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Guest 4Life

President Bush says economy is "strong"

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Guest 4Life

Yes... he is serious.


"President Bush had no advice for investors as the stock market gyrated wildly Monday -- "I'm not a stock broker or a stock picker" -- but he said the economy is strong and corporate profits are improving.


"You're talking to the wrong guy about what stocks to buy," the president said in a brief exchange with reporters at a national lab involved in homeland defense.


Yeah, he doesn't have any "stock trading" tips. This from the same "businessman" who sold all of his stock in his OWN company before it repored huge loses. He's attacking the same people who are doing things he did 10 years ago.

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Guest 4Life

If you think I'm a Democrat, well you're right about that. I don't think this has anything to do with me being a Democrat and him being a Republican. One of my biggest idols is a republican sen McMain. I just have no tolerance whatsoever for W.

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Guest TheMikeSC

The economy itself IS strong and rebounding.


The stock market is taking a shelling---but lord knows it was vastly overpriced for many, many years.


As for Bush attacking people who did what he did 10 years ago---Bush is attacking CEO's who act completely against the law...


And he's STILL on much higher moral standing than our previous President was on this issue.


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Guest 4Life
The economy itself IS strong and rebounding.


The stock market is taking a shelling---but lord knows it was vastly overpriced for many, many years.


As for Bush attacking people who did what he did 10 years ago---Bush is attacking CEO's who act completely against the law...


And he's STILL on much higher moral standing than our previous President was on this issue.


"Bush is attacking CEO's who act completely against the law..."


Are you familiar with what he did? If not, let me know and I'll explain.

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Guest Cancer Marney
If you think I'm a Democrat, well you're right about that
This has to be the biggest "Well, duh" moment all night.


I don't think this has anything to do with me being a Democrat and him being a Republican.
I think it has everything to do with it. Anyone else?


I just have no tolerance whatsoever for W.
Title 10, Section 888 of the United States Code: "Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."

So, you're definitely not a commissioned officer then. Or you're a criminal. In either case, how do you justify your insistence on having a say in a hypothetical invasion of Iraq?

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Guest bob_barron

Marney- you are on a roll!


I hope Bush nails these fuckers and sends them to jail

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Guest Cancer Marney

Thanks Bob. I have to point out one other thing in the original post.

He's attacking the same people who are doing things he did 10 years ago.
Essentially, you're criticising him for enforcing the law. How are his previous actions relevant, whether the allegations are true or false? If a law is good, enforcing it is good, no matter who does it. Would you be so up in arms if it were a different crime perpetrated by someone against whom you didn't have a clear political vendetta? Let me put it this way: if a college guy were convicted of rape, served his time, and was released, and then prevented some other guy from raping some other woman thirty years later, would you shriek "Hypocrite?"

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Guest NoCalMike

<<<<Essentially, you're criticising him for enforcing the law. How are his previous actions relevant, whether the allegations are true or false? >>>>


Ummm. of course previous actions are RELEVANT. Are you meaning to tell me that Clinton lying in '92 didn't encourage you to believe he was lying about the Monica Lewinsky "scandal" ???? The fact is that Bush is showing a pattern of supporting everything that is corporate. He basically used these "corrupt" methods himself in order to make a fortune, then he turns around and points fingers at the same people like he is on some moral high ground. Dubya just needs more BITE and less BARK, so far I don't think anyone from Enron or Worldcom has really been punished. We don't need anymore "get tough" TALK, we need ACTION, and soon, or this whole things is just gonna repeat itself once the stock market rebounds.


<<<<"President Bush had no advice for investors as the stock market gyrated wildly Monday -- "I'm not a stock broker or a stock picker" -- but he said the economy is strong and corporate profits are improving.>>>>


Well that is just great isn't it. The rich are getting richer once again....HOORAY FOR THE CEOS, poor guys almost lowered their income to six figures a year....awwwwwwwww. So does that mean we are not far from the repeating of the days where budgets at the work place get tighter for workers while the CEOS give themselves fat raises......??

