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Guest ShooterJay

NWA Jr. Champ

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Guest ShooterJay

I was looking through the nwawrestling.com website, and something struck me as very odd. The NWA officially recognizes Ken Shamrock and Styles/Lynn as their world champions, but X champ AJ Styles is considered a very minor champ in the grand scheme of things. The NWA "world" champion in the lighter weight division is actually a guy named Jimmy Rave. I found it strange that the NWA would give JJ almost exclusive booking privileges for the world and tag champs, but the junior champ is apparently off limits, as TNA has never mentioned him or even hinted that he be brought in.


This must frustrate the hell out of Rave, to be a champion of an organization whose biggest territory wouldn't give him exposure.


Anyway, anybody ever hear of Rave? He has a decent look, but I've never seen him wrestle. Would, say, Rave/Styles be a good match?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know about the match...


but I do know that TNA didn't want the jr. title because they wanted to create the X title.

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Guest J*ingus

Rave is an NWA Wildside regular. He has wrestled Styles before, most notably in an awesome four-way ladder match at Wildside's Fright Night 2001. He's a good talent, but nowhere near the "name" that an AJ Styles or a Low-Ki is.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

Using the NWA Jr. title would be overkill IMO. Besides, the X division is more than exciting enough to keep me tuning in every week.

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Guest Tony149

Bps is right. Although I also belive the Jarretts' didn't want the title because they didn't want to label guys Jr. heavyweights. So they created the X-Title.

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Jimmy Rave is a great talent. He has a killer tornado DDT and has put on great matches with AJ Styles, Jason Cross, JC Dazz, Caprice Coleman...etc etc. But I think The "X" title is a different title for a reason.

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