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Guest saturnmark4life

just a little something bugging me

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Guest saturnmark4life

I can't even be bothered to waste seconds of mine and Scott Keith's lives by e mailing him this, but he said the arm work by Noble was rendered pointless by the Tiger Driver getting the pin. Now,

he tried to powerbomb kidman earlier in the match but was unsuccessful (duh) so when he hooked kidman's arms it made it harder for him to escape with the arm injury and he hit the powerbomb.

Now i'm not even sure Noble realised he was kicking all kinds of ass with puro level stuff there, but it was a nice touch. (even when he used an oklahoma roll and should have done La Mahistral...) :rolleyes:

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Guest mach7

Very good point, about the arm. But, why would you even care with Scott Keith thinks about this? No one else does. ;p


I also think that La Majistral is a way cooler looking pinning combination than the Oklahoma Roll. Say, isn't that John Cena's finisher these days? *cough*lame*cough* ;p

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Guest Ripper

Am I the only one that thought this thread was about Nicole Kidman at Vengence if you read to fast like me....anyone....anyone...






HEY LOOK, BIG FOOT !!!! [runs away while everyone looks]

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Guest TheDames7

Hey, I pointed that out in MY Vengeance review....seems like I was the only reviewer who picked up on it.



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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I saw a bunch of guys at DVDVR that said the same. Scott Keith can only pick up simple psychology like when they work the arm and the finisher is a cross-armbreaker or something.

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Guest saturnmark4life

heh. I have absolutely nothing against keith, i should point out. Though he can be a bit lazy with this kind of stuff, i'm not going to beat him down for it.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
Hey, I pointed that out in MY Vengeance review....seems like I was the only reviewer who picked up on it.


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Guest Anglesault
Am I the only one that thought this thread was about Nicole Kidman at Vengence if you read to fast like me....anyone....anyone...






HEY LOOK, BIG FOOT !!!! [runs away while everyone looks]



Well, it would have been better than Noble/Kidman....

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Guest mach7
Am I the only one that thought this thread was about Nicole Kidman at Vengence if you read to fast like me....anyone....anyone...






HEY LOOK, BIG FOOT !!!! [runs away while everyone looks]



Well, it would have been better than Noble/Kidman....

Wow! Is it possible that I have found someone who is even *more* bitter than I am?? ;p

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Guest thebigjig

I think he wasn't paying enough attention to the match mainly because he was probably focusing too much on what WITTY~ criticism he was going to dish out about the ppv, since he seems to go into everything nowadays with the mindset that it's going to suck no matter how good it actually turns out.

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Guest JaKyL25

I agree that either Keith is getting lax with his attention to match psychology lately, or else I've just gotten smarter than him by watching 4 straight weeks of the best matches of the last 13 years. (Yes, that's a plug for my "50 favorite matches" post in the "Wrestling Lists/Polls" folder.)


I noticed his apparant ignorancy regarding the psych for the Tiger Driver at Vengeance, as well as his apparant perplexity as to why Benoit would remove the MIDDLE turnbuckle vs. Booker T on Raw. To work the lower back, silly! Even LAWLER picked up on that (Or at least was told through his ear mic to pick up on it).


On a side note, I think that match did a good job putting both guys over, but especially Booker, since even though Benoit beat the injured Booker, he couldn't beat him the way that he wanted to.

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