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Guest EricMM

<<<He's attacking the same people who are doing things he did 10 years ago.>>>


Really, would you rather he didn't? Cuz... I mean... what the fuck else do you want him to do? The president, a man who could do no right in my mind is actually trying, albiet in an attempt to get votes, to do the right thing, and he gets criticized?


You! 4Life! Think before you post! And that's the nicest thing I have to say after your recent DELUGE of ... immature posts.


PS. you're thirteen neener neener ;) :P

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Guest NoCalMike

The problem is, how do we KNOW he is trying. When a president makes a speech to a national audience, for the most part it is just a soapbox with suggestions. What good is it to say something without following through. I said about a month ago in previous post that I would give Bush the benefit of the doubt and see where his tough TALK goes, well it has been approx a month, and I have seen nothing to show he is FOLLOWING THROUGH on his talk.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Are you meaning to tell me that Clinton lying in '92 didn't encourage you to believe he was lying about the Monica Lewinsky "scandal" ????

I have seen nothing to show he is FOLLOWING THROUGH on his talk.
I have no problem with your second criticism. It's perfectly valid. I think the President should get behind the Senate bill; hell, I think he should throw the weight of the White House behind Senator McCain's even toughter proposals and get them back on the floor.

But the Clinton comparison is completely irrelevant. His lies in the first case did indeed encourage me to believe that he was lying in the second; however, since the allegations are that the President profited from insider trading way back when, and he has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by protecting it now, just what would be the reason for him to protect other people who do? None. None at all. There is zero motive. Unless you think he has some kind of psychopathological attachment to insider trading as such and gets off on it no matter who does it?

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Guest NoCalMike

Well let's see. Bush has the perfect method in protecting CEOS and taking our minds off of the Corporate scandal, and that is to have the people focus on MORE WAR. Just like CLinton was accused of bombing in order to make people forget about Lewinsky. I am sure as soon as the pot starts stirring around Dubya, we will be on the frontlines of Iraq.....

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Guest Cancer Marney

Now you just sound like a whiny jackass. Doesn't matter what the President does, he obviously has an ulterior motive, right? Please spare me the bullshit, okay? I didn't listen when it was said about Clinton, and I won't listen now that it's being said about Bush.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Today, the Dow went up 488.95 points to 8191.29, the Nasdaq, 60.96 to 1290.01, and S&P500 45.70 to 843.40. Winners to losers on the Dow: 3 to 2 as 2.09 billion shares traded. Losers to winners on the Nasdaq: 3 to 2 as 1.85 billion shares traded.

CNN story


Yep, that sure is a weak economy right there. The markets are on the verge of collapse. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<<Essentially, you're criticising him for enforcing the law. How are his previous actions relevant, whether the allegations are true or false? >>>>


Ummm. of course previous actions are RELEVANT. Are you meaning to tell me that Clinton lying in '92 didn't encourage you to believe he was lying about the Monica Lewinsky "scandal" ????>>>



It didn't help his cause, no.



<<<The fact is that Bush is showing a pattern of supporting everything that is corporate.>>>



*cough* Enron.


Not a lot of Bush lovin' when that went down.



<<<He basically used these "corrupt" methods himself in order to make a fortune, then he turns around and points fingers at the same people like he is on some moral high ground.>>>



So, he's like Ted Kennedy---only electable on a national level?



<<<Dubya just needs more BITE and less BARK, so far I don't think anyone from Enron or Worldcom has really been punished.>>>



Last time I checked, the President really has little power over punishment of criminals.


There is a whole branch of the gov't who controls that---and one that is understaffed due to a slow Senate controlled by a certain party.



<<<We don't need anymore "get tough" TALK, we need ACTION, and soon, or this whole things is just gonna repeat itself once the stock market rebounds.>>>



And what do you suppose Bush DO?



<<<<"President Bush had no advice for investors as the stock market gyrated wildly Monday -- "I'm not a stock broker or a stock picker" -- but he said the economy is strong and corporate profits are improving.>>>>


Well that is just great isn't it. The rich are getting richer once again....HOORAY FOR THE CEOS>>>



And this marks the---well, gee, that has ALWAYS been the case, hasn't it?



