Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 20, 2002 The following is Tommy Fierro's, from 1wrestling, newest "column". My God, I despise this guy and everything he has EVER written. How the hell does he have a posistion over at 1wrestling anyhow? DO SOMETHING FRESH AT MANIA; EDGE VS. VINCE MCMAHON Sounds interesting, right? WWF has come close several times to elevating Edge to the top of the WWF. I believe he should already be there. He's one of the guys that is going to be the future of the WWF. With all the "insider" talk of how the younger guys are going to be affected by Vince bringing in the NWO, why don't they make an angle out of it? With this being probably the biggest WrestleMania of all times, why not use it to elevate someone new to the top of the WWF. Edge is the most ready to become that next main event player. I would shoot an angle where Edge comes out at the beginning of a RAW and talks about his career in the WWF. He can say how Vince promised him a huge push and that he would be a main event player in the WWF, but instead he's been stuck in an ongoing feud with William Regal. He says while he has all the respect in the world for Regal's talent, working with Regal isn't going to make him a top star. He says he's sat in the back for years now and listened to all of Vince's promises, and none of them ever came true. Edge could say Vince recently promised him a top match at Mania, but now he sees himself not even in the Mania picture yet. He says all the top matches are being given to the old NWO guys. Vince could come out with Hall and Nash and cuts a promo on Edge. He can say how Edge isn't ready to be a top star yet in the WWF, but he will give him his chance later that night in "that very ring." He could tell Edge to find any partner he wants because he and his partner will be taking on Hall and Nash later that night. Edge could say he's had years of experience in tag team matches, and he is sure he could find someone to be his partner. The match is set. Before the main event, you see Edge talking to someone in the back, but you can't see who the person is. Edge could say how they have had their problems in the past, but he wants him as his partner for one night only to battle the NWO. Edge holds his hand out to shake the person's hand, and the person shakes it. The match is up next. Edge's partner turns out to be Christian. It's Edge & Christian vs. Hall & Nash. At the end of the match, Christian turns on Edge and becomes the first wrestler to join the NWO. If anyone deserves the push, it's Christian. They haven't done anything with him in a long time. Having Christian being " a stooge" for the NWO would make for some very entertaining TV. I'd love to see skits with Christian interacting with Hogan, Hall, Nash, and Vince. After Christian turns and goes to the NWO, Vince could spray paint NWO on Edge's back and tell him he'll always be a mid-carder. On Smackdown, Edge comes out and says WrestleMania is only a few weeks away and he doesn't have an opponent yet. Vince McMahon could come out and tell Edge he will be wrestling Christian at Mania. Edge could say he's already done that several times in the past, and as badly as he wants to get his hands on Christian, he wants to get his hands on someone else more. Vince asks Edge who. Edge says he wants Vince McMahon one on one at Mania. Vince agrees, but says that if Edge loses to him he will lose his WWF job. Edge agrees. The match is signed. Edge vs. Vince McMahon at Mania. It's different, it's fresh, it would finally elevate Edge to the top of the WWF, and it would make an already huge Mania that much huger. ...anyhow, what are your thoughts on THIS? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 20, 2002 First off NO WWF guys in the nWo except X-Pac, Big Show and/or HBK. I think his idea sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest old_mort_wwfe Report post Posted February 20, 2002 bless his heart for trying...but there is a fine line between "helpful suggestions" and "where the hell did he come up with that?" I can see it now..Edge comes out and says all that stuff about pushes and promises of being a main eventer..and the crowd does a collective.... huh? followed quickly by a.....zzzzzzzzzzzz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 20, 2002 First off NO WWF guys in the nWo except X-Pac, Big Show and/or HBK. I think his idea sucks. No, his idea'S suck, IDEA'S! I have NEVER ONCE even remotely liked any of his ideas. He seems to just sit down and simply write just anything that pops into his head, regardless of the situation, what's going on in the wrestling world, etc... ...sometimes I wonder if he even WATCHES wrestling in the first place, lol. But we all know that he does it to get "noticed" by the WWF, and I hate to tell him but if I was in the WWF, he'd be one of the LAST people I'd EVER look to for "ideas". