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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Ross/Lawler unhappy splitting air time

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Guest oldschoolwrestling



Numerous sources have told 1Wrestling.com that both Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler were unhappy with splitting their announcing time on the Vengeance pay-per-view broadcast with Michael Cole and Tazz. Ross was said to be against the idea of splitting time, as well as not thinking there should be angles among the announcers. We have also heard that Ross was upset that even though the decision to split PPV time among both announce teams was made days before the event, no one informed him that it was happening until the day of the show. Like Steve Austin and Kevin Nash before him, Ross was said to be upset that he was not informed in advance that he would be a part of a major storyline. I can't blame him for that. Either Brian Gewertz (since he is in charge of Ross' Raw show) or Vince McMahon (who is, well, Vince McMahon) should have told Ross the plan in advance. From what I have heard, Lawler wasn't happy about sharing time either. He was said to be, at best, unhappy about it as well.


A number of people who were backstage told me that though they could understand his being upset about it for finding out at the last minute, Ross was then put in a position of "doing what is best for business" and "being the good hand" that he talks about so much in the Ross Report, and it was a different experience seeing the shoe being on the other foot. There was a feeling backstage that now that he has been put in the position, maybe he will understand it better when it happens to a talent.


At this point, I don't know whose idea it was to do the angle. What I do know, and as I said earlier today, it was an idea that was a long time coming and made sense, considering that the Smackdown group should have "their announcers" call matches on shows that they appear on.


It's well known around the company that Paul Heyman, who is the man in charge of the Smackdown show, has worked extensively with Cole and Tazz to help them better themselves as a team. I have also heard from a number of people in the company that Tazz and Cole put in tireless preparation before each broadcast and have worked as hard as humanly possible to become as good as they can. I have heard from a few sources that Ross doesn't like that Heyman has worked so hard with Tazz and Cole, so it wouldn't shock me to hear that he wasn't happy with Heyman, but I don't know any more than that.


Also, people backstage were putting over the job that Tazz and Cole did on Sunday and the fact that they, in essence, dropped the gauntlet at Ross and Lawler's feet. The general feeling was that Tazz and Cole took a big step forward at the PPV.


Credit 1wrestling.com



I for one hope JR gets fed up and leaves.

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Guest Army Eye

I can't believe that there's anyone backstage who thinks Cole and Tazz is a competent team. They are so horrible.

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Guest AM The Kid

"Bah god! I'm a hoss dammit! You've broken my heart...*sob*...in half. BAH GOD!"

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Guest Nevermortal

Cole & Tazz are in the running for the worst announce team ever.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Tazz actually called a botched suplex a "backthrow" in the Regal/Hardy match. Hilarity!

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Guest The Mountie

The people are calling:






and also








ZYBYSKO... OK, maybe not :)

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I'm calling for Steve "Mongo" McMichael, beotch.


And before you all get together and HANG me... I'll admit that I'm just kidding.

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Guest The Mountie

Does anyone know if McMichael and Dusty Rhodes ever commentated together in WCW, because that would have been amazing :)

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Guest Ripper
Cole & Tazz are in the running for the worst announce team ever.

I call a good annouce team as being able to close my eyes and know what happening in the ring to some extent. Gorilla and Jesse were the best in my eyes, followed by Gorilla and Bobby.


With that said, JR and Lawler keep me pretty well entertained, unless there is a woman in the ring of course, then Lawler is useless.


Tazz and Cole, while not great, I can at least follow what they are saying thus keeping them out of the "worst ever" Anyone that had the displeasure to listen to DUsty Rhodes/Schivanie mixture knows who is really the worst. Hell, Bishoff and Schivanie ar worst than Tazz/cole. At least I have some clue of what is going on. Bishcoff would be talking about a Jumping double thrust kick instead of just calling it a dropkick and Toni would just have the entire thing completely wrong.

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Guest Anglesault
I have also heard from a number of people in the company that Tazz and Cole put in tireless preparation before each broadcast and have worked as hard as humanly possible to become as good as they can

And THAT is sad.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Replace Tazz with Stevei Ray and there you go. Suckas Gats Ta No how well that team would do. I'd say Stevie would just obliterate Michael kind of like Raven did to Lawler, Damn Yak.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I think they should have mixed up the commentators even more to balance it out. They should have JR and Heyman on Raw and Cole and Lawler on SD. They could put Tazz back in the ring finally.

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Guest SteveyP93

When Cole and Tazz came out, my wrestling ppv party members nearly started to cry.

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Guest CanadianChick
They could put Tazz back in the ring finally.

He probably couldn't really perform anymore, though. It's been a while since he has really wrestled.

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Guest AndrewTS

I'm unhappy I didn't get a blowjob from Dawn Marie last night, but what the hell am I going to do about it?


Psssh...who the fuck cares if so or so is a bit "unhappy?" Stasiak is unhappy that there was no mayo for his turkey sandwich, Bischoff is unhappy that he can't get rid of that spare tire. HHH is happy that so many people are calling for his head. Big fucking deal. He'll still be on next week to squawk about hosses out of the half of his face that still works.


And I don't think JR is the only one that knows that Cole and Tazz suck royally, but JR and King have been lousy for years.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I wish Ross'd leave. I may dislike Cole, but Cole dosen't push those BAH GAWD HOSSES~! down our throats.


Now who is worse?

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Guest AndrewTS
I wish Ross'd leave. I may dislike Cole, but Cole dosen't push those BAH GAWD HOSSES~! down our throats.


Now who is worse?

I used to think Tazz was funny, but he never says anything interesting, and he took up the JR habit of calling other men "studs."


And Cole's habit of saying "Damn" this and "Damn" that is just as annoying as HOSS!

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
I wish Ross'd leave. I may dislike Cole, but Cole dosen't push those BAH GAWD HOSSES~! down our throats.


Now who is worse?

I used to think Tazz was funny, but he never says anything interesting, and he took up the JR habit of calling other men "studs."


And Cole's habit of saying "Damn" this and "Damn" that is just as annoying as HOSS!

Yeah, it's annoying. :)


But..Ross is also the guy that's VP of Talent Relations. The "Hoss Boss".

I'd go as far as to say he'd be the one deciding which developmental talents were kept/fired just recently.


Keeping Bull Buchanan and firing anybody (even a guy off the street) should be a crime. I swear.


Cole's an annoying jackass.

Tazz is an annoying jackass.

Ross is an annoying jackass that's responsible for the pushes of Bull, Albert, Rikishi, and The Big Show.


Therefore, Ross..and in fact not HHH as believed in the IWC, is Satan.


Thank you.



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Cole doesn't push Test? C'mon, I thought it was a well known fact that Cole is Tests bitch-boy.

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Guest AndrewTS
I wish Ross'd leave. I may dislike Cole, but Cole dosen't push those BAH GAWD HOSSES~! down our throats.


Now who is worse?

I used to think Tazz was funny, but he never says anything interesting, and he took up the JR habit of calling other men "studs."


And Cole's habit of saying "Damn" this and "Damn" that is just as annoying as HOSS!

Yeah, it's annoying. :)


But..Ross is also the guy that's VP of Talent Relations. The "Hoss Boss".

I'd go as far as to say he'd be the one deciding which developmental talents were kept/fired just recently.


Keeping Bull Buchanan and firing anybody (even a guy off the street) should be a crime. I swear.


Cole's an annoying jackass.

Tazz is an annoying jackass.

Ross is an annoying jackass that's responsible for the pushes of Bull, Albert, Rikishi, and The Big Show.


Therefore, Ross..and in fact not HHH as believed in the IWC, is Satan.


Thank you.



Oh yeah...forgot that about JR, although even on-air JR is fellating all those BAHGAHD hosses.


But hold the phone--I wouldn't go THAT far. Besides, we know that Vince is Satan.

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Guest papacita

I dunno, last week, it seemed to me that Cole and Tazz were at least TRYING to get better. I'm not too fond of the team, but I'll give them some credit...


Oh yeah, SPLIT THE PPVS!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Vitamin X

I'm sorry bro, but Cole pushes EVERYTHING down our throats, to the point where it makes me not want to watch the WWF.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I am sorry, but this is getting out of hand...


Satan has NOTHING on Vince. Not... Even... Close...

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Guest evenflowDDT

I thought Cole and Tazz did a good job at the PPV, much better than their usual Smackdown! shtick. JR also made several mistakes when they were on, so if he's ever looking for a reason to why their had to be a split, there's a good one right there.


Besides, I don't think JR & The King have any right to complain. Why should they get exclusive PPV commentating rights?

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Guest Flyboy
I'm unhappy I didn't get a blowjob from Dawn Marie last night, but what the hell am I going to do about it?


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Guest Trivia247

You know JR maybe being high n mighty on the Ross Report on how some wrestlers bitch and moan shouldn't be your job anymore... Mr.. WHAAAAAA Tazz and Cole doin my Job Dag Nam bit Ross... If you didn't want the Split angle to effect your work on the PPV then dont split the rosters talent boy.

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Guest Nezbyte
You know JR maybe being high n mighty on the Ross Report on how some wrestlers bitch and moan shouldn't be your job anymore... Mr.. WHAAAAAA Tazz and Cole doin my Job Dag Nam bit Ross... If you didn't want the Split angle to effect your work on the PPV then dont split the rosters talent boy.

Since when does Good Ol' JR had the ability to veto Mr McMahon?



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