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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

The Official Scott Hall's watch thread

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

how long before Scottie gets his ass handed to him by wwf officials? really guys, Ross can write all of his shit on his crappy reports, but sooner or later Hall will act like a total idiot and get drunk and/or doped and injure someone... and what about Austin finally laying the bitch in the showers a la Shawn/Bret?


I say since Austin vs Hall isn't a virtual lock for WM, Hall will act straight for the weeks leading to the ppv and once his spot is secure he'll do something to the younger guys at maybe some house show, like no selling the dudleyz' 3D or going full cool heel steam on Rock... counting the days... your thoughts?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He'll be around until WrestleMania.


If he's around 2 months after that...color me surprised.

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Guest The Shockmaster!

Dammit,I thought we were gonna talk about what kind of watch Scott Hall wore in this thread.

And I had so many opinions aboutTag Heuers that wil go to waste.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler







From the looks of the Smackdown spoilers, it doesn't sound like Austin v. Hall is the plan for Wrestlemania anymore.  Austin basically made Hall his bitch, which isn't what a face does to a heel at the beginning of a feud.  It looks like Taker will wrestle Flair, and Angle will wrestle Kane, so that leaves Nash with Austin as his opponent.  If Hall's still around by Wrestlemania, my guess is that he'll feud with a midcarder like RVD or Edge.



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Guest Tony149

I say Hall is around for 6 months-a year. If he stays longer than that I'll be surprised.

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Guest Rabies

Hall seems to look out of shape since being on WWF TV. I don't think he's physically ready to go full out 15+ minutes at WM. Nash looks to be in better shape even with his bum knees and all. So, I guess it could be Nash/Austin at WM. Better than Nash/Show, right?

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I'm betting the around Judgement day this year, his 'problems' will resurface.

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Guest Choken One

Call me crazy but with Nash and HHH watching him like a Hawk and the scrict rules of VKM...I'd say Hall says clean.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i bet Hall says around until he's ready to leave, the reports of his bad behavior seem fake too me i think the smarks are being worked by the wwf again.

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Guest Choken One

Exactly...Not even Scott is stupid enough to start out like that...give him time though.

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Guest Army Eye

Scherer had an interesting take on this today.  He speculated that Nash is being kept without a match for Wrestlemania, so in case something happens with Hall, Nash can step in and immediately take his place..

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Guest Tony149
Scherer had an interesting take on this today.  He speculated that Nash is being kept without a match for Wrestlemania, so in case something happens with Hall, Nash can step in and immediately take his place..

That's a pretty smart thing to do if that's what the WWF is thinking. They have to be careful that Hall doesn't do anything that gets him fired or suspended.

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Guest C-Bacon



i've been meaning to say this for a while, but that pic of jyd and that kid dancing in masked yodeler's sig is so cute! haha

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Guest Flair5000

Nash is definetely being used as a reserve. Which is great if it keeps him away from a Big Show or Kane feud.

I don't think anyone is being worked by the WWF this time, I really think that Hall is just THAT stupid.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i think it's a work. hall was working in japan before this and they're weren't any reports of him being anywhere near this bad.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

well, I've got a theory about hall's stint in japan. put it this way: japan is always the place disgruntled american wrestlers go to make some money and save face. want an example? NWO Sting, Mike Rotunda, Scott Norton, LOD, Steiners... although I read on the Torch thsat there WERE problems with hall in japan, he HAD to act clean as, in any case, he could have gone back for some more dates whereas in the U.S., in the wwf, he can fuck up any time since there wil always be some money mark willing to pay his ass for some crappy indy show... I think hall's problem, deep inside, has always been feeling in the shadow of nash and hbk. aside from x pac, he's the only clique member that hasn't won a world title in his career and is always seen as the "joke guy" of the group. good for a laugh and a smart ass joke but not enough to win the big one.

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Guest MixxMaster

hey, to further elaborate...


-- Many have noted that as the card for Wrestlemania is taking shape, both Hulk Hogan and Scott Hall have matches. However, Kevin Nash seems to be without an opponent.


-- However, it now seems that the WWF is purposely keeping him out of matches, so that if Scott Hall is soon fired, Nash can take his place against Steve Austin at Wrestlemania.


-- For those who don't know, Hall has had many problems since entering the WWF, and one more slip-up will place him in serious danger of being released, no matter what big feud he is in at the time.


-- Kevin Nash reportedly has no problems at all with taking Hall's place against Steve Austin. This would give him time to work off any ring rust before his first match since returning to the WWF.


Credit: 1Wrestling


Hey, maybe we shouldn't worry so damn much (HA-HA).  Looks like WWF may have actually learned from Buff and Kroni>l...

so, who had "last chance" issued BEFORE WMx8????

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Guest buffybeast

Sometimes I really feel the net exaggerates stories.


Anywho, I just think it is going to be hard for Hall to stay clean when the temptations of the road are at arm's lenght distance.  Nash and HHH can't be on top of him 24 hours a day.


I'm willing to give Hall the benefit of the doubt.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Whilst i hope to god that the fact they can joke about scott's problems in promos (without wcw management turning it into an angle) means he's clean(ish) i'm damn worried. If he does screw up, the whole angle will be messed up. I don't have any confidence in the WWF's ability to explain a member of the nwo suddenly disappearing. It's not like kronik when no one cares.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Nash isn't exactly a saint. He's slept with his share of woman and enjoys an alcholic beverage. He's not fukked up like Hall but he might not be the best person for Hall to hang around with.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I think its a big work by the WWF."


This wouldn't surprise me.  If this NWO angle fails in the next few months, Hall will more than likely take the fall. If it succeeds, he probably won't receive the credit. I really think the WWF acted rashly in bringing Hall in. If there is so much concern he is gonna fuck up, then why would the WWF waste so much time and money on the guy. And there not even sure he can fulfill his obligations through Mania? That's just bad planning and bad business.

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Guest muswp1

By April, Hall will be toast.  No amount of HHH, Hogan, and Nash ass-kissing will save him if he pisses off MacMahon again.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I bet he doesnt show up sober at Wrestlemania because he'll probably get drunk at some St. Patrick's day party the day of Wrestlemania.

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