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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20


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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20










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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Farell is fine as Batman, but Jude Law is completely wrong as Superman.

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Guest Vyce

If this is true, I am in SHOCK.


They actually cast GOOD actors in the roles.


i.e, no Ben Affleck.


Colin could work as Batman, but Jude Law would have to bulk WAY up if they want him to play Superman. You gotta have at least some muscle tone. Someone start feeding him the Tobey Maguire / Ed Norton-American-History-X diet.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Jude Law?


Lamest Superman EVER.


Farell I have no problem with.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20






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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



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Guest razazteca

Jude Law is Superman? why? he would be better as a villian. I still think Vin Diesil should be in this movie somehow, he is the future of action movies.


whats next Corey Feldman as Mzxplyex?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Jude Law is a great actor, but doesn't seem to fit the role well, although he might in the end.


Colin Farrell just sucks.

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Guest Shaved Bear

they can always get Val Kilmer to be Batman :lol:


and Ill pass on the obvious Christopher Reeves joke just becauseI'm not that evil

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Guest starvenger

Don't believe everything IMDB posts. Most other movie websites are saying that they're "in the running".

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Guest El Satanico

Eh, i don't see any thing wrong with those two being cast if they actually have been.


If they do the movie correctly it will be more about mindgames and stuff that calls for acting and less about them just trying to kick each others ass. Now if the movie is more about them straight out fighting each other then yes Jude Law wouldn't be the best choice, but then the movie would suck so it wouldn't matter who was cast.


Also if Christopher Reeves could make a good Superman then there's no reason to believe that Jude Law can't.


Remember that you should never bitch about good actors being cast in any movie. You just have to remind yourself that they could've cast Keanu, Brendan Fraser, Josh Hartnett or Paul Walker. So you should always feel grateful when you read about good actors being cast in a movie that you're interested in.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Even if it was true, I'd take Jude Law as Superman any day over the original choice (Nicholas Cage).

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Guest Dangerous A

Jude Law as Superman?!!?! WTF?


I'd rather the Rock play fuckin Superman, and I can't stand the Rock as an actor.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Wasnt Christian Bale gonna play Superman

wasnt Paul Walker gonna play Superman

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Guest the 1inch punch
wasnt Paul Walker gonna play Superman

I jst scared myself half to death


Moving On

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Guest Black Lushus

ahhhh Paul Walker, he ranks right up there with Freddie Prinze Jr. in the suckdom department...

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't think Jude Law should be SUperman and I want Nicholas Cage far far away from any superhero movies. I am pissed that he's supposed to be Ghost Rider, but I am glad that he's not going to be Superman. I think the whole premise of a Batman versus Superman movie sucks. The Batman franchise has been pissed all over and I am curious as to how the public will accept the new movies. I think the last Batman movie was going for the campiness of the 60's show, even though people these days admit that the show sucked. The 60's show was a somewhat accurate portrayal of what the comic was like at the time, but you can't expect to pull that off now.

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Guest El Satanico

Actually i've always liked the 60's tv show. Which is why i actually kinda liked the last batman movie.


:ducks the furniture that was just thrown at me:


Now i'm not saying that last Batman was a good movie because it wasn't. I just happened to personally enjoy it because i like the 60's tv show and movie.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Brendan Frasier isn't that bad of an actor..he just chooses bad movies. Serously, alot of his ealier movies kicked ass.


Colin Farrel is great. Nuff Said

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Guest El Satanico

Well give the name of the movies where Brendan Fraser didn't play the role of "big slab of man meat" who says lines written with cavemen in mind. I don't mean tell me what good movies he's been in, i mean tell me the movies that he's been a good actor in.


Don't take this as me attacking you or calling you a liar. I just honestly can't think of any movies that HE was good in.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

I know, after George Of The JUngle, his good roles went down.


With Honors is his best movie, bar none. Great performance by him and Danny Devito.


The Mummy, the first one not the crappy seguel, had some good acting on his part.


Flash Back was good.


The thing about Frasier is, he is at his best playing a loveable nerd. The only truly serious movie I think he has ever been in is With Honors, and a movie I cant quit remember the name of...all i remeber is he killed some people...scared me, seeing Frasier as a badass.

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Guest Dmann2000

It's Joe Pesci in With Honors,do Devito, you got your short Italian actors confused

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