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Guest HartFan86


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Guest HartFan86

Here's mine! Enjoy guys:


EDIT: Most of the rest of these pics that aren't her, but I have are from WWFtitlehistory.com which you can access yourself. That's all I have for tonight. I may upload more tommorow....enjoy guys!











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Guest Kid Kablam

Is it just me or does Dusty look like Col Kurtz in Apocalypse Now

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Guest TheHulkster


The Lovely Lita



I never thought I would say this, but I wish I were Chris Chetti



One more for the road!


You knew it was coming:




Who looks more drunk?









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Guest Incandenza



This is Raven? At what point did he start laying off the 'roids?

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Guest eiker_ir


This is Raven? At what point did he start laying off the 'roids?



dunno, someone make a HHH joke or something......

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Guest HartFan86

I wish I was Chris Chetti too. That Jericho/Austin/Middle Finger one is hysterical.


Keep em comin guys!

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Guest rvd43

Tge Hulkster wre is that pic from were evrybody is in the ring and look at andre and hogan in the ring?

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Guest Invader3k

Question for TheHulkster: What is that pic from where Hawk and Hogan are in the ring together? I'm guessing a Royal Rumble or something, but I can't for the life of me remember.

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Guest TheHulkster
Question for TheHulkster: What is that pic from where Hawk and Hogan are in the ring together? I'm guessing a Royal Rumble or something, but I can't for the life of me remember.

The only Royal Rumbles Hawk and Hogan were in together were 91 and 92, and Hogan bladed in neither. Judging by the color scheme of the ring, it was probably a foreign event. I couldn't tell you where or the lineup at the moment. It's pretty weird seeing Hawk against Hogan if you figure in the time period they were in the WWF together, they were both over as huge faces. I just saw a cool looking Hogan pic on a website and decided to put it up

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Guest Si82

That Hurricane picture fucking rules! It looks like something for the Batman aminated series. Where did you get it from?

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Guest eiker_ir

That Hurricane picture fucking rules! It looks like something for the Batman aminated series. Where did you get it from?


from this website, i don't remembre the name......go-gooo---oh right



www.google.com :D

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Guest Just call me Dan

Not a damn one of those worked for me.


Let me just say that the Austin/Jericho picture with Jericho flipping him off is one of the most funny and ironic pictures I have ever seen.

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Guest HartFan86
Not a damn one of those worked for me.


Let me just say that the Austin/Jericho picture with Jericho flipping him off is one of the most funny and ironic pictures I have ever seen.

Same here.


And same here, lol. I had a good laugh when I first saw it.

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Guest Daredevil21
Question for TheHulkster: What is that pic from where Hawk and Hogan are in the ring together? I'm guessing a Royal Rumble or something, but I can't for the life of me remember.


That would be from their tour over in Japan in 1991, where the Road Warriors took on Hogan and someone else whose name escapes me at the moment.

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