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RickyB Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Some of his ideas do suck but some of them have been ok. I don't hate him, hate is a strong word and shouldn't be used for someone you haven't met unless they've done somthing unforgivably bad. Tommy Fierro doesn't seem like a bad guy and some of his ideas have been good. I guess it's just down to personal opinion really. I do think Edge deserves a push though and other than the "worked shoot" part and Christian joining the nWo Edge/Vince McMahon could be a way to do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 20, 2002 The only idea I ever liked that came out of Tommy's mind was his WCW invasion with WCW's "top names" invading the WWF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Shockmaster! Report post Posted February 20, 2002 I bet he wonders why all of the resumes he sends to the WWF never result in any responses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WWF4Life Report post Posted February 20, 2002 I've enjoyed all of his columns. It's obvious he's passionate about the WWF, so people should just lay off the guy. =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 20, 2002 The only idea I ever liked that came out of Tommy's mind was his WCW invasion with WCW's "top names" invading the WWF. Yes, that idea IS good, but it wasn't HIS idea... was the very OBVIOUS idea, that every fan, and every "suit" had. It wasn't anything original, it was just what OBVIOUSLY should have been done. By the way, I don't "hate" him, as in I want him dead. I just hate the fact that HE is allowed to post his mindless "columns". I hate the fact that his "columns" seem more like something he just writes on the fly for no apparent reasoning behind them. How about this... ...I hate what he DOES. :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Dislike would probably be the better word for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 20, 2002 I've enjoyed all of his columns. It's obvious he's passionate about the WWF, so people should just lay off the guy. =) Yes, passionate about what he writes, but there is a differance between passion and being writing "smart". The Edge Vs. Vince thing just struk a nerve with me, as he is NO WHERE near close to even have anything to do with Vince. At WM, we will see him in SOMETHING to do with the IC Title, perhaps a 4-way, or the such. Edge Vs. Vince, HA, that would just be good for a good laugh, laughing at Edge being in that posistion, and nothing more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 20, 2002 Edge vs. McMahon.. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... wow.. Fierro just scares the hell out of me. If he ever gets hired by the WWF it's all over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest scratch Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Guys, the thing you fail to realize here is Tommy ran his own wrestling company and had some very good angles. He is also a very nice guy in person so please don't talk shit about someone you've never met. Sure, some of his ideas suck, but some of yours do too sometimes. It's all a matter of opinion! scratch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Guys, the thing you fail to realize here is Tommy ran his own wrestling company and had some very good angles. He is also a very nice guy in person so please don't talk shit about someone you've never met. Sure, some of his ideas suck, but some of yours do too sometimes. It's all a matter of opinion! scratch I'm not talking shit about him personally, I just have his "columns" to go on, thus that is where I get my opinions. His ideas suck, period. They are either the obvious thing that should happen, and EVERYONE shares the same idea, or, it is some hot-shotting crap, like Vince Vs. Edge, with NO thought at all put into it. Yes, I AM aware he had his own little thing going on, but that is no excuse for the excess of crap that he is allowed to post on 1wrestling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 That idea kinda reminds of Vince Russo's idea in 2000 for WCW, with midcard guys coming out and giving "shoot" interviews that would go over the head of 80% of the audience, and then have matches with big main eventers that would expose how unready they were, and then a bunch of weird heel turns and alliances would happen... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I don't want to get too off-topic here, but I think Russo had the right idea to make wrestling seem more "shoot" (Not legit fights), but elements of what the net sees. If done right, that could be the next big direction wrestling goes in. Of course, they shouldn't throw "insider" words like "shoot", "work", but do it in a way fans can understand without them going "What does shoot mean?