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Guest Steviekick

Lee's Batman

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Guest Steviekick
Very nice, but why is he fighting a Daemonite?

He's fighting a daemonite, you know, cause he sold Wildstorm to D.C. ...


For those who don't know, that's Killer Croc

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Guest starvenger

That looks about as much like a crocodile as the American Godzilla looked like, well, Godzilla...

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Guest The Man in Blak

Just out of morbid curiosity...has JAE Lee ever done a stint on a Batman comic? Because, while I like Jim Lee's stuff (these Batman sketches are great), I really dig Jae Lee's "gritty" style and I had always thought that would work perfectly for a franchise like Batman.

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Guest areacode212

I know he did the cover of the Batman: Our Worlds at War one-shot, but I'm not sure if he's done anything else.

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Guest MaskedDanger

I'll tell you one thing Lee can't draw: Batman


Lee's Batman looks like Triple H slapped on a cowl and decided to "hold down" some criminals one night. And Killer Croc just deserved that push too.... Such a shame.


But seriously, am I the only one that thinks Lee's Batman way looks too beefy? Hell, beefy nothing, he looks like a fucking silverback gorilla on a 'roid rage. I mean, I know Bats is supposed to work out, but yeesh. Looking at these pics remind me of the old SNL skit where Hanz and Franz brought out Steve Martin as the world's most perfectly pumped up man; he was so thick he had to live in a circus tent on the edge of town and couldn't wipe his own ass.


But I digress. I don't like the pics. Sorry.

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Guest J*ingus

Not to mention that his Catwoman has those biology-defying measurements that Barbie dolls sport. But then again, that's a lot more common in comic book art.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't like when Batman looks stumpy and stocky, and I also don't like when Batman has the Wolverine looking mask.

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Guest gthureson

Jim Lee seems to be of the Frank Miller 'Dark Knight' school of drawing Batman.


Granted, in the original Dark Knight series, Miller kept drawer Batman bigger and bigger throughout it, I believe as a conceptual thing to go along with his 'We can't just kill him...he's too big.' He was larger than life and it showed in the art. Just my opinion though.


But Lee's Batman doesn't look horrible, but its not my favorite either. If history is of any lesson, I wouldn't expect him to last too long on the book anyway, as I don't think DC is going to want to delay Batman for weeks on end so Lee can get his art done, so I suspect he'll have a short run anyway.


I liked Martinbrough's two-tone artwork on Tec best of the recent years, personally, but I know there are two camps on that.

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Guest areacode212

Yeah, I'm on the fence about Lee's Batman. On the one hand, it does look pretty, but on the other, it feels like it's a step backwards from what we've been seeing for the past few years, since they went from a cool, more experimental style (Martinbrough) back to a more mainstream superheroey one. Maybe if this were the early 90s again, I'd like the pictures a lot more, but like gthureson, I've gotten so used to the less detailed, more atmospheric style. The Rucka/Martinbrough era was the best of recent years, IMO.

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Guest Steviekick

In a Jim Lee interview in last month's wizard, they have a bunch more of his pics. It seems that Huntress is goingg to be around for a while and we'll see the Joker. The sketch they had of Lee's Joker...not too good.


Lee also said that he has been influenced alot by Neal Adam's batman. We'll see how it goes...NEH

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Guest areacode212

Yeah, I was just reading the latest Previews, and it appears Loeb/Lee's first story arc will be a long, 12-issue one called "Hush", and it'll feature Catwoman, Killer Croc, Huntress, etc..

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Guest starvenger

>Yeah, I was just reading the latest Previews, and it appears Loeb/Lee's first story arc will be a long, 12-issue one called "Hush", and it'll feature Catwoman, Killer Croc, Huntress, etc..


First... or ONLY story arc?

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Guest pochorenella

I think Jim Lee's a terrific artist, but I have to agree that his Killer Croc version really sucks. He looks just like a Daemonite from his Wildcats series. In fact he also looks like his version of the Brood aliens from X-Men. Check it out, you'll also see the similarities. Can't he do any different-looking lizard-like monsters or what?


Batman, on the other hand, looks great. I can see the Frank Miller approach there.

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Guest HellSpawn

Aye True Believers !


After reading #608-611, I just have a few questions/comments 'bout Loeb & Lee's run...


1st, Lois outfit reminds me of "World's Finest" episode. :D


So, now Bruce is flirting with Lois?


But, I was totally shocked for this one...


How and when Lois Lane knew about Bruce being Batman?


I know Batman & Superman, lets say they made a truce about their own iddentities, but When Bruce came out and talk about it with Lois?


Or was a "Husband has to share with his wife" thing? and if that was the reason, WHY?


I mean, I dont know, but I dont think Batman will be happy with this... I just read Batman #600 and well, he was seriously pissed with Oracle when she called him Bruce in front of Batgirl, I know that happened some time ago in DC universe time, but still, I cant remember when this "outting" happened.


Any comments?

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Guest Austin3164life

Batman and Superman both figured their identities out during the golden age I believe. As for Lois, that did strike me as a huge surprise about how she knew Bruce is Batman. Perhaps Loeb went according to the "World's Finest" cartoon movie.

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Guest HellSpawn

Starvenger: "First... or ONLY story arc? "


Well, I got the April previews and it looks like HUSH is just #608-612, because its gonna be a TPB called HUSH, and it say something like "the awesome arc by Lee & Loeb Hush is now in TPB", or something like that.


It looks like the Joker stuff (613-614?) is gonna be another arc.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Man if Batman is that huge how does Bruce Wayne keep the identity secret?


Bruce would be this huge guy walking around like nothing was odd.

Because Bruce Wayne acts like a clumsy idiot every time he's in public.

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Guest Sassquatch

Lee's latest Batman work is not as offensive as I would have thought.


His work is very distinctive and with Loeb on the title as well, you have a standout book.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Some thoughts on "Hush", and on this thread.


1. Someone remarked on how pissed off Batman was when Oracle called him "Bruce" in front of Batgirl. Batman was pissed, because in his mind: Batman and Bruce Wayne are two different people. Bruce Wayne is a facade, and Batman is real. For her to refer to him by his "other" name, while he's in costume, was a grivous error. It's a very schitzophrenic viewpoint, but it garners reults.


2. I hate that they're going with a Batman/Superman battle for 612. I fucking hate it. This is supposed to be a defining arc for Batman, and we're outside Gotham by Issue 4 of it.


3. Wow, we've got someone who's even smarter than Bruce Wayne on our hands here. It'll be interesting to see if Thomas Elliot is the mystery man, and if the mystery man is the guy fucking with Batman's ropes/tires. I know that sounds complicated, but we're talking about Loeb, here.


4. The new Arkham book they're advertising looks cool. The last time we got a long storyline in Arkham, ("The Last Arkham" in B:SotB 1-4) it garnered two new villains, Stirk and Zsasz. Let's see if "Humpty-Dumpty" and "Death Rattle" fare better.


5. This is going to get it's own thread, but does anyone else HATE the way batman's Rogue's Gallery has been fucked with? Croc could be great, but he's been jobbed into a joke. Maxie Zeus could be a wonderful villain. He's obsessed with the idea that he is a God. He's obsessed with power and arrogance. THINK what a real storyteller could do with that. What about my boy Zsasz? He came on the scene like GANGBUSTERS and instantly became one of the most popular Batman villains. But now he's a joke. Film Freak, here's a man who'

s taken hero worship to it's utmost point. He can't live his own life, he needs films to live in.


Have Geoff Johns take twelve villains, and turn them into badasses or real viable threats of some kind:


1. Maxie Zeus

2. Riddler

3. Cavalier

4. Film Freak

5. Black Mask

6. Mr. Zsasz

7. Calender Man

8. Creeper

9. Firefly

10. Metalhead

11. Professor Milo

12. Tally Man

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Guest Luke Cage

I think Jim Lee is a very talented draftsman. I also think his storytelling skills suffer due to an over rendered pin up style. I wonder if he would benefit from a new inker. Having said that, I do appreciate his changing the style of art for the flashback sequences.


I am not a fan of the uber-buff Batman. He's drawn too much like a bodybuilder and not a fighter.


Finally, the book reads light. I've read the current storyline up to now and no moments have stayed with me. I'm dropping it.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I think Jim Lee is a very talented draftsman. I also think his storytelling skills suffer due to an over rendered pin up style. I wonder if he would benefit from a new inker. Having said that, I do appreciate his changing the style of art for the flashback sequences.


I am not a fan of the uber-buff Batman. He's drawn too much like a bodybuilder and not a fighter.


Finally, the book reads light. I've read the current storyline up to now and no moments have stayed with me. I'm dropping it.

Luke, it's a 12 issue arc. Give it two more months, THEN see what you think. Also, I can't believe that no one has brought up the Batman/Catwoman kiss. I may ahte Catwoman, but I recognize that as a pretty memorable moment.


Also, we've got a big-ass Batman/Superman fight next month, and they're always fun.

