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Guest I Hate Radio Shack

Smackdown and an 8mm Snuff Film

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Guest I Hate Radio Shack

I hate smackdown and not because of the wrestling - although that is horrible as well.


I hate smackdown - even in the times it has good matches (edge v.s. angle cage)...because the production values are so horrible. Sure they're better than a fucking camcorder but look:


* The color is HORRIBLE - it looks like the opening scenes to "The Wonder Years" - color bleeds, it's muddy and dull. RAW looks like a SHOW - smackdown looks like exposed film footage.


* The sound is ABSOLUTE SHIT - the canned heat is nowhere near believable and it doesn't even sound like a crowd. It sounds like brainwashed nazi germany - they cheer CONSTANTLY and I don't mean sarcastically, I mean LITERALLY CONSTANT CHEERING - even when no wrestlers are even on the fucking screen. And the actual cheering sounds like obvious sound engine generated mock cheering and/or poorly truncated 8 bit .wavs of cheering. A little canned heat is fine, but when you can TELL that the WWE is giving you what they want you to hear ONLY and not reality - it really takes away from the product.



Vince: I would like to announce


Vince: That....I...


Vince: Well...maybe


(Bob Holly walks on screen)


(mideon walks on screen)




* Tazz is horrible. Cole has 0 wrestling knowledge, but he's well spoken and I can deal with that. Tazz is the worst color commentator I ever remember since Jim Cornette at starrcade 89.


Look, he cannot speak english properly and he doesn't have anywhere near the charisma to make up for that. I'm not meaning to sound racist - but if you obviously sound like a belligerant ebonics spewing peasent - and speech is your weakness - you needn't hold a profession where SPEAKING IS THE ONLY THING YOU MUST DO WELL!!!!!


You ever hear his crap and think about it? His only purpose being there is putting himself over as being brooklyn tough. Everytime a wrestler comes out Tazz points out that he himself butted heads and held his own with them. Considering Tazz was jobbed out in his final weak run in the company - this degrades the wrestler on the screen. If you do anything but squash Tazz in :32 seconds - you know you're a jobber.


You ever hear Smackdown for PS2 ? how horrible it was?


Michael Cole: Welcome..........to......the.TITLE MATCH!!!

Tazz: Would....you.shut UPPPPPPPPPPP!


You think I was transcribing the game? that's REAL FUCKING LIFE that I'm transcribing - not the game....


* Now stephanie - I want her tits on the screen, I wan her rubbing them and masturbating herself... 69ing with Dawn Marie...but if this bitch speaks, - it is SO OVER...the bitch uses Smackdown as her own personal dildo to masturbate her EGO ...and that is the type of playing with herself that I will not ever tolerate. 1 more 20 minute segment with her singing and WWE will have lost me forver - they've already lost me - not out of protest, not to be an internet smark proving a point - but OUT OF SHEER BOREDOM I NO LONGER WATCH....WWE IS NOT ENTERTAINING ANYMORE


and I no longer watch - 1 more 20 minute singing segment, they will lose me forever instead of just temporarily. and the sad part - with all the t-shirts, videos, tickets, and PPVs ordered - they would not care if they lost me at all, ...just keep pushing brock, bob holly, and face HHH, and tweener nash...and I bet you'll lose us all vince...


fuck smackdown

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Guest Anglesault
* The sound is ABSOLUTE SHIT - the canned heat is nowhere near believable and it doesn't even sound like a crowd. It sounds like brainwashed nazi germany - they cheer CONSTANTLY and I don't mean sarcastically, I mean LITERALLY CONSTANT CHEERING - even when no wrestlers are even on the fucking screen. And the actual cheering sounds like obvious sound engine generated mock cheering and/or poorly truncated 8 bit .wavs of cheering. A little canned heat is fine, but when you can TELL that the WWE is giving you what they want you to hear ONLY and not reality - it really takes away from the product.



Vince: I would like to announce


Vince: That....I...


Vince: Well...maybe


(Bob Holly walks on screen)


(mideon walks on screen)


And yet, Test is STILL heatless.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I actually just laughed at an AngleSault joke...**GASP!**


So, Mr. I Hate Radio Shack, Stephanie uses SmackDown as her own person ego-building dildo, eh? Why do you say that? How long has she been gone? Roughly 4 months, right? She's been on ONE SmackDown, and even then her character is the GM of SmackDown, currently the biggest angle in WWE, so why shouldn't she be getting time?


Sorry, but most of your complaints are either just for the sake of complaining or redundant (Cole lacks wrestling knowledge, Tazz sucks at commentating, etc.).

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Guest papacita

The only time I could sense obvious canned heat was when HHH cut this bullshit promo with Mark Lloyd and you could tell even with the fake heat that they didn't go for it. I laughed my ass off that night.

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Guest Steviekick

Yeah...Smackdown does suck. The production values aren't that good at all.


Michael Cole is horrible. As a life-long New Jerey resident, I do have to say that Cole is an embarassment to the state. This is how I would get rid of him on national TV.


Michael Cole: "This is the most historic event ever on Smackdwon"

Tazz: "What? Holly jobbing again? You're really starting to piss me off...If you don't get this question right, you're dead...what's the difference between a powerbomb and a spinebuster?"

Michael Cole: "Spinebuster's a submission?"

Tazz freaks out and beats the hell out of him.


Next week...Joey Styles debuts as the new cohost.

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Guest Ripper

There was a Jerhico Cena match a few weeks back where you could see the audience clearly chanting Y2J and Jumping around for him when ever he got on offense, yet the sound was boos and when Cena got on offense, the weird oohhss and cheers were coming in.


And Test is a heat generating monster on Smackdown...of course thats after Chritian and Storm do good promos and the crowd is booing them anyway...but he keeps it going just fine...kinda

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Guest I Hate Radio Shack
I actually just laughed at an AngleSault joke...**GASP!**


So, Mr. I Hate Radio Shack, Stephanie uses SmackDown as her own person ego-building dildo, eh? Why do you say that? How long has she been gone? Roughly 4 months, right? She's been on ONE SmackDown, and even then her character is the GM of SmackDown, currently the biggest angle in WWE, so why shouldn't she be getting time?


Sorry, but most of your complaints are either just for the sake of complaining or redundant (Cole lacks wrestling knowledge, Tazz sucks at commentating, etc.).

She's been gone four months...and it hasn' been nearly long enough for me to forget about her overexposure from the Invasion of 2001. Stephanie had more TV time than any wrestler with the exception of SCSA.


Her interviews really didn't go anywhere and her voice was awful - who the hell else would sing "Wind beneath our ring" on the RAW after Summerslam? they thought the ratings would pop too much and they had to do something about that?...I could see singing a few notes just to get cheap heat - but she ran through half the fucking song with the crowd booing, then crying, then silent from disgust before the milk truck got a nice face pop.


If Hulk Hogan - after the Russo is it work is it shoot fiasco happened - came back 4 months later, would he be getting the pops he's getting now? No, because he was overexposed and needed time to let the wounds heal.


Look I love stephanie's tits just as much as the next guy, but she can't act and the last time she was on TV, she wrote herself into damn near every segment of the fucking show. If you are honestly defending her - you must either be a new viewer to the WWE, or you're deaf, blind, and - well, just fucking dumb. Why shouldn't stephanie be getting time? Because her act was never over, and now it's stale on top of that cold hard fact. Stephanie = ratings death, and it got me to tune out, that's for sure.



And as for my post being for the sake of complaining with redundant points, I don't see any other posts complaing about the smackdown production values -which is why i posted it in the first place.

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Guest Ripper

Actually, if you are saying that Stephs act has never been over then you are new to the company.


Test/Steph/HHH angle...over...McMahon Helmsley regime...over....Angle/HHH/Steph....over...Invasion...Ok, you got one there...


Bottom line, Steph is a SUPER over heel, has been for years...You might not like her, but you have to admit that.

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Guest Smeghead
So, Mr. I Hate Radio Shack, Stephanie uses SmackDown as her own person ego-building dildo, eh? Why do you say that? How long has she been gone? Roughly 4 months, right? She's been on ONE SmackDown, and even then her character is the GM of SmackDown, currently the biggest angle in WWE, so why shouldn't she be getting time?

When she was pinned by HHH the night after Mania, the stip was that she would be gone FOREVER. Not four months. That's why she shouldn't be getting TV time.