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I'm not talking shit about him personally, I just have his "columns" to go on, thus that is where I get my opinions. His ideas suck, period. They are either the obvious thing that should happen, and EVERYONE shares the same idea, or, it is some hot-shotting crap, like Vince Vs. Edge, with NO thought at all put into it. Right. Even worse than his rotten ideas like Edge vs. Vince McMahon, is when he takes something that is agreed upon by EVERYBODY (Golly gee! Jericho should turn heel!) and then takes credit for the idea when the WWF does it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I'm not talking shit about him personally, I just have his "columns" to go on, thus that is where I get my opinions. His ideas suck, period. They are either the obvious thing that should happen, and EVERYONE shares the same idea, or, it is some hot-shotting crap, like Vince Vs. Edge, with NO thought at all put into it. Right. Even worse than his rotten ideas like Edge vs. Vince McMahon, is when he takes something that is agreed upon by EVERYBODY (Golly gee! Jericho should turn heel!) and then takes credit for the idea when the WWF does it. Oh God, don't get me started on him taking credit for angles that the WWF DOES do, when he suggests some of those obvious "ideas" of his. I'll tell you what, if the WWF EVER goes with Edge Vs. Vince, THEN I'll give him credit for one of his "ideas"... ...and then I'll shoot my TV also. By the way, is it just me, or does this forum seem to change a lot? Like, colors, layout, logo, etc... Like, there was the "quick response" thing, and now it's gone. Can the Admins not decide on anything or something? :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted February 21, 2002 The Edge/Vince idea is right up there with putting the world title on Tank Abott like Russo wanted or Rick Steiner like Dusty wanted. The fans would shit on it. Edge's proposed promo would go over the fans head just like his "I won't Billy Gunn the KOTR" line did. Edge hasn't been a single wrestler long enough to be bitching about not getting any chances, the fans would think he was whining since he was just IC champ in January. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 21, 2002 The Edge/Vince idea is right up there with putting the world title on Tank Abott like Russo wanted or Rick Steiner like Dusty wanted. The fans would shit on it. Edge's proposed promo would go over the fans head just like his "I won't Billy Gunn the KOTR" line did. Edge hasn't been a single wrestler long enough to be bitching about not getting any chances, the fans would think he was whining since he was just IC champ in January. Hell, what do the fans have to even care about Edge truly in the first place? Since he's been a singles wrestler, they have done SHIT with developing him at all...'s like, he's just lost without Christian. I did always say that Christian carried that team, in the ring AND on the mic. I STILL say Christian will rise above Edge, and go MUCH further than Edge ever will. :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheDames7 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 By the way, doesn't it seem like Edge really did "Billy Gunn" this year's KOTR? I mean, the guy has been a 4 time IC champ already (that used to be impossible to do) and has had some short ass reigns with meaningless fueds. His entrance get the initial pop, but other than that, he doesn't seem to do anything else thats of interest. The guy's best match was against Christian in the ladder match, and if wasn't for the fact that it was a LADDER MATCH, it probably wouldn't have been that great, if you consider his first match with Christian. The only reason why he'll never be seen as worse as Billy Gunn in terms of KOTR status is because Billy Gunn won the IC title once...and it took him another 2 years after the KOTR win to do it. Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Yep.. that's the irony of it all. He Billy Gunned it in a big way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kkktookmybabyaway Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Normally, I avoid TF's columns, but for some sick reason I decided to glance over it today. What a piece of crap. I mean, damn. I slashed through 20 pop-up ads to read THIS?!?! Damn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest InigoMontoya Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Yeah, stupid idea. Maybe that would be a good angle on a wrestling game though, lol. Edge sucks, I hate his style. He seems to move wrong, which doesn't suit him. It looks cool how Regal wrestles so differently, because he is so different to the rest of the WWF guys, but Edge is just another pissed off eighties hair pretty boy. Christian is the guy who should get a push... after he drops/changes this tantrum gimmick. Could they make wrestling any more fake? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Human Fly Report post Posted February 21, 2002 1wrestling is getting out of control. Every time I go over there (not very often because of all the pop up ads. I counted 23 one time and that was just clicking on one story.) There's hardly ever any news just "paypal now accepted for premium service", "Joey Styles new hotline in premium area" (which I've heard is basically him reading the torch), "Why should I join premium service". Or armchair booking crap from Fierro or Ryder. Ryder just disgusts me, how many times has this guy talked out of both sides of his mouth about things he knows nothing about. Man I coud go on and on about Ryder but I'll save that for a different post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flair5000 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Awful, awful idea. Edge couldn't carry Vince to a decent match even if the storyline leading up to it was any good, which it wouldn't be. Christian in the nWo would just be pointless too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites