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Guest kelloggs

Please help the JL

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Guest kelloggs



I just read a post from Drew that hit home. I'm a little hesitant to type this and know I'm a n00b who probably shouldn't be pulling an Edwin but shit with the WF's PromoWars going down why can't the same response be mustered by and for the JL. It's like we just can't get active on the board. We write some really great shows and stuff in a lull of members and we get 6 to 10 comments with 2 or more being off topic. We finally got 9 comments for this show, which is sad. I tried to plug the show here earlier as the Wfers seem to be commenting a lot lately but I'll do it again.


If any WFer can comment please do as the JL just doesn't give constructive criticism or even acknowledge crap. Some have but I just don't get it. If we have JL members active and lurking then is it that hard to get more comments about what we liked and didn't. Why is it like this? Why are we turning out good stuff and not telling each other. I swear that this is why burnout happens and Taft went off. Not because of a hard schedule but because it seems like nobody cares. If someone's not in an angle then they don't even look at other stuff. Screw that, read and comment on the damn show and board promos. Matt and Drew just did two and if either gets over 5 replies I'd shit myself. Silent's are the exception because his stuff is a part of an interesting series but if JLers(especially) and WFers could type a little good work or something to prove that our show or promos were read and worthy of the one minute it takes to post then I'd be happy.


Now I can see why Z and Frost didn't want to do long comments after the JL because they felt like nobody even cared from the beginning. Why do it and try to help out if nobody cares and quite frankly sometimes I feel the same. Like right now after all the work that was put into this show. I look at the WF section and see all that stuff then...bah just please help us out and comment on the show even if you barely skim it. I don't care what about, just as long as something goes up on the board promos or comments thread.


the educated mark

M. Francis

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Honestly, it's hard for me to get into the JL. There's some OK stuff going on there, but I barely know any of the guys, and there aren't all that many angles going on. I will try and make an effort, however. I remember what being in teh JL was like, so I'll try and help you guys out.

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Guest Ironman

The markers should probably comment on the matches they mark. I mean, they are the guys to ask if you want to know what to improve on.


*spams Drew's promo post so Mak shits himself*

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Guest kelloggs

I completely understand that Strangler and appericate the attempt. But see thats the thing, how do we know if its great, good or just OKAY unless we get real constructive comments from people. I think that that show was very good. I may joke and exaggerate about some things but I do actually believe that we put on a high quality show this time for what we can do storyline wise. Everyone says the JL is about winning matches and that's what our main consern is as it gets us bumped. I'm asking the JLers to comment because our board is dead and promos go unnoticed. But I think people don't improve by just writing. It takes help from more experienced writers and that's why I'm asking. I guess we should just make more of an effort to ask markers about stuff and I know I will if it means that I'll get some comments on what to improve and what I did wrong.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I'll try to get in and give some more feedback, Mak. With all the WF craziness lately I've been busy, but with a full week to get ready for the PPV, I can find some time to really focus.

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Guest redbaron51

try being down there for nearly two years and you see a plethora of n00bs come an go

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Guest ScorpionDanceofDeath

But all it took for that really cool teacher in high school to do was take a few minutes to get to know you just a little bit better..


I'll admit that I'm a pretty quiet person. I'm also on the low end of the totem pole. I'm trying to learn myself how to improve, but I'll also attempt to offer some constructive criticism.

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Guest midnight_burn

I'll try and make more of an effort to comment on the JL from now on, no longer being active means i should have a bit more time to read the shows, promos and other stuff.

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