ironman” Brogan vs. ?? * Hmm...not familar with Ironman and definitely not familar with ??. I'll go with senor mysterio, though. European Title #1 Contendership Match Insane Luchador vs. John Cougar vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen * I like Cougar, but is his theme song "Hurts so Good"? If not, I'm going to have to go with MVS, my future "intense and emotional background promo partner." MAIN EVENT World Title CAGE~! Match Renegade © vs. C.I.A. vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis * Oh, its all about The Franchise, baby. Heels rock the house, though kooky undercover Canadian operatives are cool, too. This could be an incredibly boring match, however, considering 2 outta the 3 participants are near death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites