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Guest HBK16

Something you never want to happen

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Guest HBK16

Ok before I tell my story you have to understand that I am a small 17 year old kid that looks much younger than 17.


I already tried posting this story and it got kicked off so I am gonna make it short because I don't like doing things twice.



This took place on the 18th. Anyways, I am walking home from a friends house at 10:30 PM. I am one block away from my house and this car is sitting there. Once I get nera it they ask me how to get on the I-17. The had a map on them and everything so I got close to the window and started pointing. All of a sudden they grab me by the armpits and start pulling me in through the window. This guy in the back seat gets out and grabs my legs and pushes the remainder of my body that was outside and slides it in. They are hitting me in the face too so I was just concentrating on fighting back. I land sideways across the front passenger and the driver. The guy that came from the back seat goes back in and they pull me into the back. Now I am in a strangers car, dizzy from the punches I got in the head and eye, and I have no idea where I a going.


Ok, so for the first half an hour or so, they are asking me questions like "whs your friends" and "what school do you go to" and stuff like that. Ok so they turn on the music and I can't hear a single word they are saying. I am thinking to myself what the fuck are they gonna do to me? So what I thought had been maybe an hour, was really 2 and a half hours on the road with my head tucked between my legs sitting there. Finally the driver says to let me go and I step out of the car while it was still in motion. Now I am not sure of how fast it was going but I'm guessing 5 MPH. Not that fast.


So now its around 1:15 and I am wondering the streets for about 5 minutes before this guy sees me stumbling around. He thought I was drunk until I came close and he saw the bruises on my head and face. He offered to call the poilce or take me home. Now I know it wasn't smart but after what I went through I just wanted to get home and not wait there until the cops came and question me for hours. So I told himt o just take me home. So I come home to a worried mother of course. We file the report and all this shit. Next day we go to the hospital and I have a concussion and 2 broken ribs. So tell me, these guys can get a few years in jail right? I am talking about assult and kidnapping. Not only did they beat the shit out of me but they held me in the car for a good 2 and a half hours.


Now if you live in Arizona, maybe you saw the story on NBC.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Never talk to strangers, especially strangers who are "lost" and need directions,extra-especially at night..

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Guest Angle-plex

That's a nice story.


Seriously, that sucks. Almost happend to me once, but that's another story for another day.........

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Guest AM The Kid

Holy shit thats awful, I'd piss my pants in that situation and refuse to leave my house ever again. :(

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Guest areacode212

Holy shit, that's fucking horrible. Hope you're OK, man. Do the cops have any leads?

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Guest HBK16

The cops don't know who they are. I simply didn't pay enough attention to the vehicle due to me being in shock after they I got out of the car. It took me a little bit to get myself back together and when I realized I shold try to get the license plate number it was too far for me to see. The guys were probably 20 or 21 years old so when I approached the vehicle I didn't think they would really do anything. But I am ok now. Thanks for asking. I am just trying to deal with my emotional wounds now. I feel better when I talk about it so this is helping.

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Guest mesepher

wow man... glad to hear you made it out alive and things did not escalate.

you're lucky in that aspect.



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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Zoinks, any news articles about this that we can read?

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Guest Retro Rob

You always hear about stuff like that, but I only think of it happening to elementary school kids. At least you are alright.

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Guest J*ingus

Strange violent shit all around... Bower wrote about a hobo trying to bite his hand off in his latest column over at 411.

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Guest HBK16
Zoinks, any news articles about this that we can read?

I went over to azcentral.com but I didn't find one. NBC told me that they would send me the tape of the news clip. I haven't seen it myself. I was working when it aired.

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