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Guest Luke Cage
I think Jim Lee is a very talented draftsman. I also think his storytelling skills suffer due to an over rendered pin up style. I wonder if he would benefit from a new inker. Having said that, I do appreciate his changing the style of art for the flashback sequences.


I am not a fan of the uber-buff Batman. He's drawn too much like a bodybuilder and not a fighter.


Finally, the book reads light. I've read the current storyline up to now and no moments have stayed with me. I'm dropping it.

Luke, it's a 12 issue arc. Give it two more months, THEN see what you think. Also, I can't believe that no one has brought up the Batman/Catwoman kiss. I may ahte Catwoman, but I recognize that as a pretty memorable moment.


Also, we've got a big-ass Batman/Superman fight next month, and they're always fun.

Thanks for the encouragement...honestly.

However, I am not a member of the "keep buying it until it gets better" school. IMO, it's the creative team's job to hook me asap. After 3-4 issues they have failed to do so, and I will focus my time and attention on other things.

Regarding the kissing...I remember the some of the previous Batman/Catwoman relationships, so that moment was nothing special to me.

Batman/Superman fights hold no interest for me. I groaned aloud when I saw the last page, thinking "not again...".

This book seems to be for Jim Lee fans who have missed him working on monthly books. I admit that Mr. Lee's appeal as a storyteller escaped me during his heyday. I was willing to give the book a try though.

Thanks again for the reply.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I just meant that if you give it two more months, then you've put in halfway. If there's no reason left to buy then you're totally right to drop it. But considering the sheer LENGTH of the arc, I'd give it a couple issues before packing it in.


Jeph Loeb has done plenty of these big-ass arcs, and some months arn't very spectacular, but if you stick it out, you may be surprised.

(Plus, I can't wait to see how Jim Lee draws the Joker.)

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Guest Luke Cage
I just meant that if you give it two more months, then you've put in halfway. If there's no reason left to buy then you're totally right to drop it. But considering the sheer LENGTH of the arc, I'd give it a couple issues before packing it in.


Jeph Loeb has done plenty of these big-ass arcs, and some months arn't very spectacular, but if you stick it out, you may be surprised.

(Plus, I can't wait to see how Jim Lee draws the Joker.)

Again, thank you for the reply and the encouragement.


I'm still giving up on the book. I look at it like this...

Regardless of the existence of a 12 part story, the creators still have to remember that this is sequential story telling. If the first sequnce bores me to tears, I won't be around for the middle and climax when it will supposedly get better.


Regarding the length of the arc, I have memory of storytellers that maintained my interest for 20 -50 issues (Wolfman/Perez, Ennis/Dillon, Bros. Hernandez) with no problem.


If the "Hush" creative team didn't have enough story for 12 issues, perhaps the editing should have tightened until they managed to fill 4-6 issues. I am not a fan of the current trend to noodle around just to pad a story. It may be great for a creator's page rate, but not for the reader.


Again, thanks for the reply. When/if "Hush" picks up and blows everyone's mind with it's rich storytelling and dynamic revalations, you may reserve the right to tell me "I told you so".


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Guest Sassquatch
5. This is going to get it's own thread, but does anyone else HATE the way batman's Rogue's Gallery has been fucked with? Croc could be great, but he's been jobbed into a joke. Maxie Zeus could be a wonderful villain. He's obsessed with the idea that he is a God. He's obsessed with power and arrogance. THINK what a real storyteller could do with that. What about my boy Zsasz? He came on the scene like GANGBUSTERS and instantly became one of the most popular Batman villains. But now he's a joke. Film Freak, here's a man who'

s taken hero worship to it's utmost point. He can't live his own life, he needs films to live in.


Croc was given the God push from DC when he first showed up 20 years ago and the buzz that surrounded him was huge. But right after Croc showed up he was gone just as quickly.


Killer Croc was a throwback to the Pre-Crisis era Batman and when the Crisis did in fact hit DC, he was quickly forgotten by DC. Croc didn't make a full-fledged appearance in Batman until nearly 10 years after he made his debut in the pages of Batman which told you how much DC cared about Croc.


Croc had the potential to be a badass but DC didn't feel the same way and like all things in wrestling, sometimes you need some jobbers in order for the top guys to look like badass's.


Most of the guys you listed below Croc and Zeus (who was a joke from the start) are fine in the roles they serve which are fodder for the Bat Family whenever a writer needs to have Batman punk one of them out for some information and make it look convincing.


It's just how some things work.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Zeus was a joke from Day 1. But if you've read ARKHAM ASYLUM you know what they *could* do with him.

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