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Guest mickberna

Except for the talent and the obvious editing (although the piped in cheering is not as bad as you make it out to be), Smackdown is exactly the same as Raw in terms of production value. It's the same TV team doing the same things. So aside from the color scheme, the technical production is the same damn thing. I think the Raw set and red Raw ropes have messed with your mind, young man. There's enough light on Raw to replace the sun.

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Guest Dangerous A

"When she was pinned by HHH the night after Mania, the stip was that she would be gone FOREVER. Not four months. That's why she shouldn't be getting TV time."



Unfortunately wrestling has never adhered to loser leaves town stips. If that were the case, then we wouldn't have seen guys like Flair, Savage, and Vince on tv. Remember when Vince was supposed to be gone after Fully Loaded 99 after Taker lost the first blood end of an era match for Vince. What happened? Vince was back on tv 4 or 5 months later. WWE does not know how to follow their own stips and that's why no one believes that we'll ever see the last of anyone.

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Guest Moleculo

"her character is the GM of SmackDown, currently the biggest angle in WWE"

That's exactly the point.She wrote herself into the BIGGEST ANGLE in the WWE to feed her relentless ego.

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Guest Ram

The picture quality of UPN is subpar compared to TNN around here. I feel like I'm watching a bootleg channel when UPN is on.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Pic quality and canned heat are my two biggest complaints. Plus the fact that it isn't live makes me turn the channel or do other things...

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Guest Anglesault
Remember when Vince was supposed to be gone after Fully Loaded 99 after Taker lost the first blood end of an era match for Vince. What happened? Vince was back on tv 4 or 5 months later.

Try 1 month

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Guest Dangerous A

My bad. Thanks for the clarification AS.



Guess when your a McMahon, it's hard to keep your mug off of TV, although Shane and Linda are doing a fairly good job of it.

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Guest Vyce

What's the difference between Smackdown and an 8mm snuff film?


One's really sexy.


The other's got wrestlers.


That old gag.

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Guest I Hate Radio Shack
The picture quality of UPN is subpar compared to TNN around here. I feel like I'm watching a bootleg channel when UPN is on.

thank you

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Guest gangsteruwa

The picture quality of the UPN where I live resembles that of a tape with really bad tracking problems. The only way I can tell what is going on is by listening to the genious commentary from Michael Cole and Tazz.

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Guest evenflowDDT
So, Mr. I Hate Radio Shack, Stephanie uses SmackDown as her own person ego-building dildo, eh? Why do you say that? How long has she been gone? Roughly 4 months, right? She's been on ONE SmackDown, and even then her character is the GM of SmackDown, currently the biggest angle in WWE, so why shouldn't she be getting time?

When she was pinned by HHH the night after Mania, the stip was that she would be gone FOREVER. Not four months. That's why she shouldn't be getting TV time.

Downhome and I already figured this one out... the stip was that if Steph got pinned she'd be gone from WWF TV. She is now the GM of Smackdown! on WWE TV... so that's a moot argument.


As for the topic, does this mean we'll see Nicolas Cage fight "The Machine" (SPOILER: does that mean Kane is coming to Smackdown!?) next week, all over production values? Amazing!


Come on... the only difference between the taped show and the live show is the fake applause, which admittedly IS pretty bad. But, as someone who just came back from watching a Japanese tape that literally WAS recorded from a camcorder, your finicky complaints about color problems that are undetectable to anyone else is just that - finicky. If that's the biggest problem you have with Smackdown, then looks like it's not that bad of a show after all...

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Guest I Hate Radio Shack

The production values is probably one second biggest pet peeve when it comes to Smackdown, my biggest peeve is that the scripts continually appear to have been written by a family of borderline retarded people.


I can't believe they had the nerve to say it's the best drama on tv. DON'T DRAMAS HAVE STORIES WHICH MAKE SENSE?!?!? we're not asking for shakespeare here - we're looking for answers to "Hey they just had a huge feud where they both tried to murder eachother last week, why are they a tag team now?"

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Guest Jobber of the Week

For some reason, UPN looks okay when playing Enterprise (perhaps the colors are set on that channel to look best for that show, since it's the only one people watch?), but when Hogan comes out.. Guh. The reds are so bright his shirt and doo-rag actually turn TEAL.

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