<<<, poor guys almost lowered their income to six figures a year....awwwwwwwww. So does that mean we are not far from the repeating of the days where budgets at the work place get tighter for workers while the CEOS give themselves fat raises......??>>>



Probably not. The stock market has long been a poor economic indicator.


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Guest NoCalMike

Today, the Dow went up 488.95 points to 8191.29, the Nasdaq, 60.96 to 1290.01, and S&P500 45.70 to 843.40. Winners to losers on the Dow: 3 to 2 as 2.09 billion shares traded. Losers to winners on the Nasdaq: 3 to 2 as 1.85 billion shares traded.

CNN story


Yep, that sure is a weak economy right there. The markets are on the verge of collapse. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!



Well I judge the economy more on the job market availability rather then the stock market considering a very limited amount of people benefit HIGHLY from stock market points. The job market right now basically sucks. Layoffs are happening everyday in huge numbers, all in the interest to keep the fat wallets fat.

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Guest Cancer Marney

I have no sympathy at all for the unemployed. None. I know people who've raised two kids properly and they both work two jobs each. You can't get one?

Sir Humphrey said it best: "Offer the unemployed a street-sweeping job or a dish-washing job and they'd be off the register before you could say 'parasite.' Frankly, this country can have as much unemployment as it's prepared to pay for in social security and welfare, and no politicians have got the guts to do anything about it."

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Guest Some Guy
Dubya just needs more BITE and less BARK, so far I don't think anyone from Enron or Worldcom has really been punished. We don't need anymore "get tough" TALK, we need ACTION, and soon, or this whole things is just gonna repeat itself once the stock market rebounds.


<<<<"President Bush had no advice for investors as the stock market gyrated wildly Monday -- "I'm not a stock broker or a stock picker" -- but he said the economy is strong and corporate profits are improving.>>>>


Well that is just great isn't it. The rich are getting richer once again....HOORAY FOR THE CEOS, poor guys almost lowered their income to six figures a year....awwwwwwwww. So does that mean we are not far from the repeating of the days where budgets at the work place get tighter for workers while the CEOS give themselves fat raises......??

Do you have any understanding of how the legal system in this country works? Appparently not. It will take a few years to get the people who committed these crimes to be punished. It usually takes at least a year after capture for a murderer to be punished. How can you expect these CEOs and whoever else with their very good lawyers and money to be punished with in a few months?


Why do you hate rich people so much? And why is it a selective hatered?

Clinton is rich, Gore is rich, Kennedy is rich, Dascle is rich(living of his wife's inheritence, but rich non the less), etc... I don't hear you spew your hatred of them for having more money than you.

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Guest hardyz1
Why do you hate rich people so much? And why is it a selective hatered?

Clinton is rich, Gore is rich, Kennedy is rich, Dascle is rich(living of his wife's inheritence, but rich non the less), etc... I don't hear you spew your hatred of them for having more money than you.


Yeah, really. I hate all those rich fucks. I guess being poor all my life affects that.

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Guest Some Guy

SO you hate people because they have more than you? Interesting. Why not try to becaome as rich as them instead of hating? Or at least realize that not every rich person is Satan and not every poor person is an innocent victim. More often than not you'll find the reverse is true.

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Guest cartman
SO you hate people because they have more than you?  Interesting.  Why not try to becaome as rich as them instead of hating?  Or at least realize that not every rich person is Satan and not every poor person is an innocent victim.  More often than not you'll find the reverse is true.



Now THERE is a true statement if I ever heard one...COUGHbullshitCOUGH

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Guest Some Guy

How many rich murders are there? How many rich armed robbers are there? How many rich rapists are there? How many rich people get drunk and beat the shit out of their wives? How many rich people get into street fights?


Where's the bullshit? Just because someone is rich does not automatically make them an asshole and just because someone is poor does not make them a saint. The reverse is also true. And there are other reasons than "a racist capitalist society holding people down" for why some people are successful and others aren't.

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Guest NoCalMike

Ermmm, I never said I hated the rich, and I am tired of people claiming I love Gore & Clinton because numerous times I have called them just as crooked as Bush. I do hate corporate greed though. There is a difference. Oh and of course you can go out and find a couple of shitty jobs in order to barely scrape by, but that wasn't the point of my reply. The question was whether the economy is strong, and I said NO because people are losing their 1 GOOD job, and like you pointed out, having to go out and get 2 crappy jobs to make up for that income.



<<<<<<<Do you have any understanding of how the legal system in this country works? Appparently not. It will take a few years to get the people who committed these crimes to be punished. It usually takes at least a year after capture for a murderer to be punished. How can you expect these CEOs and whoever else with their very good lawyers and money to be punished with in a few months?>>>>>>>>


Errr, yah Ask Clinton, OJ Simpson, Dubya how the legal system works, then a year from now ask some of the CEOS from Enron and/or Worldcom how it works, and they will just smile pat you on your head and tell you with the right amount of money, ANYTHING is possible. Really though, if you haven't learned by now that having a lot of money is a huge advantage in our court system, then I don't think you ever will. If anything, I am sure Kenneth Lay is the most likely to go to jail because he was in charge of the whole thing, but I only feel he will be punished just to throw out a name to the american people to say, "lookie lookie here, look what I did, don't you all love me now" When in reality he has his money packed away in some jamaican offshore account just waiting for him after he does his few years in lockdown.

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Guest DrTom

"Yeah, really. I hate all those rich fucks. I guess being poor all my life affects that."


Nothing like some good old-fashioned class envy. Never mind that the best way to "hate" the rich is to become one of them and rub their face in it.

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Guest Ripper
I have no sympathy at all for the unemployed. None. I know people who've raised two kids properly and they both work two jobs each. You can't get one?

Sir Humphrey said it best: "Offer the unemployed a street-sweeping job or a dish-washing job and they'd be off the register before you could say 'parasite.' Frankly, this country can have as much unemployment as it's prepared to pay for in social security and welfare, and no politicians have got the guts to do anything about it."

I almost agree with you there. I won't say all unemployeed but I will definately say most. I the problem is that people thinke they are "above" some jobs because they were once higher ranked. Like a guy that gets laid off from being a manager at a factory thinks they are too high to work at a entry position at another job.


My ex-roomate hasn't worked in over a year because he is ONLY looking for a job equal to or better than the one that he lost. Best believe that if I lost my job, I would be out there working at every fast food joint there is. Pride is the #1 cause in unemployment amoung the non crazy and drug addicts out there if you ask me.


While I don't have sympathy for unemployed people that think they are too good for a regular job, I do judge the economy by job SECURITY.. I Think that is the most important thing. As the economy sags, Job Security drops and vice versa. Using that theory of mine, I do think that the economy isn't strong at all, because there is very little job security out there.

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Guest Moleculo

"How many rich murders are there? How many rich armed robbers are there? How many rich rapists are there? How many rich people get drunk and beat the shit out of their wives? How many rich people get into street fights?"

-Rich people commit the same crimes as poor people,but since the entire system is anti-poor,poor people get caught more often/The rich get richer,and the poor die off.

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Guest Cancer Marney
I won't say all unemployeed but I will definately say most.
Ripper - I wouldn't say all unemployed either. There has been genuine mass unemployment before - the Great Depression is the most obvious instance; another is the Soviet Union - but there is no mass unemployment now. Mass unemployment is starving people waiting in lines for soup. It is NOT 350 lb pregnant women with 12 kids singing "It's the first of the month..."


Rich people commit the same crimes as poor people
Are you really this stupid? I don't like saying that poverty is a motivating factor for many crimes, because it sounds like justification, but I have to admit it because it's true. Yes, the system is biased against the poor - any system based on freedom always will be - but do you really think rich people commit as many crimes as poor people? In what context? Do rich people as individuals commit more crimes on average than poor individuals? Or are you saying something else? There are far more poor people than there are rich people. Do rich people commit more crimes as a percentage of the population in order to make up for that difference? And they still get away with it? Jesus Christ, what the fuck are you smoking?

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Guest Moleculo

Jesus Christ lady,did I kill your dog or is it just that time of the month?Perhaps you should refrain from the insults in a forum that's about fostering actual discussion,hmm?Oh,that would display your general ignorance and lack of real social decorum,wouldn't it?

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